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Unit 2 What time do you go to schoolPart 5 Section B(课后)理解运用,提升思维一、善用语境,学会猜词。根据语境选择画线单词的意思,并圈出能帮助你选择的关键词。( D )1If you go on sleeping, you cant avoid being late for school.A确定 B犹豫C必须 D避免( B )2Mr. King retired in 2008. After he stopped working, he spent his time travelling all over the world.A上班 B退休 C玩乐 D旅游( A )3We always use toothpaste to brush our teeth.A牙膏 B毛巾 C杯子 D工具( C )4Hiswifeputonthe valuablering. The ring cost him a lot of money.A便宜的 B廉价的C贵重的D漂亮的( D )5The teacher is coming. We should stop talking immediately.A同时B尽可能C缓慢D马上二、Section B2b课文重点句型过关。1她通常在六点半就起床。She usually gets up at 6:30.2我没有很多时间吃早餐。I dont have much time for breakfast.3有时我会打半个小时篮球。I sometimes play basketball for half an hour.4我经常吃汉堡包做午餐。 For lunch, I usually eat hamburgers.5它品尝起来很美味。It tastes very good.三、Section B语法过关。( A )1Sam usually _ at 7:10 in the morning.Agets upBgets offCget backDgets on( A )2Its time _ you to clean the room.Afor BinCon Dto( D )3The ice-cream tastes very _. I dont like it at all.Awell BbadlyCgood Dbad( C )4Either Lucy or you _ a student.AamBis CareDand( B )5I want to_ with my best friend Tom.Atake walkBtake a walkCtakes walkDtake some walk( D )6We need to go to school _ Monday _ Friday.Aat;to Bin;to Con;to Dfrom;to( B )7Did he find a _ at the end of last year? Yes, he works as a teacher in a primary school.Astore BjobCfriend Dhouse( A )8Mary goes to school by bus _.Aevery day Beveryday Ceverything Deveryone( D )9_? 18:30AWhats the time of BWhats a timeCWhats time DWhats the time( C )10_ you _ he can come in. One of you should stay outside.ABoth;andBNeither;orCEither;or DAll;of四、文本再构Section B课文填空。Hi! Im Tony. I dont like to get up early. In the 1 I get upateight. Then I go to school at eight thirty. I dont havemuchtime for 2 . So I usually eat very quickly. For lunch, I usually 3 hamburgers. After school, I sometimes 4 basketball forhalf an hour. When I get 5 , I always do my homeworkfirst. In the evening, I 6 watch TV or play computer games. At ten thirty, I 7 my teeth.And then I go to bed.Mary is my sister. She usuallygetsup at six thirty. Then she always 8 a shower and eats a good breakfast. After that, she goes to school at eight thirty. At twelve, she eats lots of fruit andvegetablesfor lunch. After lunch, she sometimes plays volleyball. She always eats ice-cream after dinner. Sheknowsits not good for her, but it tastes 9 . In the evening, she does her homework and usually swimsor 10 a walk. At nine thirty, she goes to bed.1 morning 2 breakfast 3 eat 4 play 5 home6 either 7 brush 8 takes 9 good 10 takes 五、Section B相关阅读。Hello, boys and girls! I am a doctor. My name is Peter Brown. I am here to know something about your breakfast. Please answer my questions. “Do you have breakfast every day?” “What do you have for breakfast?” “My name is Helen. I have breakfast every day. I have some milk, hamburgers, potatoes. And some ice cream. So I am not hungry at school.”“My name is Dick. I have no time to have breakfast. You know, I get up very late. I only have a little bread and a bag of milk on the way to school.”“My name is Alice. I have very little food for breakfast every day. I dont want to eat any food after I get up. I only drink some milk.”“I am Jack. I like food very much. I eat a lot for breakfast. I have three glasses of milk, some potato chips, four hamburgers, two eggs and a bottle of orange juice.”Which boy has the healthiest habit for breakfast?( B )1Where is Peter Brown? He is_.Aat home Bat school Cat a food shop DI dont know( A )2_ has ice cream for breakfast.AHelen BDick CAlice DJack( D )3They four all have _ for breakfast Ahamburgers Bice cream Cpotatoes Dmilk( D )4Which is the right one ?AHelen is always hungry at school BAlice eats a lot for breakfast.CThere is no time for Jack to have breakfastDJack eats too much food for breakfast.( A )5What is the best title for this passage?ADifferent habits for breakfast. BThe worst habit for breakfast.CIts good to eat nothing for breakfast. DWed better eat a lot of meat for breakfast.3


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