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2019-2020年高二英语Unit2 Period1 welcome to the unit.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit2 Period1 welcome to the unit.doc

2019-2020年高二英语Unit2 Period1 wele to the unit总:第1 课时Topic: wele to the unit (unit 2)The type of lesson: new lesson Period 1 wele to the unit Teaching aims: To improve the students ability of speaking To teach the students some new wordsTeaching important point: Some important words : Eg: probability, chemist, milligram, standardize, thin, note.Teaching difficult point: How to improve the students ability of speaking How to teach the students some new wordsTeaching methods: Ask the students to talk about and discuss some medicines Ask the students to read these new wordsTeaching aid: The blackboardTeaching procedures: Step 1 Greetings T: Good morning, everyone! Im glad to see you again. This term, I will continue to teach you. I hope you will be happy and study hard, make great progress in this term.T: How did you spend your spring festival?Teacher may ask the students to express their opinions. Step 2 Lead-inT: Today, we will learn unit 2fit for life. What will we learn in this unit? Who can tell me?We will learn: read an article about two important medicines and another article about Chinese acupuncture. listen to a TV report on short-sightedness among Chinese teenagers. talk about medicines and interview a doctor write a script for a radio programme prepare and present an oral report on Chinese medicine. Step 3 ExplanationT: Medicines are important to keep us healthy. Look at the pictures and discuss the people, the places and the treatments shown in the pictures.Picture 1:Who is that man?= a chemistWhat is he doing?= he is selling medicines. Picture 2: What are these on the girls ear?= needles. How do people use these needles?= people use these needles to treat peoples health problems. Picture 3: What are they doing?= doing an operation. Where are they?= in a special room called an operating theatre. Picture 4: Who are they?=an eye doc or and patient What are they doing?= An eye doctor tests our eyes to see if the patient need glasses. Step 4 discussion Ask the students to discuss some questions. Questions:1. Have you ever seen a doctor? If so, what happened?2. Have you ever received medical treatments? What did it feel like?3. Would you like to do any of the jobs shown in the pictures? Why or why not? Step5 new words:Teach the students to read some new words. Some words need to be explained.Probabilityprobable-probablyHistorian-historic-historyChemist-chemical-chemistryStandardize-standardStep6 exercise1 -I feel like_ there. -I would rather_ there.A: riding, walk B: riding, to walk C: to ride, walk D: to ride, walked2. Plenty of evidence _ him to be guilty.A: prove B: shows C: shown D: suggests3. If _, I will go there to help you.A: not B: possible C: only D: only4. _(要是这样的话), I will not agree with you.5.我们让他等了一个小时。We kept him_ for an hour.6. 请保持教室清洁。Please keep the classroom_.7.大象的耳朵摸起来像一把扇子。_ Step 5 summary and homework个案补遗教后感


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