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.CATTI 笔译备考练习专题材料:文化篇内容来源:中国核心语汇”官方网站http:/www.cnkeywords.net/资料整理:CATTI考试资料与资讯 http:/www.gocatti.com/ 交流互鉴的文明观文明是多彩的,人类文明因多样才有交流互鉴的价值。文明是平等的,人类文明因平等才有交流互鉴的前提。文明是包容的,人类文明因包容才有交流互鉴的动力。当今世界,人类生活在不同文化、种族、肤色、宗教和不同社会制度所组成的世界里,各国人民形成了你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体。应该推动不同文明相互尊重、和谐共处,让文明交流互鉴成为增进各国人民友谊的桥梁、推动人类社会进步的动力、维护世界和平的纽带。应该从不同文明中寻求智慧、汲取营养,为人们提供精神支撑和心灵慰藉,携手解决人类共同面临的各种挑战。Exchanges and mutual learning among civilizationsCivilizations are diverse, and such diversity makes exchanges and mutual learning among them relevant and valuable. Civilizations are equal, and such equality provides the prerequisite for exchanges and mutual learning. Civilizations are inclusive, and such inclusiveness gives the motivation for exchanges and mutual learning among them.We live in a world with different cultures, ethnic groups, skin colors, religions and social systems, and the people of all countries have become members of an intimate community with a shared destiny. We should encourage different civilizations to respect each other and live in harmony, so that exchanges and mutual learning between them becomes a bridge for promoting friendship between people around the world, an engine driving progress of human society and a bond cementing world peace. We should draw wisdom and nourishment and seek spiritual support and psychological consolation from different civilizations and work together to tackle the challenges facing mankind.丝绸之路精神历史上的商业通道丝绸之路,作为人文社会的交往平台,多民族、多种族、多宗教、多文化在此交汇融合。千百年来,丝绸之路承载的和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢精神薪火相传。中国与丝绸之路沿线国家在维护民族尊严、捍卫国家主权的斗争中相互支持,在探索发展道路、实现民族振兴的道路上相互帮助,在深化人文交流、繁荣民族文化的事业中相互借鉴。习近平主席提议,新时期弘扬丝绸之路精神,就是要促进文明互鉴、尊重道路选择、坚持合作共赢、倡导对话和平。Spirit of the Silk RoadThe historical trade route known as the Silk Road was also a platform for people-to-people and cultural exchanges, where various ethnic groups, races, religions and cultures met and assimilated with each other. For hundreds of years, the spirit of the Silk Road, namely, peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit, has been passed down through generations. China and other countries located along the Silk Road have supported each other in maintaining national dignity and safeguarding state sovereignty, helped each other in exploring development paths and achieving national rejuvenation, and learned from each other in deepening people-to-people and cultural exchanges and revitalizing national cultures.President said that to promote the Silk Road spirit in the new era means boosting mutual learning between civilizations, respecting each others development paths, maintaining win-win cooperation and advocating dialogue and peace.“昆曲”是指自元末明初发源于江苏昆山的戏曲形式,被称作中国戏曲之鼻祖,对中国的戏曲艺术有着巨大的影响力。昆曲以鼓、板控制演唱节奏,以曲笛、三弦等为主要伴奏乐器,其唱念语音为“中州韵”,北曲遵“中原”,南曲遵“洪武”。 昆曲唱腔华丽婉转、念白儒雅、表演细腻。 2001年,昆曲被联合国教科文组织列为“人类口述和非物质遗产代表作”。Kun Opera is dated back to the late Yuan and early Ming dynasty (600 years ago) in the city of Kunshan, Jiangsu Province and is one of the oldest forms of Chinese opera which has had a considerable influence to the domain. The rhythm is controlled by drum and plank in Kun Opera. The main instruments are Chinese bamboo flute and San-Hsien (a three-stringed plucked instrument) etc. Its singing rhyme follows Zhongzhou rhyme (the rhyme of verse of Chinese opera in Central China). Northern Kun Opera is based on phonetics in mid-china and Southern Kun Opera is based on Hongwu Zhengyun (phonological system of Tang and Song Dynasty which is similar with Suzhou dialect). The vocal voice of Kun Opera is beautiful and mild, the spoken parts are elegant and the performance is delicate. In 2001, Kun Opera was classified as "Representative of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).古琴,又称琴、瑶琴、玉琴、五弦琴和七弦琴,是中国的拨弦乐器,有三千年以上历史,属于八音中的丝。古琴音域宽广,音色深沉,余音悠远。自古琴为其特指,于1920年起为了与钢琴区别而改称古琴Chinese zither, or guqin, which is also called qin, peptachord, jade harp, banjo, and heptachord, is a seven-stringed plucked instrument with a history over 3,000 years. It belongs to silk string in Eight Notes (eight categories of musical instrument in ancient orchestra). It has a wide voice register, deep tone and a long lingering sound. It was originally called Qin (the pronunciation is the same as piano in Chinese) in ancient China and has been renamed as Guchin for distinguishing it from piano since 1920.新疆木卡姆是流传于中国新疆各维吾尔族聚居区的各种木卡姆的总称,是集歌、舞、乐于一体的大型综合艺术形式。由于维吾尔木卡姆艺术肇始于本土的民间文化、发展于各绿洲城邦国宫廷及都府官邸,经过整合与交融后又返播积淀在民间,成为既体现着古代宫廷的精英文化又展现出乡村市井的民间文化的集中 代表。她既代表了宫廷城镇的主流雅文化,又涵盖了市井乡村的边缘俗文化。在维吾尔人的特定文化语境中,“木卡姆”已经成为包容文学、音乐、舞蹈、说唱、戏 剧乃至民族认同、宗教信仰等各种艺术成份和文化意义的词语。The Art of Chinese Xinjiang Uyghur Muqam (木卡姆 Mkm) is a representative name of various kinds of Muqam in Chinas Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (新疆维吾尔自治区 Xnjing Wiwr Zzh Q), where people contrived this large-scale musical complex with song


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