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1 葫芦岛一高中葫芦岛一高中 11 1211 12 学年度第二学期高二期中考试学年度第二学期高二期中考试 高高 二二 年年 级级 英英 语语 学学 科科 试试 题题 本试卷分第本试卷分第 卷卷 选择题选择题 和第和第 卷卷 非选择题非选择题 两部分 两部分 满分满分 150150 分 分 用时用时 120120 分钟 分钟 第第 I I 卷卷 选择题选择题 共共 115115 分分 注意事项 1 答题前 考生在答题卡上务必用直径 0 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名 准考 证号填写清楚 并贴好条形码 请认真核准条形码上的准考证号 姓名 2 每小题选出答案后 用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑 如需改动 用 橡皮擦干净后 再选涂其他答案标号 在试题卷上作答无效 第一部分第一部分 听力听力 共两节 共两节 满分满分 3030 分分 第一节 第一节 共共 5 5 小题 小题 每小题每小题 1 1 5 5 分分 满分满分 7 7 5 5 分分 1 Why does the woman say no A Linda is waiting for them B Linda is having lunch outside C Linda has had her lunch already 2 How about the woman s house A Bigger than Allen s B Bigger than Mary s C Smaller than Mary s 3 What does the woman mean A Going there by themselves B Asking someone for help in finding the way C Not parking the car according to the map 4 What does the man mean A She should refuse to do him a favor B Jason will not help her with her TV C She should give Jason a hand 5 What dies the man want to do A He d like to stop for a break B He actually has no choice C He has to keep on with the job 第二节 第二节 共共 1515 小题 小题 每小题每小题 1 1 5 5 分分 满分满分 22 22 5 5 分 分 6 When did Steve first plan to get back A Either on Friday evening or Sunday evening B Either on Friday morning or Sunday afternoon C Either on Friday evening or Sunday morning 7 What party is held on Saturday morning A Steve s birthday party B Paula s birthday party C The woman s birthday party 8 When will Steve probably return at last A Surely on Friday morning B Maybe on Friday evening C Of course on Friday evening 9 What are the speakers talking about A A football game they saw the night before 2 B TV programs they saw the night before C A film they have just seen 10 What did the man probably do last night A He watched football game B He saw a film C He worked 11 How much of the film did the woman see A Part of the film B The end of the film C The whole of the film 12 What does the man take besides Morning Post A New Yorkers B Newsweek C New Scientist 13 What s the price of Morning Post A Two dollars and fifty cents B One dollar C Three dollars and fifty 14 What s New Yorkers A A magazine B A press C A book 15 Where does the conversation probably take place A On the street B At a camera shop C At the woman s house 16 Why can t the woman come over A She has a research project B She doesn t know the man s sister very well C She has to go to a graduation 17 What can you learn from the conversation A The woman has the same interest as the man s sister B The woman shows no interest in what the man has told her C The woman doesn t like to make friends with the man s sister 18 What kind of house is Foulsham Houae A An old farm house B A large house for people to come to listen to its story C A hours with a history of nearly two hundred years 19 Which of the following is true A The house has a room for four cars at the back of the house B There is a parking lot behind the house C The road behind the house is wide enough for 4 cars to go 20 What can we infer according to the passage A Harvey wants some money to make the house meet today s needs B Harvey wants people to know the history of the house C Harvey wants to sell the house 第二部分第二部分 英语知识运用英语知识运用 共两节共两节 满分满分 4545 分分 第一节第一节 单项填空单项填空 共共 1515 小题 小题 每小题每小题 1 1 分分 满分满分 1515 分分 从 A B C D 四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 21 Doctors are to provide answers to any questions you may have in our hospital A available B acceptable C adjustable D accessible 3 22 It is natural for children to be naughty sometimes Try not to get so with them A puzzled B excited C annoyed D concerned 23 I make no apologies for the way I have myself over the years and I have no regrets A behaved B conducted C represented D forgiven 24 We have not always had there have also been times of defeat A prizes B awards C rewards D victories 25 In order to buy a big apartment he tried to some of his salary A leave out B set aside C build up D figure out 26 How come you are late for such an important meeting But I was stuck in a traffic jam A I m sorry B Pardon C Take it easy D Nothing serious 27 You ought to have learnt all these sentences by heart but I forgot everything when I was asked to recite them in front of so many students A So I ought to B So I did C So must I D So did I 28 After the car accident Jack ran to get a doctor we stayed with the injured and gave them first aid A besides B consequently C meanwhile D otherwise 29 Wearing helmets gave the cyclists a false sense of and encouraged them to take risks A content B dread C delight D security 30 Where shall I put my gift The drawer is the place A to putting it B putting it in C to put in it D to put it in 31 I don t think the situation has reached the point we have to give up A which B where C when D as 32 His outstanding service to the corporation was with an unexpected present yesterday A accepted B admitted C acknowledged D realized 33 I ve invented a game that will keep the kids for hours A occupy B to be occupied C occupied D being occupied 34 Doctor


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