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专题跟踪检测1短文改错(一)(限时25分钟)(见专题跟踪检测P151)ANowadays, many middle school students are taking all kinds of afterschool . There are two opinions about it. Some think that students can get exam results and go to better schools if they these classes. They also believe that students can avoid to watching too much TV or playing computer games by taking more afterschool classes. But think students need more time to rest. If they take too classes, they might feel stressed out. Besides, putting too much pressure on them can have the opposite effect. As for me, I dont think extra classes is necessary. we learn in class is enough. We can improve our in class and learn to teach ourselves instead relying on extra lessons. 解析 class是可数名词,根据该句中的all kinds of可知,这里表示各种各样的课外课程,应用名词复数。 解析 根据and后的go to better schools可知,此处应用形容词比较级,表示取得更好的考试结果。 解析 根据语境可知,此处为一般性描述,应用一般现在时。 解析 avoid doing sth避免做某事,故to多余,应删除。 解析 根据上文中的Some think可知,此处应用others,用于泛指“别人,其他人”。 解析 被修饰词classes是可数名词复数,因此应用many修饰。 解析 根据该句中的谓语动词is可知,此处应用动名词短语作主语,故把take改为taking。 解析 此处引导主语从句,引导词在从句中作及物动词learn的宾语,表示“的事物”,故用What引导。 解析 根据其前的our可知,此处用名词形式。 解析 instead of代替,而不是。BGood afternoon, my dear friends! Today the number of the netizens in our country increased rapidly, yet of them do not pay enough attention to the family.Theres no doubt that we are benefit much from the Internet.For example, its convenient us to get the information we need and communicate with our and relatives.Meanwhile, it can help us learn is happening both at home and abroad.However, no matter how the Internet is, we shouldnt separated from our loved ones.Therefore, just for a moment, we should stop surfing the Internet and time with our families, enjoying the time when we together.So just remember this: dont let the keyboard separate you from your loved ones. 解析 主语是the number,谓语动词应用第三人称单数。 解析 many修饰可数名词复数,much修饰不可数名词;them指代前面的netizens,故用many。 解析 benefit from从中获益,are是多余的,故删除are。 解析 “It is形容词for sb不定式”表示“对某人来说做某事是的”,此处用for表示对象。 解析 根据relatives可知,此处用可数名词复数表泛指。 解析 此处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作主语,故用what。 解析 此处应用形容词作表语。 解析 be separated from与分离,为固定搭配。 解析 此处与stop并列位于should之后,也应用动词原形。 解析 此处表示一般情况,应用一般现在时。CWere living in a world where we can never stress the of sharing too much.By sharing, we can often reduce our sadness and double our happiness.When it to this topic, memories flood into my mind.There was a time when I caught in the sadness of not passing an important exam.My world turned gray and I didnt feel interested in until my best friend came up to comfort me.Encouraged and moved by his kindness, I shared my trouble with him, relieved me soon.Little by little I regained my confidence.The months witnessed my efforts, and I finally made a great progress in other important exams.As you can see, was sharing with my friend that helped me out of that dark time and back my confidence.Sharing is beautiful, not only physically but also mentally. 解析 stress是及物动词,后面接名词作宾语,故用importance。 解析 此处作状语修饰动词reduce,应用副词。 解析 此处描述的是一般性情况,应用一般现在时态。且主语为it,根据主谓一致原则,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。 解析 I和catch之间是动宾关系。be caught in意为“陷入”。且该句叙述的是过去的情况,故应用一般过去时态。 解析 在否定句中表示“某事物”,一般用anything;something一般用于肯定句中。 解析 此处引导非限制性定语从句,且在从句中作主语,修饰前面整个句子,应用关系代词which;that不引导非限制性定语从句。 解析 此处作定语修饰months,应用形容词形式。 解析 progress是不可数名词,不和不定冠词连用,故删除a。 解析 去掉which was和that之后,剩余部分是一个完整句子,故该句是一个强调句。强调句句式为:It is (was)被强调部分that (who)其余部分, 故which改为it。 解析 该句叙述的是过去的情况,应用一般过去时。专题跟踪检测2短文改错(二)(限时25分钟)(见专题跟踪检测P152)AI am very to have the opportunity to see so many , but sometimes I experience culture shock when I see or do something new.Dad and I now are through Denmark, Norway and Sweden.I used to that these countries the same, but not any more.People in Denmark are a bit of friendlier, while Norwegians and Swedes prefer not to talk to strangers.Im surprised to learn that many people speak English in addition their national languages.In Sweden, it seems that has golden hair and blue eyes.I feel a little strange with my black hair and dark eyes.I imagine this is foreigners feel when they visit China! 解析 此处应用形容词lucky作表语。 解析 many一般跟可数名词复数形式。 解析 此处I与Dad之间是主谓关系,应用主动语态。 解析 used to do sth过去常常做某事,为固定搭配。 解析 此处表示“过去常常”,应用一般过去时。 解析 a bit意为“一点”,功能相当于副词,常用来修饰形容词,故删除a bit后面的of。 解析 文章是“我”在北欧三国旅行时于当地写的,故用here。 解析 in addition另外;in addition to除之外,此处表示“除他们的母语外”。 解析 句意:每一个瑞典人似乎都有着金发碧眼,故anyone改为everyone。 解析 此处引导表语从句,且在从句中作表语,故用how。BDuring my last summer holiday, I to the countryside to enjoy myself.I saw mother bird stay in her nest in a big tree, watching some of her flying away.I thought she must be very proud of her children, were able to find own food now.But she might also feel a sense of loss since they wouldnt need of her daytoday care any .For my parents, things are much easier.We have set up our family blog to our photos and journals.Once I


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