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学习资料 精品文档 PEP六年级英语上册第一单元测试题 班级 姓名 得分 一 选出与所给单词同类的一项 1 science A music B send 2 hospital A house B museum 3 left A map B right 4 near A behind B shop 5 city A cinema B village 二 补全单词并翻译汉语 1 sci ce 2 mus m 3 bookst e 4 cin m 5 h sp t l 四 按要求写单词 1 one 序数词 2 eighth 基数词 3 stars 复数 4 know 同音词 5 right 同音词 6 September 缩写 7 two 序数词 8 left 反义词 9 old 反义词 10 to 同音词 五 读一读 从每组单词中选出单词拼写有误的一项 1 A right B go C laft 2 A clossing B straight C museum 3 A front B near C behund 4 A restaurant B park C hene 5 A cinema B bookstor C hospital 六 单项选择 II Read and choose 读一读 选出正确的答案 10 1 How can I the cinema Go straight and turn left A get to B get on C get off 2 What interesting film A a B an C the 3 Turn left the cinema 更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教 A on B of C at 4 If you want to see a doctor you can go to the A hospital B library C cinema 5 The restaurant is next to the park Dongfang Street A at B on C to 6 Where is the post office A Thank you B Is there a post office C It s next to the bookstore 7 Robin has GPS He can A find food B read books C find the way 8 The hospital is cinema A next B near C near to 9 is the museum shop It s next to the door A What B Where C How 10 I want a bag A buy B to buy C buying 七 连词成句 1 the where is office post 2 there is in a town pet hospital my 3 museum to it next is the science 4 go for minutes twelve straight 5 send it want I to on Sunday 学习资料 精品文档 八 找答语 1 Where can I find your mother 2 How can I get to the science museum 3 Is the hospital near here 4 Can the GPS help you find a place 5 Is there a cinema near here A Yes it can B No it s far from here C Yes there is D You can go straight for ten minutes E In the school 九 按要求做题 1 It s next to the 书店 2 Excuse me Where is the 医院 3 It means 直走 4 左转 at the science museum 5 右转 at the cinema You can see it 十 读答句 选择正确的问句 1 A B We want to go to the cinema 2 A B Yes I do 3 A B You can turn right at the hospital 4 A B It s behind the park 5 A B Great A Do you like pizza B Let s go to the zoo on Saturday C Where do you want to go D How can I get to the museum E Where is the shop 十一 阅读对话 按照要求做题 一 读对话 判断正T 误 F Oliver Hi John I want to go to the post office Do you know where it is John I t s next to Xinhua Bookstore Oliver How can I get to Xinhua Bookstore John Turn left here and you can find a bus stop Take the No 7 bus Get off at the bookstore The post office is on the right 1 Oliver wants to go to the bookstore 2 The post office is near Xinhua Bookstore 3 Oliver can take the No 17 bus to Xinhua Bookstore 4 The post office is on the right 二 读对话 回答问题 Mike Excuse me where is the post office Man Well follow me But first Let me get on your car after ten minutes Man Stop stop My home is here Mike Where Your home But where is the post office Man Go back drive nine minutes You can see it on your l eft 1 Where does Mike want to go 2 How do they get to the man s home 3 Does the man know the post office 4 Is the post office near the man s home 5 Is the man funny 十二 作文 你的家离学校近吗 怎么才能到呢 简单的概括一下吧 不少于5 句话 学习资料 精品文档 参考答案 一 选出与所给单词同类的一项 1 5 ABBAB 二 补全单词并翻译汉语 1 scie nce 科学 2 muse um 博物馆 3 booksto re 书店 4 cinema 电影院 5 hospital 医院 三 看图写单词或词组 1 go straight 2 turn left 3 turn right 4 crossing 5 bookstore 四 按要求写单词 1 first 2 eight 3 second 4 no 5 tomatoes 6 wives 7 Sept 8 right 9 young 10 too 五 读一读 从每组单词中选出单词拼写有误的一项 1 C 正确 left 2 A 正确 crossing 3 C 正确 behind 4 C 正确 here 5 B 正确 bookstore 六 单项选择 1 5 CBBBB 6 10 AACBA 七 连词成句 1 Where is the post office 2 There is a pet hospital in my town 3 It is next to the science museum 4 Go straight for twelve minutes 5 I wa nt to send it on Sunday 八 找答语 1 5 EDBAC 九 按要求做题 1 Is the park far from the school No it isn t 2 Where is the library 3 Does your sister live near the gym No she doesn t 4 When do you often eat breakfast 5 It s next to the post office 十 读答句 选择正确的问句 1 5 CADEB 十一 阅读对话 按照要求做题 一 读对话 判断正T 误 F 1 4 FTFT 二 读对话 回答问题 1 He wants to go to the post office 2 By car 3 Yes he does 4 No it isn t 5 Yes it is 十二 作文 例文 My home is far from my school It s near the hospital I usually go to school by bike First go straight for ten minutes Then turn right at the bookstore Go straight for five minutes again I can see my school on my right


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