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生病英文请假条(精 选多篇)

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生病英文请假条(精 选多篇)

第一篇:生病英文请假条 dear miss. im sorry to tell you i cant go to school today, because i have a bad cold. mum and i went to see the doctor this morning.it was a little painful when she gave me an injection and she told me not to be nervous. i think ill be all right soon. yours, . 第二篇:生病请假条 请假条(一) 张老师: 今天,我因感冒发烧,不能到校上课,请假一天,请予批准! 请假人:张三 20xx年x月x日 请假条(二) 王老师: 我因患急性肠炎,今晚去医院就诊,不能到学校上课,请准假一天。 此致 敬礼 您的学生李四 x月x日 第三篇:学生感冒生病请假条 请假条 x老师 昨天我在放学回家的途中被雨水淋了患了感冒并咳嗽,医生建议在家休息,因此需请假两天(xx月xx日至xx月xx日),请予批准。 此致 敬礼! 附:医院病情证明单一张 学生:xxx xxxx年xx月xx日 第四篇:老师生病请假条 我因xxxxx(原因),不能坚持到xx(工作、学习地点)xxx(工作或学习),特(本站推荐Www.HAowOrD.COm)请假两天,( xx 月 xx日 至 xx 日),请予批准。 正文内容结束后,另起一行,空两格写礼貌用语 (也可省略),一般用“此致”,然后再起一行顶格写“敬礼 ” 此致 敬礼 尊敬的陈主任: 您好!我是xxxx09级xx(专业名称)专业的xx(姓名)。因xxxx(请假理由)不能上x月x日的xx(课程名称)。特此请假。请批准。 此致 09级xx专业班 请假人:xx 20xx年xx月xx日 第五篇:英语的生病请假条 in the top center of headline taking a leave of absence the first top write address, i.e. who to leave, attention should be combined with its duties, as a sign of respect. wu: second line two began to write text the first written for reasons, secondly that leave time, with the final leave idioms" approved" please", your approval .". clacontent less, no segmentation. language should be si-mp-le, si-mp-le, not uselemodification, tried to clear and concise. i was xxxxx ( reason ), not adhere to the xx ( work, study location ) xxx ( work ), special leave of two days, ( x to x, x ), your approval. after the end of text content, another line, two down write polite language ( also omitted), generally with" yours", and then again a top grid to write"" sincerely yours salute finally, align right sign, in the name of the fall date of leave. note: date should be opposite in sign. leave : xxx xxxx xx month xx day there are other related that can be attached to them, more convincing, more easily approved. * * * * * note the following format dear director chen: hello! i am * * * * * level 09 xx ( professional name ) professional xx (name ). because xxxx ( excuse ) can not mount x month x day xx ( course name ). we take. please approve. sincerely yours 09 stage xx professional class leave : xx in xx x month x day * * * * * note the following format dear director chen: hello! i am * * * * * level 09 xx ( professional name ) professional xx (name ). because xxxx ( excuse ) can not mount x month x day xx ( course name ). we take. please approve. sincerely yours 09 stage xx professional class leave : xx in xx x month x day how to write a note the key is: in 1, the format to be correct, is inscribed, xxx (representing the red s father ) 2, write clear reasons, request for time off. 3, language should be properly taking a leave of absence "leave" is equivalent to" ask for instructions" in the official document, but than for si-mp-le, flexible, format is not fixed, and can also be fixed. the most commonly used formats are as follows: title (centered ): a note the preceding paragraph ( top write department name or the name of the new leader ): text ( for reasons, the date and the number of days ) such as: because . need to ask for leave, leave time from xxx x to x, xxxx x month x day xx days, i urge the leadership approval. letter ( mark in the lower right ) . leave : x x x . xxxx xx month xx day sample taking a leave of absence zhang: today, i have a fever because of the cold, not class, leave one day, your approval! leave: tintin note: leave the company format is a common application style, is mainly used to leave the unit, the company asked for leave of absence not to participate in a work, study or engage in other activities of the instrument. leave a general need to be written as follows: 1 title. 2 address. the 3 reason for leave. the 4 leave the start-stop time. 5 for signature. the 6 leave time. ( examples for reference ) please leave a xxxxxxxxxx company limited: i was with her boyfriend to the xxxx year january 15th wedding, marriage should enjoy treatment, special to the company three days off, leave time from xxxx to xxxx in january 14th of that year until january 16th xx. please approve.


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