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人教必修五unit first aid Readingppt课件.ppt

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人教必修五unit first aid Readingppt课件.ppt

Unit 5 First Aid 2 Do you know what these numbers mean emergency medical services fire department police department 3 What is first aid First is the kind of given to someone who suddenly or gets before a doctor can be found Often the illness or injury is but there are when giving first aid quickly will help falls ill injured not serious other times save one s life Warming up 失血 vt 给 某人 放血 bleed bled bled blood bloody n 血 血统 adj 出血的 血染的 血腥的 sprainvt 扭伤 sprainedadj 扭伤的 choke vt 使 窒息 6 Discuss what kind of first aid you should give in the following situations Press the wound Wrap bandage Cool the injury with ice Fasten with bandage 7 Can you guess what will happen to the girl How will her mother deal with the burn Look at the picture on the left What has happened The girl has pulled boiling water onto herself She will get bad burns 8 Fast Reading In which order are these topics covered in the text Number them from 1 to 5 the three types of burns what to do if someone gets burned the purpose of skin the symptoms of burns how we get burns 3 5 1 4 2 First Aid For Burns 9 Answer the questions based on the whole text 1 What can cause burns Hot liquids steam fire radiation the sun electricity and chemicals 2 Why should you put cold water on a burn The cold water stops the burning process stops the The cold water stops the burning process stops the pain and prevents or reduces swelling pain and prevents or reduces swelling 3 Why doesn t a third degree burn hurt Because the nerves are damaged If there are no Because the nerves are damaged If there are no nerves there is no pain nerves there is no pain 10 Detail Information Fill in the blanks based on the 1st Para 1 Our body s largest organ 2 We have of the skin 3 Your skin you or 4 It your body 5 It gives you your skin three layers keepswarmcool prevents from losing water senseoftouch 11 First degree burns Affect the top of the skin Dry red and mildly painful Turn white when Second degree burns Affect both the can be seen or pain Black and white and TypesTypes characteristicscharacteristics of burnsof burns based on page 34 based on page 34 1 Types1 Types2 Characteristics2 Characteristics layer top second all three swollen Rough tissue Mildly Little no pressed Blisters charred 12 Decide whether the first aid treatment is Right R or Wrong W 1 When someone is burned you should place some ice on his wound 2 We should put damp cloths on the second degree burns 3 We shouldn t break the blisters or they will make the wound infected 4 Sometimes we can put oil or ointments on burns to stop the infection 5 If burns are on the face we should make the victim sit up W R R W R 13 How will her mother deal with the burn Summary of first aid treatment 1 clothing and jewellery near the burns 2 the burns with cool water 3 cool clean wet cloths on the burns 4 the burned area gently 5 the burned area with a dry clean bandage 6 the burned area than the heart if possible 7 the victim the doctor or hospital if possible Take off Cool Place Dry Cover Keep higher Get to 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 供参考 感谢您的支持 我们努力做得更好 14


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