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五年级下册英语教案Unit7 Chinese festivals Sound time译林版(三起)

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五年级下册英语教案Unit7 Chinese festivals Sound time译林版(三起)

Unit7 Chinese festivals第三课时教学内容: Sound time , Cartoon time & Culture time教学目标:1 通过活动巩固四种传统节日的时间和习俗,学会使用句型 “Whens the ?/What do people do at ? What do people eat ?”及回答2 字母组合th在单词中的读音3 了解Halloween的相关知识.4 学习卡通部分内容。教学重难点:1学会使用When?What?提问。2 字母组合th在单词中的读音教学准备: PPT教学过程:Step1 Free talkWhat season is it now?Yes, its spring now. Can you say something about spring?(设计意图:从星期到日期,非常自然地过渡到季节,鼓励学生自由谈论春季的相关信息:月份、天气、活动、所见等,帮助学生在脑海中构建一幅春天的画面。)Step2 Presentation1 Sound timeTask1 Try to chantIn spring, the flowers are growing. The trees turn green, and the birds are singing songs in the tree. Listen! How many birds here?(边打节奏边朗读前两句)Lets try to chant the whole rhyme。Task2 Know the soundWho can read the words well?(thirty three birthday)What the same letters can you see? (th)Who can tell me the sound of “th”?(舌尖轻轻抵住牙,轻快发出/ / /)Say more words like them。Task3 Try to readNow, you can have a try。Can you read?Task4 Try to judgeTry to choose (设计意图:承接春天的话题,出示Sound time的图片,通过听一听:How many birds here? 和猜一猜Why they sing songs to me?来呈现内容,在学生能够诵读韵律诗之后,提炼出含有th发音的单词,通过朗读、辨别,发现th的发音,教师引导观察嘴形,帮助正音,随后让学生试着找一找类似的单词,运用所学尝试朗读新词、拼一拼,填一填)2 Cartoon timeT : Well done! We know a lot about Chinese festivals.Now we still talk about festivals, What festival are Bobby and Tina talking about? Lets watch the cartoon.(1)Watch and say.T: They are talking about .A. Fathers Day B. Mothers Day (新授)(2)Read and answer.a. Whens the Mothers Day?S: Its on the second Sunday of May.T: Look at this. How many Sundays are there in May? S: There are four.T: Yes, the second Sunday is Mothers Day. Mothers Day is on the second Sunday of May.(跟读图1)b. What do people do on Mothers Day?S: They give their mothers presents.(跟读图2)c. T: What do Tina and Bobby give to their Mum?S: A card and some flowers. T: How do you know?S: What about a card and some flowers? Thats a good idea. (跟读图3)d. T: Is Bobby and Tinas mother happy? How about Dad?TS: He is very envy. T: Their Dad has a question: Is there a Fathers Day too?S: Yes.T: Whens Fathers Day?Ss: Its on the third Sunday of June. (跟读图4)T: What can you do on Mothers Day or Fathers Day?Ss: (5) Enjoy reading.T: Bobby and Tina are good children too. Lets read the Cartoon.a. Read together.b. 拿起书分角色朗读 (6) Happy show.a. Read in roles .b. Act in roles3 Culture timeNow we know Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Double Ninth Festival are Chinese festivals. Theyre interesting and meaningful. Do you know any western festivals?Christmas and Halloween are interesting festivals.Task1 Look and guessHeres a story about a festival. Watch and guess: What festival is it?Task2 Know more about it.Whens Halloween?Look at the children. How do you feel?Yes, Halloween is an interesting festival. Children like to play the game.They usually dress up.They knock on peoples doors and shout “Trick or treat?”.If people say trick, they can play tricks on them.If people say treat, the children can get some sweets.Task3 Talk about HalloweenS-S: Whens ? What do children usually do?What do they eat?Do you want to Enjoy Halloween? Lets have a Halloween party.Whos the owner? Take some sweets. You dress up. Knock on the door and shout.Lets act. Step4 Homework1 Search more festivals on the Internet, try to remember them2 Share your Chinese festival in the classroom. 3 Make a western festival card 板书设计:Mothers Day mouth, thinthank, thinkHappy Mothers Day!What should we give Mum?They give their mothers presents.Its on the second Sunday of May.Its a day for mothers.th /


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