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浙江省乐清市第二中学2020届高三12月月考英语试题选择题部分(共80分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。1. Im sorry I didnt make it to your party last night. _, I know youre busy these days. A. Of courseB. No kidding C. Thats all rightD. You are welcome2. We planned to climb the mountain today, but in such _ bad weather, it seems out of _ question.A. /; the B. /; / C. a; aD. a; the3. The book is of great value, but _ can be enjoyed unless you digest it.A. nothing B. somethingC. everythingD. anything4. Two lawyers have donated $ 50, 000 to _ our schools campaign “Help the Needy”, which was started by our former headmaster 10 years ago.A. approve B. advocate C. guarantee D. sponsor5. Many ordinary people fought against _ in order to create a fairer society.A. distribution B. arrangement C. insecurity D. privilege6.The police offered a reward of $10,000 for information _ to the attempted murder.A. relevant B. autonomous C. familiar D. sensitive7.Dont defend him any more. Its obvious that he _ destroyed the fence of the garden even without an apology.A. accidentally B. carelessly C. deliberatelyD. automatically8.Some students found it hard to _ what their teacher had taught, so they asked him to explain it again.A. take inB. take upC. take overD. take on9.The sum of money is to support companies that will _ not be able to survive the crisisA. thereforeB. otherwiseC. meanwhileD. though10. Do you think it wise for Chinese mothers to try to do everything for their children? No, thats _ they are mistaken.A. where B. whenC. so D. how11. _ on his past mistakes, Ted realized that he had stayed around the wrong people.A. To reflect B. Reflecting C. Reflected D. Being reflected12. Jack described his father, who _ a brave boy many years ago, as a strongwilled man.A. would be B. would have been C. must be D. must have been13. “Sorry” is the hardest word to say sometimes. _ you know youve done something wrong, or something inappropriate, it takes courage to say sorry.A. Only if B. Even if C. If only D. As if 14. Without the friction (摩擦力) between feet and the ground, people would _ be able to walk. A. in no way B. by all meansC. on any account D. in no time15. Honestly, I find it hard to _ my roommate these days, who is always returning late and making much noise.A. catch up withB. come up with C. be fed up withD. put up with16. It was in the garden of his old house _ he grew up _ he dug up a pot of gold.A. that; where B. where; that C. which; where D. what; that17. - I saw your uncle take a taxi to the airport. Why didnt you drive him there? - I _. But my car _.A. would; was fixed B. would have; was fixedC. would have; was being fixed D. did; was being fixed 18. _ when we passed by its nest. A. Up into the blue sky did the bird fly B. Flew up into the blue sky the birdC. Up into the blue sky the bird flew D. Up into the blue sky flew the bird19. Its not necessary to explain the truth _ there are air,water and sunlight,there are living things.Athat whereverBin wherever Cwhich Dthat20. Can you speed it up a little? Ill be late for my flight. _. Im taking a short cut. Well make it on time.A. Go ahead B. I cant agree more. C. Take it easy. D. I have no idea.第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。Today we spent the morning going through our personal belongings .We were looking for items to _ 21 for free at a local park. Not just any items but things people really 22 . Our aim was not to find things we no longer 23 but things we use every day that would be 24 to others. We packed these things 25 boxes and added some small toys. We added a list of local addresses and phone numbers of local 26 agencies. Inside the boxes a simple letter was placed. It 27 : “Please take these items and know that your life is important. 28 are difficult but these days will pass. We share what we have believing that it will matter. Use the food to nurture your 29 ; use the blankets to stay warm. Be safe and know that the human 30 can overcome anything. Do not hold your head 31 for having a need to stay warm. Someday please do the same when you can.”This kind 32 was not because the phone rang or for any reason. It was 33 because it was the right to do. We have often seen 34 people at the park where we left the belongings. I 35 that my wife had put her favorite green coat into one of the boxes. I asked


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