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江西省上饶市余干县2016-2017学年八年级英语上学期第三次大联考试题2016.12八年级上学期英语第三次大联考参考答案案1. M: Do you often eat vegetables? W: No, I like eating junk food.2. M: Linda, do you often go to the movies? W: No, I dont, because Im busy.3. W: What do you want to be when you grow up, Tony? M: I want to be a reporter.4.M: The Town Cinema is the cheapest in town , isnt it ? W: No, I dont think so . The Showtime Cinema is a bit cheaper .5. W: The food in this restaurant is the most delicious in our town, Jack.M: Yes. But its the most expensive, too.6. M: I cant stand Animal World. I love sports shows. W: But I love Animal World and soap operas.7. M: What shall we buy, a television, a telephone or an air-conditioner? Well wait for you to decide, Ann. W: Oh, Daddy. I need a computer for my study. 8. M: I like swimming. So I like summer better than winter . Which season do you like best , Miss Green . W: I love flowers . So I like spring better than any other season.请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。M: What are you going to do during the winter vacation, Jane?W: Im going to Hainan. There are many interesting places to see there.M: How do you plan to go there?W: Im going there by plane with two friends.M: Sounds great! Have a good trip!W: Thank you!听第二段对话,四答第11-12小题 W: Is that Jack, Tom?M: No, thats John. Jack is shorter than John.W: They look quite similar.M: Yes, they are brothers, and they are my best friends. We have the same hobbies.W: Then what are your hobbies?M: We all enjoy playing the guitar and we all like playing sports W: Do you have any differences?M: Yes, I am quieter than them.听第二段对话,四答第13-15小题W: Lets make fruit salad.M: Good idea. How many oranges do we need?W: Three.M: And how much cheese do we need?W: About one teaspoon.M: Do we need bananas?W: Yes, we need two.M: What about one cup of yogurt?W: OK. And we need an apple, too.请听四段对话,完成第16至第18小题。 W: Hi ! Tony.M: Hi ! Betty.W: Lingling and I went to Lao She Teahouse last night.M: Really? How was it?W: It was great! You know, I want to see the Beijing Opera, so Lingling offered to take me there. We drank tea and watched an opera.M: Did you understand the opera?W: No, it was difficult to understand the words. But the actors and the actresses were excellent.M: How long did you stay?W: We only planned to watch for an hour, but in the end, we stayed for another two hours.M: Did you enjoy it?W: Well, it was interestingthats the main thing. I hope to understand more next time.M: Who is Lao She?W: No idea. Ask Lingling. And do you want to know about the Beijing Opera?M: Yes, very much.W: Why not ask Lingling to take us to Lao She Teahouse next time.M: Thats a good idea.听第一段独白,四答第19-22小题Cathy and Ruth are sisters. They look the same and always wear the same clothes. But Ruth is more outgoing than Cathy. Cathy is the best singer in her class. But she doesn t dance as well as Ruth. On weekends, the two girls often go shopping and buy clothes. Cathy and Ruth like purple. So they have many purple clothes. There is a movie theatre near their home. Sometimes, Cathy and Ruth walk there to watch a movie. When they are at home, Cathy likes watching news on TV, but Ruth likes watching talent shows. Who do you like better, Cathy or Ruth?C. 听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。How to make a turkey sandwich?First, put one teaspoon of mustard on two pieces of bread. Then cut up one tomato. Put one piece of tomato on the bread. Next, add three pieces of turkey. Finally, put two teaspoons of gravy on the turkey.一、18、CCCB BACA 910. AB 1112.B B 1315. CBC 1618.CCA 19-22. CBBC二2835.CADB BCDC三A)3640. BADCD 4145.CABBC 4650.DACABB). 51. Longest 52. through 53.more 54. high 55. for 56. to walk 57. times 58.made 59. interest 60. but also四A)6163、CCB 64-67 ACDA 68-71、DCBB 7275. CADBB) 76-80 DEAGB五、81. how do we make it? 82. I like eating bananas and apples83. Here you are84. What else do we need? 85. Finally, mix them all up. 10


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