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人教版小学三年级英语教案三篇【篇一】教材分析:单元的教学内容都是围绕“家”这一学生喜闻乐见的主题展开的。本节课是第四单元的第一课时,教学内容是要学习有关房间的五个单词及进行简单的对家的介绍,本课时是本单元的重点,所以首先应让学生掌握各个房间的名称,再通过Lets do等TPR活动进行巩固操练,本节课掌握的好坏程度,直接会影响到本单元后阶段有关“描述和询问东西在哪里”的对话和故事的掌握,因此在本单元教学中具有举足轻重的地位。Theaching goal:1.能够听、说、认读五个有关房间的单词 study, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living room。2.能够用This is my home. You can see a living room句型简单介绍房子。3.能够听懂“Lets do”的指令,并做出相应的动作。4. 培养学生对家的热爱,提高学生的口语表达能力和交际能力。Theaching key:熟练认读有关房间的五个单词。Theaching difficulty:单词bathroom, living room,的正确发音。Theaching aid: Cards Tape recorder CAITheaching method: TPR Pairwork GroupworkTheaching stepsStep 1 Warm-up1. Good morning. Boys and girls. How are you? Nice to meet you.2.Lets singIn the Classroom,OK?Step 2 Preview1.Show the CAI(door ,window) Whats this? This is my home, there are many room are there? Do you visit my home? Now, lets study Unit4 My Home.Step 3 Presentation1.(Show the CAI). This is my home, you can see a bedroom, a living room, a study ,a kitchen and a bathroom.2.Look ,whats this?(客厅) There are five words on the blackboard, listen to me and guess, which word is “living room”?Teach“living room”. There is a TV in the living room. What can you do in the living room? Teach“watch TV”.Chant “living room,living room , watch TV.”3.(Show the CAI). .Look ,whats this?(书房) Listen to me and guess, which word is “study”?Teach“study”. There are many books in the study. What can you do in the study? Teach“read a book”.Chant “study,study, read a book”.4.(Show the CAI). .Look ,whats this?(厨房) Listen to me and guess, Which word is “kitchen”?Teach“kitchen”. What can you do in the study? Teach“have a snack”.Chant “kitchen ,kitchen,have a snack”.5.(Show the CAI). .Look ,whats this?(bathroom) Listen to me and guess, which word is “bathroom”?Teach“bathroom”. What can you do in the bathroom? Teach“take a shower”.Chant “bathroom ,bathroom ,take a shower”.6.(Show the CAI). .Look ,whats this?(bed ) Whats this? (room) Whats this? (bedroom)Teach“bedroom”. There is a bed in the bedroom. What can you do in the bedroom? Teach“have a sleep”.Chant “bedroom bedroom, have a sleep”.7.Listen to the tape and read after the tape.8.Lets do.Show the “Go to the ”, put the “living room, study , kitchen, bathroom, bedroom” on, then T act “Go to the living room, watch TV. Go to the study, read a book. Go to the kitchen,have a snack. Go to the bathroom ,take a shower. Go to the bedroom, have a sleep”.Now lets do, ok? Follow me.Step 4 PracticeNow, this group is team one, this group is team two. Lets go,ok?1.炸地雷: Lets play a game, Ok? Who can read? Read together.2.Close your eyes, whats missing? Guess, then tell us.3.Now,look at the screen, Guess, whats this? (Show the CAI ) The student guess.4.look, this is my home,you can see a bedroom, a living room, a study ,a kitchen and a bathroom.Who can do like me ? Tell us whats your room like?The students look and say.Homework:1.Tell your home to your friend.2. Prepare the“Lets talk.”五、Blackblard design:Unit4 My Homeliving room watch TVstudy read a bookkitchen have a snackbathroom take a showerbedroom have a sleep【篇二】Family Activities教学目标 :1、知识与技能目标 能听、说、认读主要单词father(dad) mother(mom)man、woman . 能听懂、会说Whos that woman/man? She/Hes my mother/father. 并能在情境中运用;能够介绍自己和询问他人的家庭成员。2、情感目标 激发学生学习英语的兴趣 教育学生热爱自己的家,热爱自己的家人。教学重点:能熟练使用句型Whos that woman/man? She/Hes my mother/father. 教学生学会如何询问他人家庭成员。教学难点:如何正确使用人称代词he和she。学生分析:三年级学生才接触英语,对英语学习很感兴趣,充满好奇。他们活泼,喜欢开展英语活动,爱好游戏。教学内容分析:从学生的学习实践出发,注重学生的能力培养,让学生在具体的语言情境中学习Whos that woman/man? She/Hes my mother/father.的句型,充分考虑到学生的年龄特征和认知规律。教学媒体资源的选择与运用:英语卡片,英语磁带和光盘,多媒体等。课前准备:1、教师准备主要人物的图片,教师、明星和家庭成员照片及教学课件。2、学生准备家人和朋友的照片。教学过程:Step1:热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) Sing an English song : boys and girls . 日常用语练习A:Good morning . Im Im fromWhere are you from ?B:Im fromA:Nice to meet you . Hi ! This is(名字). My new friend . Step2:呈现新词(Presentation)1、出示教师演示文稿,教师扮演这个新朋友,问一位学生:Whats your name ? 引导这个女生回答:My names Linda . 教师及时对其他学生说:Shes Linda . 并示意学生跟着重复这句话。2、教师指着离自己稍远的女生问:“Whos that girl ?”引导学生回答:Shes 3、同样的方法,教师指着离自己稍远的男生问:Whos that boy ?引导学生回答:Hes4、让学生指着班里的同学做回答:Whos that girl ? ShesWhos that boy ? Hes5、教师拿出学生们所熟悉的教师的照片询问学生:Whos that man ? Whos that woman ?由此引出man和woman并引导学生回答:Hes Mr Black . Shes Miss White .6、教师可向学生出示几张同学们喜欢的几张明星的图片,让学生做Whos that man ? Whos that woman ?的回答练习。7、教师出示自己的家庭照片说:This is my family . Do you know who they are ?鼓励学生对照片中的人物提问,教师用Shes my mother . Hes my father .来回答,并重复单词mother , father。教师再次用mom、dad代替mother , father进行回答,然后带读它们。并向学生指出mom和dad更多地用于日常用语中。8、让学生观看教学课件Lets talk的内容。9、跟读课文对话。10、学生分角色进行表演。Step3:趣味操练(Practice)1、猜人请一名学生到讲台前,并蒙住他(她)的眼睛,再叫一名学生说几句英语,让全班学生问:Whos that boy/girl?猜的人说:Hes/Shes猜对了,就蒙住说话学生的眼睛,继续游戏。2、Whos family is this ?教师先收集几张学生的全家福,出示其中一张问:Whos family is this ?引导该家庭的学生迅速作反应:This is my family .然后让其他的同学对照片中的人物发问,该生回答。3、同桌两人


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