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课时作业(七) Warming Up & Reading (4)

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课时作业(七) Warming Up & Reading (4)

Unit 4 Pygmalion 课时作业 七 Warming Up Reading 单词拼写 1 He made a quick 适应 to the new environment 2 She knew that society would 谴责 her for abandoning her children 3 He warned his friend not to 泄露 the secret to anyone else 4 He recommended me a 经典的 book on Buddhism 5 The referee blew his 口哨 and the game stopped 6 The little girl feels 不自在的 with strangers 出处 21 教育名师 7 The man over there is a 才华横溢的 young musician 8 It s 非同寻常的 that he should make exactly the same mistake again 版权所有 21 教育 9 We can t judge a person on such short 认识 10 Parents should teach their children to behave 恰当地 in public 完形填空 Different things usually stand for different feelings Red for example is the color of fire heat blood and life People say red is an exciting and active color They associate 使发生联系 red with a strong feeling like 1 Red is used for signs of 2 such as STOP signs and fire engines Orange is the bright warm color of 3 in autumn People say orange is a 4 color They associate orange with happiness Yellow is the color of 5 People say it is a cheerful color They associate yellow too with happiness Green is the cool color of grass in 6 People say it is a refreshing color In general people 7 two groups of colors warm colors and cool colors The warm colors are red orange and 8 Where there are warm color and a lot of light people usually want to be 9 Those who like to be with others like red The cool colors are 10 and blue Where there are these 11 people are usually worried Some scientists say that time seems to 12 by more slowly in a room with warm colors They suggest that a warm color is a good 13 for a living room or a 14 People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly 15 colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly 21 教育名师原创作品 1 A sadness B anger C administration D smile 2 A roads B ways C danger D places 3 A land B leaves C grass D mountains 4 A lively B dark C noisy D frightening 5 A moonlight B light C sunlight D stars 6 A summer B spring C autumn D winter 7 A speak B say C talk about D tell 8 A green B yellow C white D gray 9 A calm B sleepy C active D helpful 10 A black B green C golden D yellow 11 A colors B people C groups D feelings 12 A walk B go C run D move 13 A one B way C fact D matter 14 A factory B classroom C restaurant D hospital 15 A Different B Cool C Warm D Same 阅读理解 George Bernard Shaw the greatest and funniest British dramatist 剧作家 of the first half of the 20th century was born in Dublin Ireland on July 26 1856 His early life was not happy His father was a selfish man who drank too much and could not support his family properly His mother was a disappointed unhappy woman who found more pleasure in studying music than in her children Bernard and his two sisters received little love and attention from their mother while they were young At the age of ten Shaw entered school At first he was the best student but soon he was at or near the bottom of his class 21 世纪教育网版权所有 Although he did not like school Bernard was a good bright curious student His lifelong interest in everything from music and art to machines and medicine began from schoollife The interests of this tireless schoolboy were literature and music He often entertained 使快乐 his classmates with stories he read 2 1 c n j y Early at the age of fifteen he went to work in an office He did well as an office clerk but after five years he decided that he wanted to be a writer He left Ireland and went to London where he began to write seriously Seventy four years later the great dramatist died www 2 1 cnjy com 1 What does the underlined word selfish mean A impossible B reasonable C remarkable D irresponsible 2 Bernard Shaw grew up A without his parents love B in the school C with his sisters help D in a hungry family 3 so she took an interest in music A Bernard s mother had little knowledge B Bernard s mother was disappointed with her C Bernard s mother couldn t look after her childrenwww 21 cn D Bernard s mother hoped to be an actress 4 Bernard liked reading so A he was at the bottom of his class B he could spend his spare time in the library C he could tell his classmates a lot of stories D he could forget his unhappy life 5 George Bernard Shaw died in A 1876 B 1896 C 1930 D 1950 翻译句子 1 她不想伤害孩子的感情 hesitate 2 编者评论说那篇文章写得很好 remark that 3 那数字是以百分数表示的 in terms of 4 不要嘲笑她 如果是你做错了会怎么样 What if 5 这些问题 一般说来 并不很难 generally speaking 课时作业课时作业 七七 1 adaptation 2 condemn 3 betray 4 classic 5 whistle 6 uncomfortable 7 brilliant 8 extraordinary 9 acquaintance 10 properly2 1 c n j y 语篇解读 不同颜色往往可以代表不同的心情 根据不同颜色的特点以 及给人留下的感觉 颜色的选择在日常生活中往往也起着一定的作用 本文以其 中的一些颜色为例作了相关的解释说明 是一篇知识性很强的文章 1 B 根据上文的 strong feeling 可知 anger 符合文意 2 C 下文所列举的例子 STOP signs 和 fire engines 都属于危险信号 故选 danger 21 cnjy com 3 B 根据常识 黄色应是秋天树叶的颜色 故应选 leaves 4 A 下文提到人们把黄色和幸福联系起来 说明黄色是一个充满生机的颜 色 故选 lively 5 C 下文提到黄色是令人愉快的颜色 根据常识太阳光的颜色是黄色 故 选 sunlight 6 B 绿色是春季里草的颜色 故选 spring 7 C speak 后面往往接某种语言作宾语 say 后面常接说话的内容 tell 的宾 语一般是人 talk about sth 意为 谈论某事物 故 C 项正确 8


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