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东财大学英语1在线作业二-0012试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 60 分)1.Drunken driving _ his life.A.lostB.spentC.deprivedD.cost答案:D2._ the workers are unskilled.A.A number ofB.A quantity ofC.An amount ofD.The number of答案:A3.His supposition is good in theory _ cannot be put into practice.A.andB.orC.butD.while答案:C4.Inflation _ the buying power of the dollar.A.affectsB.effectsC.defectsD.perfects答案:A5.He was the last person _ the boat.A.to leaveB.leavingC.leftD.to leaving答案:A6.At present, he is _ holiday.A.inB.atC.onD.by答案:C7._ teaching method, we have not yet discussed it.A.In relation toB.In contrast toC.In addition toD.In regard to答案:D8.She sang _, but the show was a failure.A.enough goodB.good enoughC.enough wellD.well enough答案:D9.I have nothing _ to say.A.in particularlyB.in specialC.in particularD.in specially答案:C10._ three days to go before the exams, shouldnt you work harder?A.InB.WithinC.ByD.With答案:D11.He can speak English, French _German.A.as wellB.as good asC.as well asD.but also答案:C12.The doctor _ prescriptions for me.A.figured outB.wrote outC.took outD.gave out答案:B13.You may borrow this book _ you promise to give it back.A.so longB.as long asC.as longD.long as答案:B14.The bus _ with people.A.was packingB.packedC.was packedD.packs答案:C15.Man: Thats a beautiful hat you have on! Woman: _.A.Actually, I dont like it very much.B.Yes, I think so.C.Oh, thank you. I just got it yesterday.D.No, its not that beautiful. Yours is better.答案:C16.Your pen is the same _ mine.A.toB.withC.asD.by答案:C17._ three days to go before the exams, shouldn’t you work harder?A.InB.WithinC.ByD.With答案:D18.It’s no use _ over spilt milk.A.to cryB.cryingC.cryD.cries答案:B19.The professor made his students _ their essays.A.rewriteB.to rewriteC.rewritingD.rewritten答案:A20._ from space, the earth looks like a blue ball.A.SeeingB.SeenC.To seeD.See答案:B二、阅读理解 (共 2 道试题,共 30 分)25.Regular child care provided outside the home or by someone other than the mother does not in itself undermine healthy emotional connections between mothers and their 15-month-old infants, according to a long-term national study. The finding holds even if care begins during the first 3 months after birth and runs for 30 hours or more per week. Among infants who receive unkind and unresponsive care from their mothers, however, the mother-child relationship may be damaged. "This research helps us put apart complexities regarding child care that have not previously been studied in detail," contends Jay Belsky, a psychologist. The investigation consists of 1,153 children and their families living in or near Boston. The youngsters, no more than 1 month old when they entered the study in 1991, will be tracked until the age of 7. Experimenters administered questionnaires to mothers in their homes and videotaped baby caretakers interacting with the kids at ages 1, 6, and 15 months. Independent observers rated the quality of each child care efforts and noted infant nervousness. Unlike most previous studies, this one allows researchers to observe each caretakers personality at child nursing, and kids emotional reaction by the equipment.(1).From the first paragraph we know that_.A.connections between mothers and infants are damaged by outside careB.mother care is the best according to a national studyC.child care outside home is the best in accordance with the studyD.regular child care outside home may play a role as a mother答案:D(2).According to the passage, unresponsive care from a mother may_.A.ruin a kids growthB.injure a babys emotional reactionC.harm the mother-child tieD.spoil a childs personality答案:C(3).Jay Belsky implies that the study of child care_.A.was not much done in detail in the pastB.was never carried out in the pastC.was greatly ignored by psychologists and researchersD.was interesting, but very difficult to make discovery答案:A(4).The main difference between the investigation and the previous ones is that_.A.the observers could rate the quality of child care efforts and analyzed them soonB.video equipment enabled researchers to observe what was happening directlyC.the researchers were able to give the questionnaires to mothers in their homesD.the researchers started with only one month old infants答案:B(5).Which of the following is not TRUE of the investigation?A.It will last at least 7 years.B.Cooperation from the mothers is also necessary.C.Some independent observers play a part.D.Researchers paid site visits to see a caretakers personality and kids emotional reacti


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