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给大学毕业生的几个忠告美国前能源部部长朱棣文Advice For Graduates给大学毕业生的几个忠告美国能源部部长朱棣文As you begin this new stage of your lives, follow your passion. If you dont have a passion, dont be satis?ed until you?nd one. Life is too short to go through it without caring deeply about something. 当你开始生活的新阶段时,请追随你的爱好。如果你没有爱好,就去找,找不到绝不罢休。生命太短暂,所以不能空手走过,你必须对某样 东西倾注你的深情。2020 Commencement Address at Harvard University U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven ChuMadam President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, faculty, family, friends, and, most importantly, todays graduates,Thank you for letting me share this wonderful day with you.I am not sure I can live up to the high standards of Harvard Commencement speakers. Last year, J.K. Rowling, the billionaire novelist, who started as a classics student, graced this podium. The year before, Bill Gates, the mega-billionaire philanthropist and computer nerd stood here. Today, sadly, you have me. I am not wealthy, but at least I am a nerd.My address will follow the classical sonata form of commencement addresses. The first movement, just presented, were light-hearted remarks. This next movement consists of unsolicited advice, which is rarely valued, seldom remembered, never followed. As Oscar Wilde said, “The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself.”So, here comes the advice. First, every time you celebrate an achievement, be thankful to those who made it possible. Thank your parents and friends who supported you, thank your professors who were inspirational, and especially thank the other professors whose less-than-brilliant lectures forced you to teach yourself. Going forward, the ability to teach yourself is the hallmark of a great liberal arts education and will be the key to your success. To your fellow students who have added immeasurably to your education during those late night discussions, hug them. Also, of course, thank Harvard. Should you forget, theres an alumni association to remind you.Second, in your future life, cultivate a generous spirit. In all negotiations, dont bargain for the last, little advantage. Leave the change on the table. In your collaborations, always remember that “credit” is not a conserved quantity. In a successful collaboration, everybody gets 90 percent of the credit.My third piece of advice is as follows: As you begin this new stage of your lives, follow your passion. If you dont have a passion, dont be satisfied until you find one. Life is too short to go through it without caring deeply about something.Here is my final piece of advice. Pursuing a personal passion is important, but it should not be your only goal. When you are old and gray, and look back on your life, you will want to be proud of what you have done. The source of that pride wont be the things you have acquired or the recognition you have received. It will be the lives you have touched and the difference you have made.Finally, as humanists, I ask that you speak to our common humanity. One of the cruelest ironies about climate change is that the ones who will be hurt the most are the most innocent: the worlds poorest and those yet to be born.The coda to this last movement is borrowed from two humanists.The first quote is from Martin Luther King. He spoke on ending the war in Vietnam in 1967, but his message seems so fitting for todays climate crisis.“This call for a worldwide fellowship that lifts neighborly concern beyond ones tribe, race, class, and nation is in reality a call for an all-embracing and unconditional love for all mankind. This oft misunderstood, this oft misinterpreted concept, so readily dismissed by the Nietzsches of the world as a weak and cowardly force, has now become an absolute necessity for the survival of man We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late.”The final message is from William Faulkner. On December 10th, 1950, his Nobel Prize banquet speech was about the role of humanists in a world facing potential nuclear holocaust.“I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. The poets, the writers, duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past.”Graduates, you have an extraordinary role to play in our future. As you pursue your private passions, I hope you will also develop a passion and a voice to help the world in ways both large and small. Nothing will give you greater satisfaction.P


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