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新牛津B Unit Readingppt课件.ppt

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新牛津B Unit Readingppt课件.ppt

Reading 2 宜兴市大浦中学 蒋文娟 Learning aims 3 To be able to introduce the activities of the community center 来源 z x x k 学科网 1 To review the main idea of the passage and grasp the structures 2 To be able to grasp some useful expressions 复习文章的主要意思并能把握文章的结构 能介绍社区中心的活动内容 来源 z x x k 学科网 能灵活运用文中的有用句型 Warm up 1 What are Simon s neighbours like Revision They are kind and helpful Read paragraph 1 2 1 What things can Simon s neighbours do to help others Revision Read paragraph 3 10 something wrong with computer engineer with our homework ask sb to do do some shopping college students are ready to is broken There is Simon s computer He is going to ask a to check it Revision with our homework ask someone to fix do some shopping college students are ready to is broken When your bicycle you can it Revision with our homework do some shopping college students are ready to The can help us They help Revision do some shopping Some volunteers often visit the old people and for them Revision 1 What is Simon s feeling Revision Read paragraph 11 He feels lucky The structure of the passage Paragraph 3 10 Paragraph 11 Paragraph 1 2qualities things his neighbours help do feelings Further reading Further reading Simon s neighbours are they help them with They have a at the weekend There s something wrong he is going to Annie s bicycle is she s going to Some college students are Simon s neighbours often visit and for them This weekend they ll Simon s neighbours are kind and helpful they help them with all kinds of problems They have a helping hands meeting at the weekend There s something wrong with Simon s computer He s going to ask a computer engineer to check it Annie s bicycle is broken so she s going to ask someone to fix it Some college students are ready to help with homework Simon s neighbours often visit the old people and do some shopping for them This weekend they ll help the old people clean their flats She is Kelly She is a teacher She always helps the students with their studies help sb with sth在某方面帮助某人 他经常在英语方面帮助孩子们 He often helps children with their English help sb to do sth帮助某人做某事 他们总是帮助老人打扫屋子 They always help old people clean the house Language points Question What do you often help your parents grandparents classmates teachers do with She is Kelly She is a teacher She always helps the students with their studies What is she like be like prep 像 类似 你朋友是怎样一个人 他乐于助人 What is your friend like He is helpful Language points She is Kelly She is a teacher She always helps the students with their studies like v Language points 喜欢 What your mother like My mother likes go shopping doeslike going Tom like his father like help others likelikes helping He is Tom He is a computer engineer He always helps to check computers if there s something wrong with people s computers There s something wrong with wrong with 某物坏 失 灵 了 我的手表坏了 There s something wrong with my watch Something is wrong with my watch Something is My watch is broken isSomething broken Language points He is Tom He is a computer engineer He always helps to check computers if there s something wrong with people s computers There s nothing wrong with 某物坏没问题 坏 他的自行车没什么问题 There s nothing wrong with his bike What s wrong with 某物怎么了 他的腿怎么了 What s wrong with his leg Language points She is Rose She is a singer She sings well Children usually ask her to sing English songs ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事 My mother asks me read English every morning to read ask sb not to do sth 老师要求孩子们不要看太多电视 The teacher asks children not to watch too much TV 要求某人不要做某事 Language points They are Ann and Amy They are helpful They are ready to help others be ready to do sth 准备好做 乐意做 你准备好开始了吗 you start Are be ready for sth 学生们为篮球赛做好了准备 The students are ready for the basketball match 为某事准备好 ready to Language points She is Helen she is a volunteer at the community center She always helps old people do some shopping do some the Ving do some cleaning do the cleaning do some reading do the reading do some washing do the washing 泛指做某类事情 Language points 1243 Exercises Translate the phrases 1 友善并乐于助人 2 很幸运住在那样的社区 3 分享他们的不同技能 4 在社区中心 5 乐意帮助 6 购物 be kind and helpful be lucky to live in a neighbourhood like that share their different skills at the community center be ready to help do some shopping do the shopping Exercises Translate the sentences 1 你的数学老师怎样 2 一些大学生乐意帮助我们解决各种问题 Some college students are us with of problems your maths teacher What islike readyto helpallkinds Exercises 2 Mrs Liu asks Peter not play computer games after school 1 The volunteers are ready help old people do the cleaning not to play to help to do Exercises Fill in the blanks 3 Mrs Zhang is very helpful He is ready look after children for other parents to look What s wrong with There s something wrong with is broken ask a someone to A your computer B It doesn t work Maybe it A Let me see Oh the keyboard B I think I must go to the community center to check it A You can ask Alice to check it He is a he others is ready to help computer engineer Exercises


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