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2013年高考英语二轮专题训练 阅读理解60天60.doc

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2013年高考英语二轮专题训练 阅读理解60天60.doc

阅读理解请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMen are dirtier than women. Scientists proved it by spying in public restrooms, watching one-quarter of the men left without washing their hands. In contrast, 90 percent of the women did wash up. Many results show the single easiest step to stay healthy is spending 20 seconds rubbing hands with soap under faucets(水龙头). They also explain we should use paper towels to open bathroom doors. There exists the possibility that the person before you left germs(细菌) on the knob(把手).Back in 1996, the society first studied how often people followed Moms advice to always wash up after using the toilet. Researchers stayed in public restrooms a little longer, putting on make-up or combing their hair, while secretly counting. They concluded about one-third of people did not wash.They also started an education campaign about how hand washing can stop the spread of-the flu, diarrhea(腹泻) and other infectious diseases. Every few years, researchers repeat the investigation.This time, 83% of people washed, reported Harris Interactive, a research company that last month monitored more than 6,300 public restroom users for the society. That is a little better overall.People praise themselves about hygiene(卫生). A telephone survey of 1,000 adults found 91% insisted they wash in public restrooms. Additionally, 77% claimed to always wash before handling or eating food, and 32% after coughing or sneezing(打喷嚏).With the influenza season approaching, microbiologists(微生物学家) warn that it is easy to catch a cold or the flu by shaking hands with someone who just used that hand to cover a sneeze. The viruses can stay alive for two hours on hands, and for 20 minutes on hard, dry surfaces those germy hands touch. So sneeze into your elbow(肘部) instead and wash frequently.56. The first paragraph mainly tells us that _.A. rubbing with soap for 20 seconds can keep healthyB. paper towels can keep you from germsC. women will not leave germs on the knobs D. washing hands is important to us in daily life.57. From the text, we can learn that _.A. half of people didnt wash their hands during the 1996 studyB. Harris Interactive has engaged in the research for more than ten yearsC. people pay more attention to their hygiene nowD. shaking hands is unhealthy and dangerous58. Why does the author advise us to sneeze into our elbows instead of into our hands?A. Because this can avoid passing on our flu to others easily.B. Because we eat with hands, not with elbows.C. Because a dirty hand is more easily seen than a dirty elbow.D. Because it is much easier to wash an elbow than a hand.59. According to the text, we can infer that _.A. a cold or flu is caused by sneezingB. our hands are full of viruses in the influenza seasonC. education on hand washing is necessaryD. we should wash our hands and elbows frequentlyB(BBC News April 18) All flights in and out of the UK and several other European countries have been cancelled as ash from a volcanic eruption in Iceland moves south.Up to 4,000 flights are being cancelled with airspace closed in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark among others.The UKs air traffic control service (Nats) said no flights would be allowed in UK airspace until at least 07:00 BST on Friday for fear of engine damage.Safety group Eurocontrol said the problem could last for 48 hours.The volcano is still erupting and the wind direction is expected to continue bringing clouds into UK and European airspace for some time to come.The UKs airspace restriction was the worst in living memory, a Nats spokesman said.Some 600,000 people are thought to have been affected.Nats suggested that the restrictions were unlikely to be lifted(解除) after 07: 00, saying it was “very unlikely that the situation over England will improve in the foreseeable future”.Passengers were advised to contact their carriers before traveling.Transport Secretary Lord Adonis said he was “closely monitoring the situation” and would be meeting with key transport officials on Friday morning.Experts have warned that the tiny particles of rock, glass and sand contained in the ash cloud from the still-erupting volcano could be sufficient to jam aircraft engines.The Health Protection Agency said the ash from the eruption did not bring a significant risk to public health because of its high altitude.However, the British Lung Foundation has warned people with lung conditions to keep their medication (医疗护理) with them as a precautionary measure.These are some of the knock-on effects:Eurocontrol says Germany is monitoring the situation and considering partial airspace closures.The two main airports in Paris and many others in the north of France are closing.There is severe disruption(崩溃) in France and Spain, where all northbound flights are cancelled.Nats is due to make an announcement shortly as to the a


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