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Unit 3Section I Listening Comprehension I. Short conversationsDirections: In this section youll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.1. A. She had practiced a lot.B. She had paid high fees.C. She had modeling experiences.D. She complained to the right person.A2. A. The man speaks favorably of it, while the woman speaks unfavorably. B. The woman speaks favorably of it, while the man speaks unfavorably. C. Both the man and the woman speak favorably of it. D. Neither the man nor the woman speaks favorably of it.A3. A. Only vegetables and fruits. B. A lot of fish and meat. C. Traditional diets. D. New diets. D4. A. Shes a blonde. B. She envies a blondes white skin. C. She looks dark and unattractive. D. She looks brown and attractive. D5. A. Business.B. False pride.C. A strong body.D. Low price.B6. A. Attend a meeting.B. Have an interview.C. Attend the graduation ceremony.D. Join a company. C7. A. Go to watch the final in the TV room.B. Go to see a movie since he has two tickets.C. Go to see the final live since he has two tickets.D. Give up the watching.C8. A. To get the driving license.B. To be careful in driving the car.C. To have a training of her driving skills.D. To take her driving license with her.B9. A. Teacher and student.B. Father and mother.C. Employer and employee.D. Shop assistant and customer.B10. A. He agrees with the woman.B. He doesnt agree with the woman.C. He has no idea of that.D. He has seen Adam playing.BII. Long conversations Directions: In this section youll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.Conversation 11. A. Making a suit for a friends wedding.B. Making a wedding suit for his wedding.C. Making a suit for a job interview.D. Making a suit for a funeral.A2. A. Brown. B. Black. C. Blue. D. White.A3. A. Because it will make him stand out from the rest. B. Because it is common. C. Because he already has three black suits. D. Because black is dull. AConversation 21. A. Because they cannot keep warm. B. Because you cannot wear them to the office or walking down the street. C. Because they are not beautiful. D. Because they only suit rich people. B2. A. The designers can meet each other there. B. The designers can find business partners there. C. It is a great advertising compaign. D. It gives the designers a chance to show what they would like to see people wearing. B3. A. For publicity. B. For personal interest. C. For enriching peoples imagination. D. For stretching their own imagination. AConversation 31. A. A scarf and earrings. B. A scarf, earrings and an anklet. C. A scarf and bracelet. D. Earrings and a bracelet. C2. A. She is a fashion victim. B. She is not a fashion victim. C. She has no sense of fashion. D. She has a lot of sense of fashion.B3. A. A plain coat, jeans and high heels. B. A dress, jeans and high heels. C. A plain top, jeans, and high heels with a flower printed. D. Jeans and high heels. C4. A. $20. B. $80. C. $160. D. $200. CIII. Understanding PassagesDirections: In this section youll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.Passage 11. A. Clothes are fantasy.B. Clothes are like art.C. Clothes are just practical things to keep people covered.D. Clothes arent ordinary cover-up objects.C2. A. Wu is a 24-year-old senior at Parsons. B. Wu is an Asian designer. C. Wu is going to be interviewed by the speaker. D. Wu says that the luxury market has shifted toward Europe.D3. A. Clothing is your life. B. Clothing is a means of human expression and connection. C. Fashion is like art.D. Clothes are fantasy.APassage 21. A. Su is a sophomore in a prestigious university.B. Su has been working as a nude model for a year.C. Su is from a well-to-do family.D. Su earns 500 yuan a day working as a nude model.C2. A. Su has held an exhibition to show the history of nude models.B. Su has held a debate on campus.C. Su has exhibited her nude photos and videos.D. Su has held an art exhibition to show the works of her classmates.C3. A. Because there are potential dangers that the nude images could be misused and even illegally distributed.B. Because it is a declining career. C. Because the career is not a stable one.D. Because she cannot earn enough money to live.A4. A. Because she earns money from her work.B. Because she can put her thoughts in studies to her work and deserves respect.C. Because she should show her beauty to the world.D. Because she has the right to do


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