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人教版新版英语七年级下册第四单元Section B 2ppt课件.ppt

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人教版新版英语七年级下册第四单元Section B 2ppt课件.ppt

What s the rule Do my homework first when I get home What s the rule I must read a book before I can watch TV What s the rule Play basketball only on weekends on weekends What s the rule make dinner every day I have to help mom make diner every day What s the rule I have to practice the violin for an hour after dinner after dinner for an hour What s the rule Don t see friends on weekends see friends on weekends Dear Dr Know you help me I m not happy because there are too many rules at home Every morning I get up at six o clock At school I wear a school uniform and I keep my hair short After school I play with my friends or watch TV because I do my homework I relax on weekends either because I learn to play the piano I never have fun what I do Zhao Pei 3a Complete Zhao Pei s letters to Dr Know using have to must can can t 1 明确must have to can can t的用法 must强调调主观观上的需要 have to强调调客观观 上的需要 can可以 can t不可以 2 先通读读全文 理解短文大意 3 理解每句话话的意思 根据语语境确定用哪一个 情态动词态动词 4 寻寻找句子中有标标志性的单词单词 如看到or either等词词 可知本句应应是否定句 5 最后 再通读读一遍短文 看有没有错误错误 或不 通顺顺的地方 Dear Dr Know you help me I m not happy because there are too many rules at home Every morning I get up at six o clock At school I wear a school uniform and I keep my hair short After school I play with my friends or watch TV because I do my homework I relax on weekends either because I learn to play the piano I never have fun what I do Zhao Pei have to Can have tomust Check the answers must can t can t must can 3b Complete the chart with the rules in your home and school Check the rules you think are unfair Things I have to doThings I can t do I can t go out on school nights I must do the homework first after school I can t watch TV before I practice the piano I have to wear the uniform at school I have to keep my hair short I can t see friends on school days I must get up before 6 30 and practice English I can t be noisy or eat in class Write a letter to Dr Know Tell him about all the rules and how you feel about them 1 先对对3b中自己所写的在校及在家的规则进规则进 行 整理 将在家里的规则规则 及在学校里的规则规则 分别别 放在一起 2 先将在家里的规则规则 写成一段连贯连贯 的文字 再将 在学校里的规则规则 写成一段连贯连贯 文字 表明自己 对这对这 些规则规则 的感受 3 注意开头头可写 Can you help me 来表明自己 求助的目的 并注意写清自己求助的原因 4 按书书信的写作格式 写好开头头及结结尾 并再将 整个信件再通读读一遍 Dear Dr Know Li Yan Can you help me I m not happy because there re too many rules in my life I must get up before 6 30 and practice English every morning I can t go out on school nights I can t meet friends on school days I must do my homework first after school I can t watch TV before I practice the piano I have to wear the school uniform at school I have to keep my hair short I can t be noisy or eat in class What can I do One possible version 1 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box arrive late listen to be noisy follow the rules be strict My name is Timmy the Mouse I must get up early at 6 30 a m every morning Then I have to go to the kitchen to get food for Grandpa I never to the kitchen because I have to get there before the cat gets up My grandpa always tells me I can t I him because I don t want the cat to get me My grandpa with me but I think it s best to listen to isn t strict be noisy arrive late follow the rules Suppose you are the little mouse Retell your story to your partners My name s Timmy the Mouse I must get up 6 30 go to the kitchen arrive late get up grandpa be noisy listen to get mestrict with follow 2 Use can can t have to must and don t to write about the rules at school Write two sentences for each rule 1 arrive late class 2 listen teacher Don t arrive late for class We can t arrive late for class We must have to listen to our teachers at school 3 be noisy library 4 speak English English class 5 eat dining hall We must can speak English in the English class We can t be noisy in the library Don t be noisy in the library We must can eat in the dining hall 1 wear uniforms at school 2 clean my room every Sunday We must wear uniforms at school I must clean my room every Sunday Make more sentences 3 go to a movie on school nights 4 leave dirty dishes after dinner 5 drive before eighteen I can t leave dirty dishes in the kitchen after dinner Don t go to a movie on school nights You can t drive before you re eighteen 1 keep 名词词 代词词 形容词词 意为为 保持处处于 状态态 We must keep our classroom clean every day 我们们必须须每天保持教室干净净 How can you keep the fruit fresh 你是怎样样保持水果新鲜鲜的 2 learn 学习习 学会 1 learn 事物 Ms Wu helps me to learn English on weekends 吴老师师周末帮我学习习英语语 2 learn to do sth 学习习做某事 Let s learn to play chess after class 让让我们们下课课后学习习下棋吧 1 我不开心因为为有太多的规则规则 I m not because there re rules 2 在学校里我们们必须须保持头发头发 很短 We our hair at school 3 放学后 我不能看电视电视 或打篮篮球 I watch TV play basketball school after happy can t or too many 填上正确的单词单词 补补全句子 must keep short 4 在星期六我也不能休息 因为为我必须须 要学习钢习钢 琴 I on Saturday because I play the piano 5 老师对师对 我们们很严严格 Our teachers us have to learn to can t relax are strict with either 2 If you are Dr Know Write a 2 If you are Dr Know Write a short letter to Zhao Pei short letter to Zhao Pei 1 Retell the story of Timmy the Mouse to your parents at ho


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