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2019-2020年高二英语Unit9 Saving the Earth.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit9 Saving the Earth.doc

2019-2020年高二英语Unit9 Saving the EarthThe First Period Warming up & ReadingGoals:1. Talk about nature, ecology and the environment.2. Make the Ss know the Earth Summit and the importance of the environment.3. Further develop students reading ability as well as listening and speaking abilities.4. Make the Ss learn some useful words and expressions. 5. Arouse the Ss to take better care of the earth.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming up1. Begin the class by showing some pictures of serious environmental problems.2. Ask the Ss some questions. Whats the biggest problem facing the earth? Why do you think so? What causes the problem? What can we do solve the problem? Leaders from different countries can hold a meeting and discuss how to save the earth.Step 2 Lead inThe Earth Summit is going to be held in Johannesburg in South Africa. As Chinese journalists, all of us are invited to report this important summit. Step 3 SkimmingBefore going there, we should know some information about the Earth Summit. Do you anything about it? .It was first held in Stockholm in 1972.Representatives discussed some of the most important problems facing our planet. Much progress has been made.Step 4 Scanning 1. Listen to Para 1 and find one of the main themes of the summit. Sustainable development 2. Listen to Para 2& 3 and find what topics are talked about by the speakers. 1)The Big Three Contaminated drinking water 7,000,000 Poor sanitation 1,200,000,000 Air pollution 3,000,000 2) Poverty, War, Violence Whats the present problem with the global development? Richer people get richer while the poor get poorer. What should people do to solve this problem? Rich countries have a responsibility towards poor countries and must do whatever they can to help others.3. Whats purpose of the Earth Summit? It helps people understand that there exist serious problems and that there is still time to take action.Step 5 Future DiscussionTask 1 Interview Four Ss get a group. Three of the members are experts at the Earth Summit. One is a journalist who is interviewing them about the way to solve the big three. You may start like this:“Dear experts, Im a journalist from Chinese. Id like to know” Task 2 Creative ThinkingA visitor to the Earth Summit said that, “When I listened to the speakers, I realised thatmany of the things I do every day are bad for the environment”Did you do anything bad for the environment? What will do to protect the environment?Task 3 Debate As we know the Earth Summit is a place to find solutions for the future. Some people say that money can solve all problems, but some say knowledge. Which one do you agree? Money or Knowledge? Ss will be divided into two groups. See which group can win the debate.Step 6 Conclusion If we want to get knowledge, we must have better education. With better education, people will be able to build a better society in harmony with nature. With better education, much of the poverty can be wiped out. With better education, we will see less violence and fewer wars.Step 7 Homework1. Write a report about the Earth Summit. (100-120 words)2. Make up a poster to arouse people to stop polluting the environment. The Second Period Listening & Integrating SkillsGoals:1. Further develop students listening and summarizing abilities.2. Arouse the Ss to take better care of the earth.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming up Show a flash about water pollution.Step 2 Listening 1 1. Pre-listening Ask Ss talk something about water pollution. We are going to hear part of the speech on Earth Day. 2. While-listeningPart 1 Answer questions Why is she giving this speech? What does she think the most serious problem is? What does she say we should do about it? Part 2 Write the outline of the speakers arguments. 3. Post-listening What will the speaker say next? Please predict what will e next.Step 3 Listening 2 Listen to the speech from the Earth Summit and plete the outlines below.Step 3 Conclusion We need action.Step 4 Song Listen to Heal the World and write the repeated part.Heal the WorldTheres A Place in Your Heart and I Know That It Is Love and This Place Could Be MuchBrighter than Tomorrow and If You Really Try Youll Find Theres No Need to Cry In This Place Youll Feel Theres No Hurt Or Sorrow There Are Ways To Get There If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Little Space Make A Better Place.If You Want To Know Why Theres A Love That Cannot Lie Love Is Strong It Only Cares ForJoyful Giving If We Try We Shall See In This Bliss We Cannot Feel Fear Or Dread We Stop Existing And Start Living Then It Feels That Always Loves Enough For Us Growing So Make A Better Wo


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