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深圳市2018年中考英语模拟卷二第一卷选择题 (60分)I.词汇测试(15分)i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分)1. I feel bad. I argued with my mum just now. You had better apologize to her right now.A.say helloB.say sorry C. say thanks2. The head teacher gave us a lot of suggestions on improving our English.Do you think they are useful?A.informationB.advice C. courage3. The poor girl is seriously ill. She needs some help. Lets hold a book fair to raise some money for her.A.saveB.collect C. spend4. Can you sing any English songs?Of course. I can sing more than 20 English songs.A.overB. about C. at most5. My grandma has cared for my family for 10 years.You should be grateful to her.A.looked likeB.looked for C. looked after6 . You promised to come to my birthday party. But you didnt come along.I am really sorry. I was ill in bed.A.finishB.lie C. appear7. What leads to the traffic jam? We have stayed here for more than an hour.There is an accident. The police are dealing with it.A.causesB.produces C. helps8. Cars cant fly in the sky at present.I believe that cars will fly in the sky in a short time.A. nowB. later C. beforeii.根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共7小题,每小题1分)9. If a person is _, he or she is healthy and strong.A. fatB. fit C. friendly10. If someone is _, it means no one- knows where he or she is.A.missingB.happy C. gentle11. The little boy always stares at others for a long time. It is not_ of him to do that.A.cleverB.rude C. polite12. Whats the baby boys_?He is only 2 kilograms.A.abilityB.weight C. height13. Jim is really a nice boy.I agree with you. He never_ others.A.keeps in touch with B.takes care of C. makes fun of14. What should we do to save electricity?We should_ the light when we leave the room.A.put onB. switch off C.take off15. Will your father have a picnic with us this Saturday?He would love to, but he has to work_.A.on weekends B. on weekdays C. in the daytime II.完形填空(15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-25 各小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。 (共10小题,每小题1.5分)People were visiting a museum in the Netherlands. Suddenly, all the lights inside the museum 16. A moment later, the lights turned back on.At the same time, a basket flew out of the window. There was a 17, in the basket! It was the Girl a Pearl Earh7ig. Its a famous painting by Johannes Vermeer. But a painting that 18 the same was still on the wall of the museum. The museum manager checked the painting 19 the wall and said, "The one in the basket is 20. A thief (小偷) changed the painting! Lets call file 21.”A detective (侦探) came. He called the guards in the museum together and asked, “Do you have an alarm here?”“Yes. And it rings 22 people move the picture, one guard said. “Only our manager can move it. He has the key.”But the alarm didnt ring. “Does the alarm need electricity?” asked the detective. “Yes,” said the guard.The detective touched the Me (假的) painting 23. His hands got some paint on them. Then he 24 all the guards,clothes. A guards clothes had some paint on them. “He is the 25,” the detective said. People around were all surprised.16. A. put on B. went out C. went over 17.A. paintingB. girl C. light18.A. looked B.watched C. saw19.A. above B.inC. on20.A. true B.realC. alive21.A. police B.managerC. owner22.A. before B.whenC. until23.A. carefully B.happily C. quickly24.A. bought B.checkedC. smelt.25.A. player B.consumerC. thiefIII.阅读理解 (30分)阅读下列短文,从下面每题的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。(共20小题,每小题1.5分)AKatie had lived in Woodstock since she was three. The idea of moving to California started with Katies mom. She thought it was good for Katie to learn art if they moved there.When her mom suggested moving, Katie had many questions and things to care about. She wondered if she would have any friends in California. She thought it was a pretty big thing, because kids at this age started to make friends that they were probably going to have for the rest of their lives.Another big question was her cat because the sign on her new house said “No Pets”. After much arguing, Katie finally gave up keeping her!It took Katie some time to get used to the new school after she moved. At first, she didnt know where anything was and she was often late for class. The worst was that she didnt know anybody. However, Katie tried to do well in school, and she took part in many activities to make friends.Katies big move wasnt always easy, but she thought it was worth it. She was very happy with the new school, because it offered many programs that her old one didnt have. And she got on well with her friends. Katie was living a happy life in California.Although there will be lots of difficulties and troubles along the road, we can get through them as long as were patient, and have a positi


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