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七年级上学期英语第三次大联考参考答案1. M: What color is your cup, Jane? W: Its purple. But my brothers cup is blue.2W: Who is your new English teacher, Jack? M: Oh, his name is Eric Brown.3M: Mom, my books are not in my bookcase. Where are they? W: Look! They are under your bed.4. W: Is this Lisas schoolbag? M: No, its not hers. Its Nancys.5. W: Can you play baseball, Tony? M: No, its too difficult. 6. M: What do you have in your pencil box, Mary? W: Oh, I have two pencils.7. M: Do you like ice cream? W: No, I dont. I like fruit. 8. W: Do you like fruit for breakfast. M: No, I like eggs and salad for breakfast. I like some fruit for lunch. 听下面一段对话,回答第9至10小题。M: Is this your pencil, Gina?W: No, it isnt. My pencil is in my schoolbag.M: Is it Jacks?W: No, Jacks pencil is blue.M: Is it Dales?W: Dale Brown? M: No, Dales last name is Miller.听下面一段对话,回答第11至12小题。W: Hey, Paul, lets go. Were late.M: OK.W: Do you have the baseball bat?M: Yes, its in my bag.W: Do you have our volleyball?M: Oh, no, I dont. Its on the teachers desk. Let me get it.听下面一段对话,回答第13至15小题。W: I lost my keys in the library.M: Are these yours?W: Yes, they are. Thank you very much.M: Youre welcome. Well, is this red schoolbag yours?W: No, its Janes. Mine is blue.M: What about this book?W: Its Alans. His name is on it.M: Oh, yes.听第二段对话,回答第1618小题。M: Can I help you, madam?W: Im fine but my son, Tom, isnt.M: Whats wrong?W: He eats lots of fast food, like fried chicken, French fries and cakes. I think he is not healthy now.M: Does he eat vegetables?W: No, he doesnt. He only likes meat and fruit.M: Does he do sports?W: Yes, he does. He plays ball games every day.M: Dont worry. He needs some food. But vegetables are good to him.W: I know. Thank you, doctor.IV. 短文理解 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。Alan is in Class Two, Grade Seven. He is twelve years old. His English teacher is Mr. Smith. He is English. His daughter is Helen. She is thirteen. Alan and Helen are good friends. They like English. Is that Alans school ID card? No, he cant find his school ID card. If you find it, please call Alan at 586-5028. Thank you.C.听短文,填单词。短文读两遍。 Little David likes to eat at a restaurant. He doesnt like eating at home. He usually asks his parents to take him to the restaurant. He always eats a hamburger and some potato chips. Many people in the restaurant know him very well. They often ask him, “Why do you like to eat here?” Little David says, “Because I like the toys here.” “Why dont you go to the toy shop then?” Little David says, “They have toys but they dont have hamburgers and potato chips.”答案:一、1-8. B A C B BBBC 910. BC 11-12BC 1315. CBA 1618. CBC 1922. CCBC23.at home 24. take him 25.potato chips 26.Many people 27.the toy shop二2835. DBDD BADA三3640.BCABC 4145.CADBA 4650.CBDCA51friends 52are 53in 54sports 55always 56volleyball 57plays 58but 59eating 60day四61-63ACC 6467.CACA 6871.BCCB 72-75CBAD 7680、CEAGB五81D 82F 83A 84G 85B 六略9


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