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1 高中英语语法易错题 短语动词陷阱题 1 To our surprise the stranger to be an old friend of my mother s A turned out B turned up C set out D set up 2 All the girls swam in the lake except two who halfway A gave off B gave up C gave away D gave out 3 If the new arrangement doesn t we ll go back to the old one A work over B work out C work up D work i n 4 Have great changes taken place in your village Yes A new school was inthe village last year A held upB s et up C sent up D brought up 5 I had to because someone else wanted to use the phone A give up B put up C hang up D ring up 6 Elephants would if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished A die down B die out C die away D die off 7 My study of biology has C muchof my spare time but it has given me a great deal of enjoyment A taken off B taken down C taken up D taken away 8 The p lan just because people were unwilling to co operate 合作 A broke down B pulled down C turned down D put down 9 The government has the parents to work with teachers in the education of their children A asked for B called for C looked for D paid for 10 John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to all his trousers to his measure A let out B give away C bring in D make up 11 I can some noise while I m studying but I can t stand very loud noise A put up with B get rid of 2 C have effect on D keep away from 12 The mother often tells her son to be a good boy warning him to trouble A hold back from B keep out of C break away from D get rid of 13 To my surprise the manager 30 dollars from my salary without any good reason A cut off B held up C brought down D kept back 14 Steven has a lot of work to in the office since he has been away for quite a few days A take up B make up C work out D carry out 15 Although Jane agrees with me on most points there was one on which she was unwilling to A give out B give in C give away D give off 16 You should what your parents expect of you A live up to B stand up to C look up to D run up to 17 I can hardly believe my eyes What a poor composition you have There are so many wrong spellings in it A turned into B turned off C turned to D turned in 18 Why don t we go for a picnic this weekend Good idea I would the car and you ll prepa re the food A look after B take care of C see about D get down to 19 How I wish that I could my ideas in simple and wonderful English when chatting on the net A set out B set off C set over D set up 20 Some kinds of animals can the colour of their surroundings A take on B dress up C put on D get into 3 答案与解析 1 选 A turn out 意为 结果是 原来是 等 turn up 意为 找到 发现 出现 开大音量 等 set out 意为 开始 出发 陈述 等 set up 意为 设立 竖立 架起 升起 创 纪录 提出 等 2 选 B give up 意为 放弃 give out 意为 分发 发出 气味 热等 发表 用尽 精疲力 竭 give away意为 送掉 分发 放弃 泄露 出卖 give off 意为 发出 蒸汽 光等 长出 枝 杈 等 3 选 B work out 在此表示 有预期结果 work over意为 调查 重做 work up 意为 逐步 建立 逐步发展 work in 意为 配合 引进 4 选 B set up 意为 建立 hold up 意为 举起 支撑 继续下去 阻挡 拦截 send up 意为 发 出 射出 长出 使上升 bring up 意为 教育 培养 提出 5 选 C give up 指 放弃 put up 指 举起 架起 修建 张贴 等 hang up 指 挂断 电话 ring up 指 给某人打电话 6 选 B die away 指 声音 风 光线等 渐息 渐弱 die down 指 慢慢 熄灭 平静下来 die off 指 一个一个地死去 die out 指 家族 种族 习俗 观念等 灭绝 绝迹 7 选 C take up 意为 开始 学习或从事等 继续 占去 接纳 提出 take off意为 脱下 起飞 打折 请假 take away 意为 取走 take down 意为 写下 拆下 8 选 A break down 意为 中止 毁掉 压倒 停顿 倒塌 pull down 意为 摧毁 推翻 使降低 使身体变差 turn down 意为 拒绝 关小音量 减弱 降低 put down 意为 放下 拒绝 镇压 削 减 记下 9 选 B call for 意为 要求 提倡 ask for 意为 请求 索要 look for 意为 寻找 pay for 意 为 为 付钱 10 选 A let out 意为 放掉 泄露 放大 出租 give away 意为 送掉 分发 放弃 泄露 出卖 让步 bring in 意为 生产 挣得 介绍引进 make up 意为 弥补 虚构 缝制 整理 和解 编辑 化妆 11 选 A put up with 意为 忍受 容忍 get rid of 意为 摆脱 消除 去掉 have effect on 意 为 对 有影响 keep away from意为 远离 不接近 12 选 B hold back from 意为 向 隐瞒 keep out of 意为 使在 之外 break away from 意为 脱离 get rid of 意为 摆脱 消除 去掉 13 选 D keep back 意为 扣下 留下 阻挡 隐瞒 hol d up 意为 举起 支撑 bring down 意 为 打倒 击落 打死 降低 cut off 意为 切断 断绝 14 选 B make up 意为 弥补 虚构 整理 编辑 化妆 take up 意为 拿起 开始从事 继续 吸收 work out 意为 计算出 设计出 有预期结果 carry out 意为 完成 实现 贯彻 执行 15 选 B give in 意为 让步 屈服 上交 give away 意为 分发 赠送 背弃 出卖 泄漏 give off 意为 发出 光 热 声音 气味等 give out 意为 分发 散发 用完 耗尽 垮掉 失灵 出故 4 障 发表 公布 发出 热 声音 信号等 16 选 A live up to 意为 实践 做到 stand up to 意为 勇敢地抵抗 look up to 意为 尊敬 仰望 run up to 意为 达到 积累到 17 选 D turn in 意为 上交 归还 turn in to 意为 进入 使 变成 turn to 意为 转向 变成 求助于 致力于 turn off 意为 关掉 避开 18 选 C see about 意为 查询 留意于 look after 和 take careof 均表示为 照顾 关心 get down to 意为 开始认真考虑 19 选 A set out 意为 陈述 陈列 出发 开始 set off 意为 出发 动身 set over 意为 移交 置于 上 指派 管理 set up 意为 设立 竖立 架起 升起 创 纪录 提出 20 选 A take on 意为 披上 呈现 具有 雇用 接纳 流行 dress up 意为 打扮 装饰 伪 装 put on 意为 穿上 把 放在上 装出 增加 get into意为 进入 陷入 穿上


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