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Unit 6 Im watching TVPart 3 Grammar Focus夯实基础,活用语法一、抄写、朗读并翻译。 1What are you doing? Im watching TV.抄写:_翻译:_2Whats she doing? Shes washing her clothes.抄写:_翻译:_3What are they doing? Theyre listening to a CD抄写:_翻译:_4Are you doing your homework? Yes. I am./No, I am not. I am cleaning my room.抄写:_翻译:_5Is he reading a newspaper? Yes, he is./No, he isnt. Hes playing basketball.抄写:_翻译:_二、Grammar Focus语法过关。( D )1Im not jumping. Im _.Aran Brun Cruns Drunning ( B )2_ they_ football at the moment? ADo; playBAre; playingCWere; playingDWill; play ( B )3Bobs singing _ song. Its _ American song.Aa; aBa; anCan; aDan; the ( C )4Whats he _ over there? Hes talking on the phone.AdoBdoesCdoingDDid( A )5That box is too heavy. Let me _ you.Ahelp Bto help Chelps Dhelping ( B )6_ your family living with you in Guangzhou? No, they arent. They are living in Shenzhen.AIsBAreCDoDDoes( C )7Here _ some of my _.Ais; photosBare; photoesCare; photosDis; photoes( D )8Sometimes my little brother _ because he is very lazy.Adoes his homeworkBdoesnt his homeworkCdoesnt do his homeworksDdoesnt do his homework( C )9_ do you want to go to the zoo? Lets go _ 5:00 in the afternoon.AWhere; atBWhat time; onCWhen; atDWhat; at( B )10Mary isnt _ a book, but shes _ TV.Aseeing; reading Breading; watchingCreading; seeing Dlooking; watching3、 语法运用:用所给单词的正确形式填空。1What are you doing now? I am cleaning (clean)the windows.2Are you making (make)a cake? Yes, we are (be)3OK. I am coming (come)now.4Is she listening (listen)to the teacher?5Miss Brown is standing (stand)near a tree.6I like swimming (swim)very much.7Its time to play (play)football.8Miss Li wants to eat (eat)some rice and two eggs.9Look at the picture.The children are flying (fly)kites.10I speak Chinese. Mary speaks (speak)English.四、重点句型运用。1你弟弟现在在做什么? 他在听歌曲。Whats your brother doing? He is listening to the music.2你在玩游戏吗? 不,我在读报纸。Are you playing games? No. I am reading a newspaper.3你爸爸在做什么? 他正在家里喝下午茶。Whats your father doing? He is drinking afternoon tea at home.4你的叔叔正在喝茶吗?Is your uncle drinking tea now?5我妈妈每天上午都锻炼。My mother exercises in the morning every day. 五、短文填空。Mike is from America, now he is 1 in a school in Beijing. There 2 too many rules in his new school. Some of them are the 3 as the ones in America, such as “You cant eat in the class, dont fight and dont 4 loudly in class.” But he cant stand(忍受)some of the rules. In America, he usually 5 up at 8:00, but he has to get up at 6:00 here. He 6 to wear uniform at school and 7 shoes for P.E. class. He likes 8 ,but he cant bring his music player to school. He cant keep his hair 9 . And he cant wear a hat in the classroom. He thinks the rules are too 10 . He never has fun.1 studying 2 are 3 same 4 talk/speak 5 gets 6 has 7 sports 8 music 9 long 10 strict 3


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