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此文档是毕业设计外文翻译成品( 含英文原文+中文翻译),无需调整复杂的格式!下载之后直接可用,方便快捷!本文价格不贵,也就几十块钱!一辈子也就一次的事!外文标题:Analysis of ancient Chinese architecture aesthetics外文作者:Yong Zhang文献出处: Advanced Materials Research Vols 919-921 (2018) pp 1515-1518 (如觉得年份太老,可改为近2年,毕竟很多毕业生都这样做)英文2171单词,13478字符(字符就是印刷符),中文3324汉字。(如果字数多了,可自行删减,大多数学校都是要求选取外文的一部分内容进行翻译的。)Analysis of ancient Chinese architecture aestheticsKeywords: ancient Chinese architecture, timber frame, building colorAbstract: the ancient Chinese architecture after two thousand years of development, formed the unique architectural style and aesthetic implication of Chinese traditional culture, this kind of architectural style and aesthetic connotations mainly reflected in the structure of the structure, roof shape, layout and color, etc. Appreciate the ancient Chinese architecture, can give a person very special aesthetic pleasure.The structure of the ancient Chinese buildingsCompared the ancient Chinese and western ancient buildings, extremely rich special aesthetic implication. The aesthetic connotations in addition to reflect in terms of its structure, the main also reflect on the roof modeling, color layout. The biggest characteristic of Chinese ancient timber construction is based on civil material, this determines the structure of ancient Chinese architecture timber frame as the main way. And "room" is a unit of Chinas ancient buildings, each building has one or more composite. This kind of timber frame structure presents the aesthetic connotation of ancient Chinese architecture, the fundamental reason is that the performance of this material. Due to the limited length of wood, which determines the column frequency of ancient architecture, "between" the characteristics of the span is not too large. And western medieval or Renaissance cathedral interior space than high, wide, "between" the aesthetic attribute of the ancient Chinese architecture should be small and less powerful qi, to some extent this suit the ancients be inner requirements of quiet solitude. At the same time, between the narrow, sometimes appear underfoot, overcrowding, facilitate the emergence of the combination group. Group, mainly for the level of the facility and continuous combination, combined with the up and down between between vertically. This combination way to expand the practical space construction, and greatly strengthened the whole building build a group of stable degree; On the aesthetic and created the unique characteristics of the Chinese nation building groups of physical beauty. With closed inside space combination, the building groups concerning more than injustice of level, the construction sequence, the slow pace of construction rhythm and dignified, natural architectural decoration design, give a person with a cordial, warm and comfortable and comfortable aesthetic psychological feelings. Its pursuit is a kind of individual obey the whole harmonious beauty. As Mr Li zehou in the course of beauty said: "China building maximum use of the properties and characteristics of wood, not as a single, independent from the start, individual buildings, for the purpose of large, flat rolled out, but in space interconnection and cooperate with the group building for characteristics. It is the organic arrangement between multiple buildings." This kind of building groups often give a person with the aesthetic feeling of pleasure, this kind of beauty belongs to the category of beauty. For civil as material, texture be soft "practice", and less rigid, gentle and soft, and less masculinity, give a person with a warm, kind of aesthetic feeling, it is relevant to the Chinese sensibility, the pursuit of artistic conception, harmony, heavy sentiment, etc. It is especially obvious in houses on. With the European classical stone architecture of that kind of cold, hard feeling sleep than even the ancient Chinese palace building, still full of Oriental unique beauty "dirt". Construction group, distinguished, sleek, symbol of ancient China orderly social order, few western classical religious architecture space sequence to the characteristics of the high altitude, the whole building friendly touch, light and pure poetry was not give a person the sense with abrupt and surprise.The roof of China building modelingThe roof of the ancient Chinese architecture model of basic model is the curved shape, no matter hip roof top grade is high, or save the spire rested on the top of the hill, such as, etc. Ancient Greek as flat pattern are extremely rare. Curves and contours of this roof all is upside is towering majestically, eaves department such as wing light show, make originally very boring, actually part of the clumsy, become beautiful crown buildings, this is what other building does not have characteristics. The "wing Angle cock", on the structure is very reasonable, very natural. Seemingly not credible simple and natural, but increased in appearance does not know how much charm and aesthet


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