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辽宁省辽阳市第九中学九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

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辽宁省辽阳市第九中学九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?【教学目标】1. 会写,会读,会用本节课的重点单词短语。2.熟练运用一般现在进行时的被动语态就谈论某物是哪里制造的,由什么制成的。【教学重难点】1熟记重点单词短语。2初步掌握一般现在被动语态。【自主学习】(A)汉译英。1. _n.筷子 2. _ n.硬币3. _由制成4. _ 在制造5. _ 棉花 6. _钢铁7. _ 餐叉 8. _ 银9._因而闻名10._据我所知教师活动学生活动Greetings.Three-minute English Speech.A student comes to the front to give the speech. New lesson.1. Read the learning target.2. Learn the key words of this period by showingsome pictures.Teacher read first then students follow.3. 1b-2d.Ask students to read carefully and finish the questions. Then check. Greet the teacher.A student comes to the front to give the speech.Then ask some questions New lesson.1.Read the learn target.2.Learn the key words by heart. 3.Read 1b.Read the tapescripts carefully and finish the questions. Write down the answers.【合作探究】(C)【展示交流】(D)探究点一: 1. Is it made of silver? 2.It is made in Thailand. 3. What is the painting made from?思考:be made of 意思为_表示_ be made from意思为_表示_be made in 意思为_这三个句子都是一般现在时态的_语态,其构成是“be(is/am/are)+及物动词的过去分词”构成。助动词be随人称的变化而变化。探究点二:1. Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea.2.China is famous for the Great Wall, right?3.Liu Huan is famous as a singer.be known for 意思为 _ be famous for 意思为_for 后常跟_ be famous as 意思为_as 后常跟_ 或_等名词。be well-known for也有此意。Eg. Henan province is well-known for Shaolin Temple.应译为_【运用提升】(U) 一根据句意提示写单词。1. These chairs are_ _bamboo这些椅子是由竹子制成的。.2. My hometown is_ _its tea.我的家乡因它的茶而闻名。3. _ _ _ I know, we will have a test next Monday. 据我所知,我们下周一要考试。 4. Is it _ _ silver?它是银制的吗?5. It was_ _ China.它是中国制造的。二 单项选择。1. This restaurant is famous_roast duck.A. as B.for C.to4.Discussion and presentations. Teachergive comments.If it is necessary ,teacher explain the language point in details.Conclusion.In this class we learned the new words of this lesson. And we also did some oral practice. Whats more we have mastered the key structure of this period.4. Work in groups and then discuss in groups. Then show the answers to the whole class.2. My mother wants me to drink milk every day. She says milk is_my health.A.good at B.good to C.good for3. -Could you tell me how long_?-For two weeks.A. have you borrowed this bookB.you have borrowed this book C.you have kept this book4. I think these coats are_wool.A. made of B.made from C.made up of5. Salt _often _in Qinghai.A.is;done B.makes;/ C.is ;producedUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Period 2(Section A 3a-3c)【教学目标】1.本节课的重点单词短语 2.完成学习3a,3b; 【教学重难点】1熟记重点单词短语。2进一步掌握一般现在时被动语态并运用。【自主学习】(A)英汉互译。1.no matter_ 2._想要做某事3. _ 一个17岁的学生 4. be made in _ 5. most of_ 6.hardly_ 7. 高科技产品_ 8. 一双篮球鞋 _ 9. so many_ 10. in the local shops_教师活动学生活动Greetings.Three-minute English Speech.A student comes to the front to give the speech. New lesson.1. Read the learning target.2. Dictation.3. Learn the key words of this period by showingsome pictures.Teacher read first then students follow.4.Teacher provide a lead-in for the passage.Then show some questions and let Greet the teacher.A student comes to the front to give the speech.Then ask some questions New lesson.1.Read the learn target.2.Have the dictation.2.Learn the key words by heart. 3.Read the passage first and then answer teachers questions.【合作探究】(C)【展示交流】(D)探究点一、No matter what you may buy,you might think those products were made in those countries.无论你买什么,你会认为那些产品是在那些国家制造的。No matter who you are, you must listen to the teachers carefully.No matter when you go ,I will go with you.思考:1.本句中no matter意为_与what,when where ,who,how,which等疑问词连用,引导让步状语从句。状语从句的位置可位于主句之_,也可位于主语之_.2. “no matter+疑问词”相当于“疑问句+ever”Eg. no matter how= no matter what=no matter when= no matter where=no matter who= no matter which=探究点二: He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.他发现了一件有趣的事,在当地的商店里,很多的产品是在中国制造的。此句中含一个结构:find +it+_+that从句,意为_,其中it作find的_,that 引导的从句为真正宾语。看以下例句,总结find的其它用法。At last, we found him a thief.最后,我们发现他是一个小偷。I found the room very dirty. 我发现这个房间很脏。I found her standing at the door.我发现她正站在门口。_【运用提升】(U)单项选择。1.


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