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五年级下英语要点练习Unit 6At a PE lesson苏教牛津版

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五年级下英语要点练习Unit 6At a PE lesson苏教牛津版

Unit 6 At a PE lesson同学们,你们特别喜欢上体育课吧?这个单元将带你们上一节别具一格的体育课。准备好了吗?Lets go!主要教学内容四会词汇:time, left, right, stop, touch, an arm, a hand, a leg, a foot三会词汇:bend, everybody, finger, knee, lie, line, lift up, neck, order, shoulder stop, toe,四会句型:Put on / Touch with All right.语音:了解字母组合ai,ay在单词中的读音知识点解析与应用祈使句的主要交际功能是发出命令和指示,提出请求、劝告、建议等。如:Touch with /Put on 等表达都是祈使句。1我们可以用Put on 来表示“把放在上”。如:- Put your left hands on your head. 把你的左手放在你的头上。- Put an egg on a finger. 把鸡蛋放在手指上。- Put the book on the bookcase, please. 请把书放在书架上。2. 我们可以用 Touch with 来表示“用触摸”。如:- Touch your left leg with your right hand. 用你的右手触摸你的左腿。- Touch your nose with your finger. 用你的手指摸你的鼻子。- Touch the snake with the stick. 用棍子触碰这条蛇。3否定祈使句只要在肯定祈使句的基础上加上助动词dont就行了,如:- Dont touch your eyes with your dirty hands.不要用你的脏手摸眼睛。基础能力测试题听力部分一、Listen and number 听录音,标号5B-P48-图45B-P47-图15B-P49-图4的下半副左图5B-P48-图3 5B-P49-图1的下半副图 ( )( ) ( )( )( )5B-P48-图15B-P47-图25B-P45-上图学生躺在垫上5B-P48-图2 5B-P49-图2的下半副右图 ( )( ) ( )( )( )二、Listen and choose the word which belongs to the different category with the word you hear听录音,找出与所听单词不同类的词,将序号和单词写在横线上1 _ _ 2 _ _ _3 _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ _5 _ _ 6 _ _7 _ _ 8 _ _笔试部分三、Read and find out whether the sound of underlined parts are same or not, write an S if they are same, write a D if they are different 判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“” ,不相同的写“”1 playground 2 have 3 collecttouch ( ) has ( ) cold ( ) 4 hobby 5 excuse 6 listen on ( ) jump ( ) lesson ( )7 face 8 with 9 todayfast ( ) finger ( ) they ( )四、 Multiple choice单项选择( ) 1. Turn left and right . A. ten time B. at ten times C. ten times D. with ten times( ) 2. Put your hands _ your shoulders and turn _ left and right. A. on; on B. with; / C. / ; to D. on; /( ) 3. Touch your toes with your fingers five times. . A. All right. B. Thats all right C. Not at all. D. Thats right.( ) 4. What Lily usually do on Saturday afternoon? A. do B. does C. is D. are( ) 5. Can you put the egg on your finger? . A. Yes, I am. B. No, I cant.C. Yes, I do. D. No, I dont.( ) 6. do our homework. A. Let is B. You are C. Let us D. Let we( ) 7. there a basketball game at a quarter to two? A. Be B. Is C. Has D. Are( ) 8. _ _ _ am your new teacher. Please listen to carefully. A. You; my B. You; me C. I; my D. I; me( ) 9. Lets go and play football. Good idea. A. a B. an C. / D. the( ) 10. We are in same class. A. the B. a C. / D. an五、Form complete sentences with the words 连词成句1. times, toes, touch, your, fingers, with, five, your _.2. PE, the , are, in, having, a, the, students, playground, lesson _.3. orders, trying, I, teachers, am, to, follow, the _.4. some, do, feel, exercise, tired, after, you _?5. you, finger, put, the, plate, on, your _?能力提升试题一、 Intellectual work 智力题1. Hes a early bird in our family. A. 起早的人 B. 早晨的鸡C. 刚出生的鸡D. 早起的鸟2. Come on! Dont be chicken. A. 别像小鸡B. 不吃鸡肉C. 别害怕D. 不是小鸡3. He drinks like a fish. A. 像鱼一样喝酒B. 喝酒时吃鱼 C. 醉的像条鱼D. 喝酒厉害4. He has ants in his pants. A. 蚂蚁在裤子上B. 坐立不安C. 裤子里的蚂蚁D. 把蚂蚁放在裤子上5. What kind of monkey business is going on while I am away? A. 怪事 B. 像猴子一样忙 C. 仓促的声生意D. 买卖猴子的生意6. We know little. We cant speak to the wind. A. 白费口舌B. 纸上谈兵C. 随风而逝D. 和风交谈7. We are the fish out of the water. A. 离开水的鱼B. 不分群C. 需要水的鱼D. 水中鱼8. The little boy runs and runs until he is blue in the face. A. 浑身发热B. 筋疲力尽C. 鼻青脸肿D. 精神焕发9. Its time to study now and stop horsing around. A. 像马一样 B. 胡闹 C. 被马包围 D. 骑马转圈二、Reading comprehension. Answer the questions to the passage阅读理解,回答问题One weekend, a wife and her husband go to a shop in Toronto(多伦多). After they get back home, they cant find their camera. They think the camera is in the


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