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University of Western Sydney Office of Research Services EIPRS and UWSIPRS RANKING METRIC 2009 This metric was designed by the UWS Research Studies Committee to rank applications for Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships EIPRS and UWS International Postgraduate Research Scholarships UWSIPRS Applications for these scholarships are ranked solely on academic merit and this has been the UWS convention for many years The criterion of academic merit sets Bachelor Hons as a yardstick and other qualifications are judged relative to that standard eg a high level of refereed articles is a basis for claiming equivalence as are research masters Qualifications that are judged less than a Bachelor Hons score a lower ranking eg graduate certificates coursework masters reports rather than refereed papers Applications are further ranked according to the percentage of research in taught masters degrees GPA s the standing of the institution etc This metric is put forward as a means for supporting the assessment of EIPRS and UWSIPRS across UWS using agreed standards and should make the process fairer and simpler It does not introduce new criteria but creates a common ground for ranking applications across UWS The metric should be used as a guide only Making ranking judgments for international applications is difficult as there is a wide range of possibilities and standards Some highly placed applicants have formal qualifications that are not rated very well by NOOSR but the applicant has an academic position in their home country and a high rate of academic output UWS has judged these applicants to have a qualification equivalent to a research masters B Hons qualification in recognition of their advanced research training through their academic careers These cases are uncommon and should constitute an exception to the metric with sound justification eg a large number of refereed international publications SECTION 1 Degree GPA Equivalence for Overseas Qualifications To be used for applicants who have attained an overseas undergraduate qualification to determine the equivalence of the awarded GPA in the Australian context Committee members should be guided by the NOOSR judgement regarding the quality of individual institutions the academic transcripts of the applicant and discipline knowledge of the academic standing if the institution As an example a qualification with high grades meaning averaging credit level or better that is ranked by NOOSR as equivalent to an Assoc Dip or two years of an Australian bachelor will rate lower than an award rated as equivalent to a bachelor degree with lower grades 1 Degree GPA Equivalence Points Equivalence up to 4 Where 4 is given for the equivalent of an Australian Bachelor Degree with high average grades 4 SECTION 2 Honours Postgraduate Study up to 20 points Only for completed or completion pending qualifications where verifiable grades both thesis and coursework are available If more than one postgraduate qualification only one may be scored 2 Honours Postgraduate Study Level Awarded Points Masters by Research Any 20 Undergraduate Honours end on 1 2 I 2 II 20 18 15 UWS Embedded Undergraduate Hons if equivalent to a UWS end on degree 1 2 I 2 II 20 18 15 Embedded Undergraduate Honours from another institution College recommendation up to 20 points must be evidence based Masters by Coursework with research component equivalent to 25 or more GPA 6 0 GPA 5 0 GPA 3 0 14 13 10 UWS Graduate Certificate in Research ATP 85 ATP 75 ATP 65 14 12 10 Any overseas qualification with an honours result will not automatically be considered comparable to an Australian Bachelor Honours degree and may not equate to the point allocation indicated here Colleges will make a judgement on overseas qualifications based on the grades attained NOOSR advice and discipline knowledge of the standing of the institution in the academic community ATP Advanced Thesis Preparation Unit No 200361 or equivalent It is recognised that some institutions have designed specific coursework components to prepare students for entry into a research degree Evidence must be provided from course documentation i e calendar entries and promotional material NOT course outlines that this is the case If this is established to the satisfaction of the Research Studies Committee the applicant may be considered to have the equivalent of a coursework degree with a 25 research component and therefore score 15 points SECTION 3 Academic Equivalence This section is to be used where the applicant is seeking equivalence to academic training on the basis of professional experience The College may allocate up to 5 points where the applicant can prove an equivalence of skills and knowledge that would be attained in formal Bachelor Honours or postgraduate training Where points have been assigned for undergraduate honours or postgraduate courses a maximum of 3 points may be assigned for this section The evidence should address knowledge of


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