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学业水平考试模拟测试卷(三)(时间:90分钟满分:100分).情景交际(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列简短对话,从A、B、C和D中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。1I did badly in my English exam. How unlucky I am!_. Cheer up! Everything will be OK.ACongratulations BThats greatCWell done DSorry to hear that答案:D2I am going back to America for Christmas._. And we will miss you.AEnjoy yourself BYoure welcomeCThats interesting DThe same to you答案:A3I am going to have a job interview tomorrow morning.Well,_Ahave a good time! BIm happy to hear that.Cgood luck! Dcongratulations!答案:C4Would you mind if I take the seat next to you?_. The person who was here has finished his lunch and left.ACertainly not BEnjoy yourself CDont trouble me DYes, please答案:A5So you gave her your mobile phone?_. She said shed return it to me after she had hers fixed.AMy pleasure BNot exactly CWith pleasure DNo problem答案:B.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。AAbout 20 years ago Nissan introduced the worlds first “talking car”. Actually, it was just a recorded voice that would tell you that your door was open, and would continue talking to you until you closed it. Of course, it never caught_onTimes have changed and the talking car of the near future is a car that you talk to, rather than a car that talks to you. Youll be able to control your radio by giving voice orders, get traffic reports and directions, and send and receive emails. To do this, you neednt push a button at all.This is good news for those who spend more and more of their lives in their cars. In fact, the new type of cars will be more like offices on wheels, with computers, wireless Internet access, and satellite radio inside. Companies are hoping that time wasted in traffic could be put to better use. If workers are able to check their emails, faxes, and meeting time on the way to work, they can spend more time at the office doing more important tasks.Microsoft, of course, is hoping that every one of those mobile offices will use Windows. “Its a great goal.” says Dick Brass,VP of Microsofts automotive division,“But wed like to have one of our operating systems in every car on earth.” There are already 650 million cars in the world, and every year about 50 million new cars roll off the production lines. If Brass wish came true, cars could become a bigger business for Microsoft than computers.6. Which is TRUE about the worlds first “talking car”?ANissan invented it. BIt was introduced in the late 20th century.CIt could record voices. DIt could not only record but also talk itself.答案:B7. The radio of the new talking car can be operated by receiving_Atraffic reports Bvoice ordersClight signals Delectricity energy答案:B8Companies may be happy with new type of cars because_Amuch time will be wasted in trafficBtheir workers will get to the office earlierCtheir workers will have more time to do more important workDtheir workers will check emails, faxes, and meeting time at home答案:C9. The underlined phrase “caught on” in the first paragraph probably means“_”Aturned on Btook off Cbecome popular Dwas colourful答案:C10We can learn from the passage that_Aall of the mobile offices will use WindowsBabout 50 million new cars are produced every yearCthe new type of talking car has a recorded voice insideDthe talking car of the near future is a car that talks to you答案:BBA few years ago, I realized that I had a fear of heights. Sometimes I would feel uncomfortable if I looked down from somewhere high and the higher I got, the worse I felt. However, there were some things that made me nervous when I looked up at themsuch as drop towers(急速下降塔)About a month ago, my family and I went on a trip to Marinelandan amusement park with a sea animal theme.One of Marinelands attractions is a huge drop tower called the “Sky Screamer”. My dad wanted to ride it, and he wanted to take me with him. He kept nagging(唠叨) me, and I finally gave in, because I wanted to face my fears.Going up was terrible. I got stomachaches from just looking at the tower. When we reached the tower, we lined up and got seated on the ride. When it reached a few feet off the ground, it stopped for a moment, before sending us straight to the top at great speed. I squeezed my eyes shut and I held the handlebar(把手) as tightly as I could. A few seconds later my heart was in my mouth and I was screaming my lungs out. At the top, I opened my eyes and looked forward, not down.I tried to prepare myself for the way down, but it didnt really help. There I was, with my eyes squeezed shut,holding the handlebar and again, screaming at the top of my voice. In fact, it was even worse than going up!But when I got to the bottom, I felt relieved(放松的). I thanked my dad for forcing me to go on the ride,


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