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新概念A Lessonppt课件.ppt

Words 1 sound n 声音 adj 酣的 深沉的 平静的 sound sleep 舒适的睡眠 酣睡 sleep soundly 熟睡 2 camel 骆驼 3 donkey 驴子 4 salty 咸的 5 arrest 逮捕 arrest sb for sth 因某事逮捕某人 1 7 Spoil Br E spoilt spoilt Am E spoilded spoilded 破坏 8 greedily 贪婪地 greed 贪婪 greedy贪婪的 贪吃的 渴望的 9 beautifully 出色地 极好地 10 end 结束 11 ahead 在 前面 12 cross 生气的 13 stand 忍受 2 Follow the pattern I looked at the man and the woman angrily walk across the stage slow S1 How did she walk across the stage S2 She walked very slowly ly across the stage behave at the theatre rude bad drive through the park quick slow sleep on the train sound quiet listen to his story patient careful 3 Follow the pattern I could not hear the actors I can t hear a word hear the radio S1 I can hear the radio now Can you S2 Of course I can I can hear it perfectly well hear the actors hear the rain hear his voice hear some music see those men see the theatre see the policeman see her house 4 Follow the pattern Last week I went to the theatre I went to the theatre last week last night a good talk on the radio saw or heard S I heard a good talk on the radio last night saw or heard just now a voice knock at the door last night a cry shout outside at lunch a fly hair in my soup last week a camel monkey at the zoo 5 Follow the pattern I could not hear the actors I could not bear it Why The noises were too loudloud see the race largelarge crowd S1 Didn t you see the race S2 I couldn t The crowd was too largelarge read the letter small bad writing see her face poor bad light swim in the lake could deep water finish your lunch hot salty food 6 Word order in simple statements 1 A statement tells us about something Each statement tells us about one thing A statement tells us about one thing is a simple statement 2 The order of the words in a sentence is very important Eg The policeman arrested the thief The thief arrested the policeman 3 A simple statement can have six parts but it does not always have so many 7 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 When Who Which What ActionWho Which What How Where Where Last week Iwentto the theater Ihada very good seat The play wasvery interesting Idid not enjoy It A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me They were talking loudly 8 Arrange the words correctly Eg I last year to America went The correct order is I who went action to America where last year when Or Last year I went to America 9 1 The film I enjoyed yesterday 2 The news listened to I carefully 3 Well the man the piano played 4 Games played yesterday in their room the children quietly 5 Quietly the door he opened 6 Immediately left he 7 A tree in the corner of the garden he planted 8 Before lunch the letter in his office quickly he read 9 This morning a book I from the library borrowed 10 10 The soup spoilt the book 11 We at home stay on Sundays 12 There a lot of people are at the bus stop 13 The little boy an apple this morning ate greedily in the kitchen 14 She beautifully draws 15 Music I like very much 16 A new school built they in our village last year 17 The match at four o clock ended 18 She a letter from her brother last week received 11 Letter writing a Address and date at the top the letter heading b The top right hand corner c Starting with the exact location d Ending with the most general location e Date below the address 12 Flat 7 23 Pound Street Warminster Wiltshire BA12 8NL England 1st April 2014 13 Room305 Sunshine English School NO 240 JiangYi Road HaiZhu District Guangzhou City China 26th July 2014 14 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 供参考 感谢您的支持 我们努力做得更好 15


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