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2019-2020年高二英语Module6 Unit2 What is happiness to you教案 牛津英语.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Module6 Unit2 What is happiness to you教案 牛津英语.doc

2019-2020年高二英语Module6 Unit2 What is happiness to you教案 牛津英语It is nice to do sth.句型: It is/ bees +adj. + to do sth. (it 为形式主语,动词不定式为真正主语) e.g. It is necessary for us to master a foreign language. 精通一门外语,对我们来说是必要的。It is necessary to get ready for the test.look back on 回首;回忆;回顾e.g. 1) He used to sit there, looking back on his happy childhood. 他过去常常坐在那里,回忆自己幸福的童年。2) When he saw the old photos, he couldnt help looking back on the days he spent with his grandpa.当看到旧照片时,他情不自禁地想起跟爷爷一块儿度过的日子。相关短语:look on/ upon as 把看作look out 当心,小心;留神look forward to 盼望look up 查阅;仰视;改善,好转encouragement n. U the act of encouraging to do sth 鼓舞,激励;C sth. that encourages sb. 起激励作用的事物 e.g. 1) Her words was a great encouragement to them. 她的话对他们是极大的鼓舞。 2) With a little encouragement from his parents, he could have done better. 父母给点激励的话,他会做得更好。encourage v. 支持,鼓励,激励 encourage sb. to do sth.encouraging a. 乐观的;鼓励的反discourage v.阻止,阻拦 discourage sb. from doing sth. guidance n.指导,引导,咨询老师给他很大的激励/鼓舞。He received a lot of encouragement from his teacher.= His teacher gave him much/ a lot of encouragement.under the guidance of 在指导下e.g. 所有的活动都在经验丰富的老师指导下进行。All the activities take place under the guidance of an experienced teacher.under the direction of 在指导下under the leadership of 在的领导下ahead of (时间 、空间)在的前面e.g. There were three men ahead of us. 我们前面有三个人。 earlier than sb./ sth. 早于e.g. He finished his homework ahead of time. 他提前完成了作业。 领先e.g. She was always well ahead of the rest of her class. 她总是遥遥领先班上的同学。ahead adv. 在前面;向前go straight ahead 向前直走go ahead 前进;(催促对方)先请!请!at that point 在那时,在那个阶段e.g. At that point, I did not care what you decided to do. 那时,我不在乎你决定要做什么。at/ on the point of 将近的时候;接近;靠近e.g. 1) She was on/ at the point of leaving when I arrived. 当我到达时,她正准备出门。2) They were on the point of giving up. 他们当时几乎要放弃了。golden daysgolden a. 金的,金质的; 金色的; 特别的,美好的gold n. 金;黄金rush n. 匆忙,急促Whats the rush? 干吗急匆匆的?in a rush 匆忙地;急切地e.g. The words came out in a rush. 那些话一股脑儿都出来了。independent a. 独立的,自主的,自制的;自主的,有主见的e.g. 1) That country became independent in the sixties. 那个国家在60年代独立。2) Going away to college has made me much more independent.离开家上大学使我独立多了。independence n. 独立;自主dependent a. 依赖的;依靠的dependence n. 依靠;依赖depend v. 依靠All I had to do was go to school and spend a few hours studying when I came home.All I had to do was enjoy my adolescence.不定式做表语时,如果主语部分有表示不定式动作内容的do时,不定式符号to可以省略。The only thing I can do is (to) give you as much help as I can. innocent (a.) 无辜的,无罪的,清白的;天真无邪的,纯真的e.g. an innocent man 清白的人; an innocent child 天真的孩童 innocence (n.) 无罪;清白 imagine (v.) 想象;设想 imagine sth. imagine (sb./ sbs) doing sth. imagine (sb. / sth.) to be imagine that e.g. imagine her running her own panyimagine yourself (to be) rich and famous fix many of the problems fix v. 把固定于 fix + n. + adv. The table was fixed to the floor. 那张桌子被固定在地上。 v. 确定,决定 (有时与up连用) fix (up) a date/ a time/ a place for the meeting 决定会议日期/时间/ 场所 v. fix ones attention / eyes/ mind on 把某人的注意力/眼睛/ 思想集中于 v.解决 Everything had been fixed in advance. 一切预先解决了。municate v. 交流,沟通;传达,传送;传播,传染 municate with sb./ sth. 与交流/联系 municate sth. to sb./sth. 把 传递给e.g. 1) We can municate with people in most parts of the world by telephone.我们可以借助电话与世界上大多数地区的人互通信息。2)English can help municate with people and make them stay in a foreign country easy and fortable. 英语能帮助人们之间的交流,使得他们在外国带得容易、舒服。3) He municated the news to me. 他把那消息传达给了我。munication n. 交流,交际 guarantee v. 保证;担保 They guarantee this clock for a year. 这时钟保修一年。 I guarantee the success of the show. 我保证这场表演会成功。 v, to do sth. = that 保证做 I guarantee to pay off the debt. = I guarantee that I will pay off the debt. v. guarantee sb. sth. = guarantee sth. to sb.对保证 They guaranteed their workers regular employment.= They guaranteed regular employment to their workers. assist sb. to do sth.assist sb. with sth.assist sb. in sth./doing sth.e.g. Good glasses will assist you to read. 好的眼镜有助于阅读。He assisted me with good advice and encouragement. 他帮助我出好主意并加以鼓励。pany 陪伴,与他人在一起,交往 keep sb. pany / bear sb. pany 陪伴某人1) I felt at home in your pany. 和你在一起令我轻松自在。2)I enjoyed her pany.3) He keeps good/ bad pany.= He is in good/ bad pany. 他和好人/坏人来往。4)He kept me pany. 他陪伴我。in pany (with) (和)一道keep pany with 和要好;和常一道;伴随Two is pany, there is none. (谚)二人成伴,三人不欢。mature a. 成熟的;理智的


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