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Unit 4 Wildlife protection 重点短语重点句型重点单词 1 protectionn 保护 protectvt 保护 防卫 protectedadj 受保护的 2 wildadj 野生的 野的 未开发的 荒凉的 wildlyadv 野生地 野蛮地 wildlifen 野生动植物 3 decreasevt 使 变小n 减少量 increase 反义词 vt 增加 增大 4 lossn 损失 遗失 丧失 5 huntvt 猎取 搜寻 huntern 猎人 重点短语重点句型重点单词 6 respondvi 回答 响应 做出反应 respondentadj 回答的 应答的 respondencen 响应 一致 7 distantadj 远的 远处的 冷淡的 distancen 距离 路程 8 Relief n 痛苦或忧虑的 减轻或解除 减轻痛苦的事物 releasevt 释放 发布 9 laughtern 笑 笑声 laughvi 笑 laughingadj 可笑的 10 mercyn 仁慈 宽恕 怜悯 mercifuladj 仁慈的 宽恕的 重点短语重点句型重点单词 11 certainadj 确定的 某一 一定 certainlyadv 当然 行 12 importancen 重要 性 importantadj 重要的 13 containvt 包含 容纳 容忍 14 powerfuladj 强大的 有力的 powern 力量 能力 政权 15 affectvt 影响 感动 侵袭 affectionn 喜爱 感情 影响 感染 affectedadj 受到影响的 affectiveadj 情感的 表达感情的 16 attentionn 注意 关注 注意力 重点短语重点句型重点单词 17 appreciatevt 鉴赏 感激 意识到 appreciationn 欣赏 感谢 18 succeedvi 成功 vt 接替 继任 successn 成功 successfuladj 成功的 19 secureadj 安全的 可靠的 securityn 安全 保证 20 incomen 收入 21 employvt 雇用 利用 时间 精力等 employeen 雇员 employern 雇主 22 harmn 刺痛 bit 过去式 bitten 过去分词 24 inspectvt 检查 视察 25 incidentn 事件 事变 26 fierceadj 凶猛的 猛烈的 重点短语重点句型重点单词 1 die out 灭亡 逐渐消失 2 in peace 和平地 和睦地 安详地 3 in danger of 在危险中 垂危 4 in relief 如释重负 松了口气 5 burst into laughter 突然笑起来 大声笑了出来 6 protect from 保护 不受 危害 7 pay attention to 注意 e into being 形成 产生 9 according to 按照 根据 所说 10 so that 以至于 结果 重点短语重点句型重点单词 1 请把我带到遥远的国度 在那里我能找到提供皮毛来制作毛衣的动物 Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater 2 这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性 不过我想按照世界野生生物基金会的建议来帮助你 们 It shows the importance of wildlife protection but I d like to help as the WWF suggests Daisy had always longed to help 1 endangered endanger wildlife She flew in a wonderful carpet to a distant land Tibet to talk with an antelope The antelope told her they 2 were hunted hunt because of their fur 3 which can be used to make sweaters like hers Later she flew to Zimbabwe where once farmers hunted the elephants 4 without mercy Now people knew the 5 importance important of wildlife 6 protection protect and the elephant numbers are increasing In 7 relief relieve Daisy couldn t help 8 bursting burst into laughter At last she arrived at the thick rainforest A monkey watched her as it rubbed itself It told Daisy rubbing a millipede insect which contains a 9 powerful power drug affecting mosquitoes can protect itself from mosquitoes Daisy paid more attention 10 to the rainforest and appreciated how the animals live together No rainforest no animals no drugs 重点短语重点句型重点单词 decrease vt 宽恕 怜悯 Farmers hunted us without mercy 农民们很残忍地猎杀我们 教材原句P26 常见用法 ask beg for mercy 请求宽恕 at the mercy of 任由 的摆布 have mercy on sb show mercy to sb 同情某人 怜悯某人 It s a mercy that 幸运的是 He went down on his knees and begged for mercy 他跪下来 乞求宽恕 They have no mercy on the poor father and daughter 他们毫不怜悯这对可怜的父女 I shouldn t like to be at the mercy of such a cruel man 我不想任由这个残忍的家伙摆布 重点短语重点句型重点单词 拓展延伸 merciful adj 仁慈的 be merciful to对 仁慈 现学活用 单句填空 1 They showed mercy to their enemies 2 It is a mercy that she wasn t seriously hurt 3 The ship was at the mercy of the storm 4 She is a kind hearted woman and often has mercy on people who are in trouble 重点短语重点句型重点单词 contain vt 包含 容纳 容忍 It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes 它含有一种强效的药物可以防止蚊 虫叮咬 教材原句P26 The Chinese diet contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables 中式饮食包括很多水果和绿 色蔬菜 I could hardly contain my curiosity 我简直无法克制我的好奇心 常见用法 contain oneself自我克制 contain hold seat admit 人数 容纳多少人 The hall can contain hold seat admit 3 000 people 这个大厅可以容纳3 000人 特别提醒 contain 一般不用于进行时态 重点短语重点句型重点单词 词义辨析 Many people like tennis including me me included 许多人喜欢网球 也包括我 我也在内 This book contains all the information you need 这本书包含了你所需要的所有内容 重点短语重点句型重点单词 现学活用 用contain或include的适当形式填空 1 Orange juice contains things which help keep you healthy 2 At least twenty people were present at the meeting including three teachers 3 The box contains the child s toys 4 Your duty will include putting the children to bed besides cooking 重点短语重点句型重点单词 affect vt 影响 感动 侵袭 It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes 它含有一种强效药物可以防止蚊虫 叮咬 教材原句P26 His opinion will not affect my decision 他的意见不会影响我的决定 The slight change of weather can affect her delicate health 天气稍有变化就会影响她那虚 弱的身体 重点短语重点句型重点单词 常见用法 affect sb to tears把某人感动得流泪 be affected by受 影响 be deeply greatly affected by 被 深深感动 be affected by heat cold中暑 着凉 be affected with 患有 疾病 All the people in the room were affected to tears 屋里所有人都感动得流了泪 We were deeply affected by the story 这个故事深深地打动了我们 She is affected with cancer 她患有癌症 重点短语重点句型重点单词 拓展延伸 effect n 影响 结果 have an effect on 对 产生影响 take effect生效 come into effect实行 生效 be of no effect无效 in effect有效 实际上 现学活用 用affect或effect的适当形式填空 1 The war and the effects it caused affected him a great deal 2 Reading in bed affected his eyesight 3 The film had quite an effect on her 重点短语重点句型重点单词 appreciate vt 感激 欣赏 领会 You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together 你们应该多关注我生活的热带雨林 并且应该了解热带雨林里的动物是如何 共同生活的 教材原句P26 常见用法 appreciate doing sth 愿意 乐于 感激 做 某事 appr


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