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全优卷 2020年人教版英语四年级上册 期中测试(基础卷)附答案

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全优卷 2020年人教版英语四年级上册 期中测试(基础卷)附答案

全优卷 2020年人教版数学四年级上册 期中测试(基础卷)1. 选择题选出每组中不同类的一项。( )1A his Bhe CHer( )2.A. LightB. fan C. Classroom()3.A. clean B. cap C. candy()4. A. quiet B. like C. strong()5.A. maths book B. storybook C. schoolbag根据图片选择正确的句子。( )6. A. I have a pen, a notebook, an egg andsome keys in my desk. B. I have a pen, a storybook, a toy andtwo candies in my desk.( )7. A. She is quiet. She has long hair. B. She is friendly. She has short hair.( )8. A. Let me clean the window. B. Let me clean the blackboard.( )9. A. He has big eyes. He is strong. B. He has glasses and brown shoes.( )10. A. Put the Chinese book in the desk. B. Put the English book on the desk.( )11. -1 have a new friend. -_A. Lets go. B. Thank you. C. A boy or girl?( )12. -Look ! _-Cool. I like it.A. I have a new schoolbag. B. I have a new friend. C. Im Sarah.( )13.-_-Yes, shes a tall girl.A. Whats her name? B. Is she tall? C. Whos she?( )14. -Look at my new bag. -_A. Thank you. B. Wow! Its very nice. C. Sorry.( )15. My _are near the chair.A. glasses B. schoolbag C. shoe( )16. This is the _.A. teachers desk B. teachers desk C. teachers desk2. 判断题 I have a good friend. Her name is Ding Ding. She is a cute and friendlygirl. Her hair is long and black. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She is talland thin. She likes to help others. She likes reading books and singing songs. Weoften play games together. ( )1. Ding Ding is my good friend. ( )2. Ding Ding has long black hair. ( )3. Ding Dings eyes are very small. ( )4. Ding Ding likes singing and reading books. ( )5. Ding Ding is friendly and thin.3. 填空题1.写出与图片相符的单词。1. o-e i i-e a a-e i i-2 a a-e_ _ _ _ _连词成句.2. is, brother, and, short, thin, My (. )3. that, Who, man, is (?)4. are, Her, shoes, white (. )5. schoolbag, I, my, lost (. )6.给下列句子选择恰当的答句. ()1. Where is my picture? ()2. Whos your English teacher? ()3. What colour is your schoolbag? ()4. Whats his name? ()5. Whats in your classroom?A. Its green.B. Its on the desk.C. His name is Zhang Peng.D. Many desks and chairs.E. Mr Jones.7.选词填空。(有多余项)schoolbag tall classroom English book strongclean lights white glasses long1. Look, this is our new_A_,four_,many desks and chairs are in it.2. That boy is my friend. He is_and_.He has_.答案:一.1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.A 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. C2. 对 对 错 对 对三.1. o-e, nose i-e, nine a-e, cake i-e, rice a, map2. My brother is short and thin.3. Who is that man?4. Her shoes are white.5. I lost my schoolbag.6. B. E. A. C. D7.classroom, schoolbag, lights tall, strong, gIasses


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