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2019-2020年高二英语Module7 Unit2 Fit for life教案 牛津英语.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Module7 Unit2 Fit for life教案 牛津英语.doc

2019-2020年高二英语Module7 Unit2 Fit for life教案 牛津英语1. trial n 试用,考验,审讯We must put the machine to trial.= We must give the machine a trial.我们必须试行运转那部机器。on trial 在试用中,试验性的 try to do 努力做某事try doing 试着做某事 try on 试穿try out (彻底)试验 try ones best to do 竭尽所能做某事练习D I usually go to school on foot.Why not _ there by bike for a change?A. manage to go B. try to go C. to manage going D. try going D She succeeded in the examination _ her second trial.A. at B. in C. to D.on2. length n. 长度,时间的长短 length of 一根,一段 a length of rope 一根绳子 a length of cloth 一段布翻译:它长200千米。(两种) Its 200 kilometers long. Its 200 kilometers in length.这把尺子是那把的两倍长。This ruler is twice the length of that one.常用短语at length 最后,终于;充分地,详细地 at full length 伸展全身in length 长度上3. note vt. 发现,注意到;记录 n. 记录;笔记;注解;便条Please note what I do and then follow me. 请注意我干的事,然后跟我学。 note down 写下,记下 take /make a note of 做笔记 take note of 注意到,留意到 pare notes with sb. 与某人交流练习 She sat quietly in the corner, taking/making notes carefully (仔细做笔记). I made /took a note of (记下) her address and phone number. The policeman noted down every word she said. (把她所说的每句话都记了下来).noted adj. 著名的 a noted doctor 一个著名的医生4. name vt. 命名,提名;叫出说出下列句中name的含义 They named the baby Xiaoyu. 为某人取名 Can you name all the plants and trees in the garden. 说出 We named him chairman. 任命常用短语name after 以命名 by the name of 名叫know sb. by name仅仅知道某人的名字 under the name of 以名字 in the name of 以的名义一个叫Tom 的男孩 (多种表达)a boy named Toma boy with the name Toma boy by the name of Toma boy whose name is Toma boy ,Tom by namenamely adv. 即,也就是nameless adj. 无名的,不知名的,匿名的5. put through 接通电话;做成;使通过 put away 把收起来,放好put down放下;记下; put on 穿上;增加;上演 put out 熄灭 put forward 提出 put together 把放在一起 put up 举起;张贴 put up with忍受 put off 推迟练习B He is so selfish that no one _ him and doesnt be friends with him.A. puts out B. puts up with C. puts off D. puts upA You two had better _ your heads _ and make a decision.A. put; together B. put; down C. put; through D. puts; awayC In Disneyland every year, some 800 000 plants are replaced because Disney refused to _ signs asking his “guests” not to step on them.A. put down B. put out C. put up D. put off Put those tools away (把工具收起来) after you finish the work. Owing to the state of the ground, the match has been put off (比赛延期了).6. let out 发出,放出翻译:有人把这消息泄露了出去。Someone has let the news out.有关let的短语: let in 放入,允许进入 let off 宽恕,准许 let sb. be 不要打扰某人,由他去 let sb. down 使某人失望 单项选择B 1. The school was named _ the hero.A. as B. after C. in D. atB 2. His newly-written novel sells in very large numbers, that is to say, it is a _.A. best-selling B. best-seller C. best-sellers D. best worksD3. Make _ of how much money you spend on the trip.A. a note B. notes C. note D. both A and BC4. He gets older and his hair _.A. was thin B. is thins C. is thinning D. was thinningB5. The air in the house is not _. Do you have any way to _ it.A. purify; pure B. pure; purify C. purifying; pure D. pure; purifiedD6. Large _ of money were spent on the garden.A. number B. quantity C. amount D. quantitiesD7. There are _ people here.A. masses of B. a number of C. quantities of D. all the aboveC8. To our great _, the accident caused little damage.A. sorrow B.surprising C. relief D. happyA9. He accidentally _ that he hadnt been home for three weeks.A. let out B. gives up C. let in D. gives outA10. It doesnt take long to bee _ these drugs. A. addicted to B. addiction to C. addict to D. addictive toB11. In modern times, its _ that we can hear the news from different parts of the world very quickly.A. a wonder B. no wonder C. a great wonder D. not wonderA12. Mother told him not to _ the streets after school.A. wander B. wonder C. move D. goC13. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _ jokes.A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing upC14. - I think its going to be a big problem.- Yes, it could be.- I wonder _ we can do about it.A. if


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