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人教版新课标高中英语教案必修一Unit2 English around the world the 4th period

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人教版新课标高中英语教案必修一Unit2 English around the world the 4th period

The Fourth Period从容说课This is the fourth period of Unit 2 which focuses on listening.In this lesson,there are two parts.One of it is to consolidate the sentence structure of indirect speech and direct speech.The other part concerns listening in which two passages are included.Both of them are about the topic of English.Listening is becoming more and more important.Teaching students to listen in proper way is the aim of this part.A good listener should be able to predict according to some hints such as the topic,the questions listed,etc.,to listen with the purpose of finding useful information and to summarize.So this part should be taught according to the aim.In it,well first have a revision.It deals with the exercise talking on page 48.Thought the usage of the sentence patterns in daily life,students can master this grammar part much better.Their ability of using language will be practiced as well in this part.And then well listen to two passages.In this part,to train students listening skills,I will design some questions about the passage so that students can listen on purpose of finding useful information.Besides,students can practice the ability of predicting what will be heard in this part.At last,a discussion will be organized.This is to train students ability of using language and reading critically.三维目标1.Knowledge:Review the sentence patterns by using them.2.Ability:Get more information on English dialect.3.Emotion:How to help students improve listening skill.教学重点 Use the sentence patterns in life.Understand the listening material.教学难点 How to improve students listening skills教具准备cassette recorder教学过程Step 1 Greetings and RevisionGreet the whole class as usual.T:Yesterday we learnt the sentence patterns which express commands and requests.Who can tell me something about it?S:To express commands,we can use “Do.;Do not do.”.S:To express requests,we can use “Do.please;Do not do.please;Will you do.?Would you do.?Can you do.?Could you do.?”T:Yes,you are right.Then how can we change them into Indirect Speech?S:If it is a command,we can use “sb. told/ordered sb. to do.;sb. told/ordered not to do.”.S:If it is a request,we can use “sb. asked sb (not) to do”.T:Please tell which one is the right answer.“_,”Li Ming said to his teacher.A.Can you buy me a new watch?B.Give me that book,C.Lend me your bike,D.Could you help me with my English?S:I think D is the right answer.T:Could you tell me why?S:Because A is not logical.B and C are commands.In last period we learnt that commands should be made by people who have authority.So I think here D is right.T:Your explanation is perfect.Step 2 Talking (Workbook P48) T:Great.Now lets practise the sentence patterns by making up dialogues.So please turn to P48 and look at the part of talking.Please work in groups of four.And choose one situation to role-play.(5 minutes for preparation)T:Now lets begin.Possible version:Group 1:A.(foreigner):Excuse me,could you give me a hand?B:Sure.You seem to be looking for someone. A:Yes.My Chinese friends and I promised to meet at the exit of the subway.B:Could you speak a bit slowly.I cant quite follow you.I guess you are looking for your Chinese friends.A:Im sorry.I wasnt noticing it just now.Yeah,we said that we would meet herethe exit of the subway at 2 p.m.And it is 2:15,but I still can not find them.B:Exit 1 or Exit 2?A:What do you mean?Therere 2 exits?B:Yes.Here are two exits.So you should be sure which one is where you promised to meet.A:I see.I am sure that they must be waiting for me at the other exit.Thank you very much!Group 2:(P:parents;W:waitress;Y:you)P:Excuse me,could you tell me where the toilet is?W:Er.the restroom?Well,go straight ahead,and it will be at the end of the corridor.P:But we do not need rest.We are just looking for a toilet.Y:I mean we want to go the WC. W:WC?We dont have one.Y:No WC!How can a restaurant have no WC?W:Im sorry!But what do you really mean by saying WC?Y:Its a place where we can wash hands.W:Ah,I see.Well,go up to the second floor.Y:Thank you so much!(You and your parents go up two floors but only find empty rooms there.)W:Have you found it?Y:No,we went up two floors,but we didnt find a toilet but empty rooms.Group 3:A:Excuse me,could you help me?B:Sure?Whats it?A:Our English teacher is telling us something important,but I can quite follow her.Shes speaking so fast.B:Yeah,shes really speaking fast.Then how can I help you?A:Could you ask the teacher to speak a little bit slowly?B:Of course I can,but why dont you do so?A:Er.B:I see.(Student B puts up his hand)T:Yes?B:Im sorry,but would you speak a little slowly?Step 3 Listening ()T:Yesterday,we have learnt something about dialects in the US.Today let us listen to the dialogue spoken with an accent.Please turn to the listenin


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