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2020年外研7年级英语下册 Module 4 重点单词、短语、句子专练(含答案)

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2020年外研7年级英语下册 Module 4 重点单词、短语、句子专练(含答案)

外研7年级下册Module 4 重点单词、短语、句子专练一、根据句意及汉语意思填空1.Is the news _(真实的)?2._(机器人) will help with the housework in the future.3.Do you like travelling into _(太空)?4.Helens father can drive a _(小轿车).5.Therere lots of different _(机器) in the big factory.二、单项选择1.Mary is _ a picnic tomorrow.A. go to have B. going to have C. go to has D. going to has2.I need _ to do my homework.A. a paper B. some paper C. some papers D. some pieces of papers3.Lets _ home.A. goes B. go C. to go D. going 4.Will your father be back home in two weeks?Maybe, but Im not _A. sure B. mindC. come D. happy 5.No one _ Japanese singers in our classA. like B. likes C. liking D. to like6. He has read many books on history, so its _for him to answer these questions. A. hard B. impossible C. easy D. serious7.Its getting warm. I think the sea level _ in the future. A. will go B. will rise C. goes D. rises8.This is my twin sister, Lucy. Not only she but also I _ good at drawing. A. is B. am C. are 9. What is your little brother like? _. He enjoys telling jokes. A. He is tall and thinB. He is shy and quiet (安静的)C. He is outgoing and heavyD. He is strong and heavy10. Can you play football?Yes, and I can play basketball _.A. also B. as well C. as well as D. such as11This bed is too hard. I feel very _ in it.AwarmBinterestingCcomfortableDuncomfortable12We _ going to buy a new car.AwillBareCcanDbe13 Will _ any schools in fifty years? Its hard to say. Maybe students will study at home.Athere areBthere beCthese areDthey are14The teachers wont write on a blackboard _ chalk.AforBbyCofDwith15I often use ENGLISH-CHINESE DICTIONARY _ look up new words.AtoBofCbyDfor三、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空.maybe question level able life1When you have _,you can ask your teacher.2Do you know what our _ will be like in 100 years3If you study hard, you can improve your English_.4He is out._ he is visiting his friends.5We are _ to swim in the river.四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.In my dream school there wont be_(some) dirty classrooms.2.There are many _(child) under he big tree.3.We will have robots in our homes_(do) many jobs.4.The computer isnt expensive. Its_(expensive).5.Machines will do the dull_(job) in factories.6._(fly) will be very cheap.五、句子翻译.1.20年后学生怎样学习?_ _ students learn _ 20 years2.我们将有许多空闲的时间。Well have a lot of _ _.3.学生将通过电脑和老师谈话。The students will _ _ there teachers _ their computers.4.“将来学生们会使用课本吗?” “不,他们不用。”Will students _ _ in the future? No, they _.5.周六晚上她在家学英语She studies English _ _ on Saturday night.6我有许多时间去周游世界。I have _ _ time to _ _ the world.7将来,人们一周将工作三天。People will work _ _ _ _ in the future.8我们将有很长的假期和许多空闲时间。Well have _ _ and lots of _ _.9我不打算买新车了,因为燃油太昂贵。I am not going to buy a new car _ fuel is _ _.10我不想外出了,因为明天天气不好。I am not going _ because there will be _ _ tomorrow.参考答案一、1. true 2. Robots 3. space 4.car 5. machines二、 BBBAB CBBCB DBBDA三、1.questions 2.life 3.level 4.Maybe 5.able四、1. any 2. children 3. to do 4. inexpensive 5. jobs 6. Flying五、1.How will;in 2.free time 3.talk with; by 4.use books; wont 5.at home 6lots of, travel around 7three days a week 8long holidays, free time 9because, too expensive 10out, bad weather


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