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鲁教版七下Unit 9 What does he look like Section B同步测试B卷.doc

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鲁教版七下Unit 9 What does he look like Section B同步测试B卷.doc

鲁教版七下Unit 9 What does he look like Section B同步测试B卷一、 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。 (共6题;共23分)1. (5分)根据汉语提示,完成句子(1) Good eating_(习惯) are very important.(2)Healthy lifestyle helps me get good_(成绩).(3)He is_(躺)in bed to read a book.(4) I will_(寄) Tom a postcard.(5) If you are_(口渴的), you may have an apple.2. (1分) Youd better not tell your s_ to Tina, or everyone will know it soon. 3. (1分)This is a _(可笑的) story. Do you like it? 4. (5分)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(1)There are sixty m_in an hour.(2)They are waiting for us at the bus s_.(3)His home is f_from school, so he goes to school by subway.(4)Fifty and fifty is one h_.(5)Where do you l_?In Beijing.5. (10分)根据汉语提示在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空一词。 Tom had busy school days, and he _ (几乎不) ever did sports. In _ (事实),he had no time for sports. He hoped to do something different. As a _ (孩子),it was better to enjoy outdoor activities. So he and his father decided to climb a _ (相当) famous mountain. As they _ (尝试) hard, they were successful- they reached the _ (顶部) of the mountain. His father gave him a pen as his _ (奖励). How _ (新鲜的) the air was! He could _ (清楚地) hear the birds singing beautifully. He was so excited that he couldnt _ (等待) to keep it in a diary. What a wonderful experience it was!6. (1分)My _ (最喜爱的) day is Saturday. 二、 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共5分)7. (1分)Dale and Dave both like math and they dream of being_(science).8. (1分)He was late again but he didnt _ (explanation) the reason. 9. (1分)Professor Li is _ (absence). I will give you a lesson in place of him. 10. (1分)The boy is so clever that he can answer these questions _ (easy). 11. (1分)I think the story is _(believable). It may be false. 三、 英汉互译。 (共1题;共5分)12. (5分)人们采取更多的措施保护地球是非常有必要的。 四、 单项选择。 (共8题;共16分)13. (2分)We cant use computers to do our homework. We have to write it down _ hand.A . onB . inC . byD . with14. (2分)_, great changes have taken place in China.A . To our shameB . To our surpriseC . At lastD . In the beginning15. (2分)I _ take the car to get to school. A . sometimesB . some timesC . sometime16. (2分)What do you for lunch?Some noodles.A . seeB . playC . eatD . say17. (2分)You look worried. _.I left my keys at school.A . What did you do?B . What should you do?C . Whats the matter?D . Did you leave your keys at school?18. (2分)The boy was _ by the _ movie. A . frighten; frighteningB . frightened; frightenedC . frightened; frighteningD . frightening; frightening19. (2分)Tom drove by and gave me a on the way home.A . flightB . runC . walkD . lift20. (2分)Jackie is only six years old _ he can play soccer very well. A . andB . butC . orD . so五、 根据提示选择合适的图片, 并完成对话。 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)选词填空。none, that, universe, environment, out(1)The population of Australia is much smaller than_of China.(2)Some scientists believe theres life _there in space(3)Can you speak French,boys?Sorry,_of us can speak French(4)No one knows how many stars there are in the_(5)We need more treesTheyre good for our_六、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读理解(C)Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows By J.K. Rowling, paperback (平装书), 784 pages.Publisher (出版商): Arthur Levine Books (07/07/2009)Reading level: Age 912Price: $16.69Deceptively DeliciBy Jessica Seinfeld, hard cover (精装书), 204 pages.Publisher: Collins (09/01/2007)Reading level: ParentsPrice: $12.83Rich Dad, Poor Dad By Robert T. Kiyosaki, paperback, 266 pages.Publisher: Business Plus(01/01/2010)Reading level: Age 2025Price: $5.59The Road By Cormac McCarthy, paperback, 304 pages.Publisher: Vintage Books (09/11/2007)Reading level: AdultsPrice: $5.50(1)Which of the following books came out (出版) latest? A . Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.B . Deceptively Delicious.C . Rich Dad, Poor Dad.(2)Among the books, how many are written for adults? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.(3)Who wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad? A . Robert T. Kiyosaki.B . Jessica Seinfeld.C . Cormac McCarthy.(4)How much should you pay if you buy two copies of The Road and one copy of Deceptively Delicious?A . $23.83B . $18.33C . $12.83(5)What information can we learn from the above? A . Deceptively Delicious and The Road came out on the same day.B . J. K. Rowlings book is the most expensive of the four books.C . The Road is a book for young children.D . Rich Dad, Poor Dad is the cheapest of the four.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答


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