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. 高校硕士研究生专业英语精品教材高级法学英语中南财经政法大学研究生部精品教材研究课题(20122014)编写说明高级法学英语旨在培养学习者借助已有的基础英语为工具学习法学知识,在法学知识的学习过程中,习得专业语言。编写原则既遵循语言学习的内在规律性,又充分体现法学知识的专业特点,重在提高法学硕士研究生的专业英语思辨能力。课文取材不再是一般法学知识的简要陈述,而是以问题研究为导向的深入探讨。语料源于英美学者2012年以来发表的论文或出版的著作。全书共十个单元。单元课文阅读量为5000英文单词。每单元由课文、生词、注解、练习和法律英语汉译技巧组成。单元课文是由三篇各1500字左右的文章组成一个内容完整、主题突出的统一体,以有利于学习者贯通知识,进一步深入分析探讨。课文内容包括普通法系与大陆法系的比较、合同与准合同、商人法与商法、欧洲统一销售法、国际环境法、公平招聘法律问题、跨国离婚法律问题、有子女的父母犯罪量刑问题、英格兰与苏格兰刑事拘留问题、美国法学教育与改革等专题。法学英语翻译技巧包括基本翻译技巧-加注、增补、省略、转换、切分、合并,以及句子翻译技巧-名词从句的翻译、状语从句的翻译、定语从句的翻译和长句的翻译。单元练习包括阅读理解问题、词汇练习、短文翻译和课文概要写作。 本教程设计阅读总量为50000英文单词,生词概率为2%,适合大学英语四级水平以上且有相当法学基础的学习者使用。CONTENTSUNIT ONE CONTRACT LAWSection A Understanding of ContractSection B Mistake in ContractSection C Quasi-ContractSection D Translation Skill: AnnotationUNIT TWO LITIGATING MARITAL PROPERTY AND SUPPORT RIGHTS FOR INTERNATIONAL DIVORCE Section A Jurisdiction and Procedure in International Divorce LitigationSection B Defining Property and support rights Section C Recognizing and Enforcing Marital Property and Support Orders Section D Translation Skill: AmplificationUNIT THREE A FAMILY LAW PERSPECTIVE ON PARENTAL INCARCERATIONSection A Family Law and Child DevelopmentSection B Approaches to Consideration of Childrens InterestsSection C Proposal for Consideration of Childrens Interests When Sentencing ParentsSection D Translation Skill: OmissionUNIT FOUR FAIRNESS AND INEQUALIT IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LITIGATIONSection A How People Assess Legal Fairness: Toward an Analysis of Situated JusticeSection B Employment Civil RightsSection C Toward Understanding Situated JusticeSection D Translation Skill: Shift of PerspectiveUNIT FIVE LAW MERCHANTSection A Foundations of the Law MerchantSection B The Law in Law MerchantSection C Twenty-first-century Law MerchantSection D Translation Skill: DivisionUNIT SIX COMMOM EUROPEAN SALES LAWSection A The Substantive Scope of the CESLSection B Possible Routes for Members to Reach the AgreementSection C Further Questions from the Proposal within the FrameworkSection D Translation Skill: CombinationUNIT SEVEN A NEW DAWN FOR SCOTTISH CRIMINAL PROCEDURESection A Arrest, Custody and Police PowersSection B Access to Legal AssistanceSection C Requirement for CorroborationSection D Translation Skill: Translation of Noun ClauseUNIT EIGHT INTERNATIONAL LAW OF ENVIROMENTAL IMPACTASSESSMENT AND THE ESPOO CONVENTIONSection A The Obligation to EIASection B Content of an EIASection C Challenging an EIA: Judicial ReviewSection D Translation Skill: Translation of Adverbial ClauseUNIT NINE THE EFFICIENCY OF THE COMMON LAW: THE PUZZLE OF MIXED LEGAL FAMILIESSection A The history of the common lawSection B Mixed Jurisdictions and Mixed Legal FamiliesSection C THE Economic Model Section D Translation Skill: Translation of Attributive ClauseUNIT TEN AMERICAN LAW SCHOOL EDUCATIONSection A History of Legal Education Section B Law School Rankings Section C Law School Education ReformSection D Translation Skill: Translation of Long ClauseAppendix Key to the ExerciseUNIT ONECONTRACT LAWSection A Understanding of Contract1 In the eyes of lawyers the word “contract” is used in common speech, simply to refer to a writing containing terms on which the parties have agreed. “Contract” is often used in a more technical sense to mean a promise, or a set of promises, that the law will enforce or at least recognize in some way. British law defines contract as an agreement arising from offer and acceptance. One party makes an offer, and another party accepts that offer. When this has happened (provided that other necessary factors, namely, consideration and intention to contract, are present) there is a contract.2 In arguing the definition of contract some jurisprudents think neither promise nor agreement is completely satisfactory as a basis for the definition. They claim that the definition of the American Restatement ignores the bargainthe exchange of equivalents which is the essence of a contract. No indication is made in the definition that the typical contract is a two-sided affair, something being promised or done on one side in return for something being promised or done on the other side. Thus to say that a contract can simply be “a promise” is to overlook the fact that there is generally some act or promise given in return for the other promise before that promise becomes a contract. Even to say that a contract may consist of “a set of promises” gives no indication that some of these promises are usually given in return for some others. But it would be


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