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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2018 2019 学年度第二学期期中抽测 高一年级英语试题答案 听力 1 5 ACABC 6 10 ACBBA 11 15 CAACC 16 20 BABBC 二 单选答案 21 25 CABBC 26 30 DACBC 31 35BDDDA 三 完型答案 36 40 BBCDB 41 ABCCD 46 50 AADCB 51 55 ACBAD 四 阅读理解 56 65 BCDCC ADDBA 五 补全短文 71 C 72 G 73 A 74 B 75 D 六 短文填空 71 consists 72 which 73 employed 74 paid 75 on 76 combination 77 corrupt 78 being damaged 79 with 80 attached 七 书面表达 Recently our student union has made a survey on reading English materials after school The investigation indicates that most of the students have hardly read English materials after school And a small part of them insist on reading them including newspaper magazines and classical literature in English The reasons behind this may be as follows First many students have much homework to do every day so that they have no time left to read Additionally it is keeping doing many exercises rather than reading English after school that improves their English scores What s more they have no access to various forms of English materials in our library In my opinion reading many kinds of English materials is very important It helps students learn about customs cultures politics and entertainment at home and abroad Therefore if keeping reading English materials we ll benefit a lot from them 119 words 12 录音原文录音原文 TextText 1 1 W I love listening to classical music after work I find it so relaxing But when I m cleaning the house I prefer rock music M Jazz is my favorite especially when I m driving TextText 2 2 W Have you read the book for the homework yet It s really interesting M I m having a hard time reading it because it s all in French I m using my dictionary but my reading skills aren t great TextText 3 3 W I ll order a burger and some dessert What about you M I ll go for a pizza I ve been thinking about it all day long TextText 4 4 W Your backpack is heavy What re you carrying M I have a book and a notebook in there for each of my five classes And I always carry my personal computer with me I also have two calculators and about ten pens TextText 5 5 M Are you excited about today It s an important day Your mother and I are so proud of you for graduating W Thanks Dad But I m worried that I ll mess up my speech at the event Everyone will be watching me TextText 6 6 W Excuse me sir Can you help me I need to buy a bed for my new apartment M Of course What size bed do you need W It s a small apartment so I don t want anything too big M Well you should get a twin bed That s the smallest size for an adult It only fits one person The bigger size bed is a double bed for two people Then there are queen sized and king sized beds Those are very large They re much too big for you 13 W Okay thanks so much I ll get the smallest one TextText 7 7 W Where should we set up our picnic By the lake It looks so blue and clear just like the sky M I know But it s hot today Let s have the picnic under the trees over there instead of by the lake The trees will keep the sun off us so it won t be as hot W Good idea It s a sunny day for a picnic in the park But I wouldn t want to be running around too much M You re right I take my dog for a walk on the walking paths here to get some exercise but only when it s cooler outside TextText 8 8 W I m really looking forward to going camping this summer Jason When I get into the forest I feel like I can finally relax It s better than any beach M Me too Sarah I can t wait to sit by a fire and sleep in the forest under the stars The one thing I find stressful however is the packing W Why is that M We have to bring sleeping bags clothes food water games and so much more But we don t have enough room in our car for extra stuff It s really frustrating W That s why I want a car with far more enough space like Marie and Tony s They store all their camping things inside M Yeah Sounds like we have to save up money for a new car TextText 9 9 M OK Mrs Thomas I finished cleaning up the leaves in the yard W Oh thank you James M I also swept the front steps and took out the garbage Is there anything else I can help you with W Can you also take my dog Oscar for a walk M Sure W You re such a prince Ever since I broke my leg it has been so difficult to 14 take care of things around the house My daughter Leah helps out on Mondays and Tuesdays and my son Robby on Thursdays But I m so happy you can come on Saturdays M Well I appreciate the weekend work I m saving up to buy a bike so I can ride to my basketball practice W Will you still be able to work for me after you get your bike M Of course But don t forget I m away next weekend visiting my grandfather My sister Alison will come by instead W OK TextText 1010 Thanks for watching News Channel 11 The first news today is about the new hospital on Second Street Workers have been building it for six months and it finally opens tomorrow Now you won t have to go to the next town when you re sick or have an emergency It s a large beautiful building with all new beds and medical equipment It s also hiring doct


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