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新目标七年级上Unit2 period 4精美ppt课件

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新目标七年级上Unit2 period 4精美ppt课件

Unit 2,This is my sister,Period4 Section B (1a-1d),This is my - - -,grandmother,grandfather,mother,father,sister,brother,This is me.,These are my - - -,grandparents,parents,brothers,sister,This is my sister.,My family,grandmother,grandfather,grandfather,grandmother,aunt,aunt,uncle,uncle,father,mother,I,brother,cousin,cousin,cousin,sister son cousin grandpa mom aunt,grandma,dad,uncle,daughter,daughter,(brother),grandpa,( ),( ),1a Add the words in the box to the family tree.,mom,son,sister,aunt,cousin,1b. Listen and check () the words you hear.,grandpa _ grandma _ cousin _ dad _ mom _ uncle_ aunt _ brother _ sister _ friends _,Listening,1c Listen again . Which picture are Jiang Tao and Tom talking about ?.,Listen again and choose the picture.,Which picture are Jiang Tao and Tom talking about?,Jiang Tao : This is a photo of my family . This is my aunt Tom : Whos he ? Jiang Tao ; Hes my uncle . Tom : And is she your cousin ? Jiang Tao : Yes , shes my cousin , Jiang Shan .And these are her friends . Tom : Whore they ? Jiang Tao : Theyre my grandpa and grandma . .,1c,play,Draw a picture of your family and friends.Tell your partner about your picture.,Dear Mary, Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo! Your friend, Emma,This is my brother, Tony.This is my friend , Lin Fang,This is my sister, Mona.,These are my parents and this is my grandma.,1d,Exercise,Fill in the blanks.(填空) 1. Lucy is a girl. She is her fathers _. 2. Jim is his fathers _. 3. My fathers sister is my _ . 4. Kates fathers brother is her _. 5. Tims father is my uncle, so Tim is my _. 6. His parents are his _ and _. 7. My grandparents are my _ and_.,daughter,son,aunt,uncle,cousin,father,mother,grandfather,grandmother,8. My father has no brothers, and so I havent any _. 9. My father has two sisters, and I have two _. 10. I am the only child of my _. I have no _ or _.,Fill in the blanks. 填空,uncles,aunts,family,brothers,sisters,一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。,1Frank is my father. Im his s 2Eric isnt my brother. He is my c 3Kate is my a Her mother is my grandma. 4Jack is my u He and my father are brothers. 5Im Janes brother. She is my s 6Gina is my d I am her mother.,on,ousin,unt,ncle,ister,aughter,二、单项选择。,7_ are her sisters. AThose BThis CThat DIt 8I have _ uncle. Aa B/ Can Dthe,A,C,9Is this your _,Jack? Yes,she is my uncles daughter. Acousin Bsister Cdad Dbrother 10Are they your parents? _They are my uncle and aunt. AYes,it is BNo,they arent CYes,they are DNo,it isnt,A,B,一、根据句意,用画线单词的对应词完成下列句子。(54分20分),1He is seven and is eight.,she,2Her daughter is a nice girl and her is a good boy. 3My aunt is in Beijing and my is in Taiyuan. 4These are his pens and are rulers. 5This is my brother Mike and is my Amy.,son,uncle,those,her,that,sister,三、看下列关系图,写单词完成句子。(103分30分),11Frank is Alices 12Alice is Anns 13Ben is Tonys ,uncle,daughter,cousin,14Gina is Alices 15Frank is Mr. Greens 16Ann and Bob are Tonys 17Bob and Frank are Ginas 18Mr. Green and Mrs. Green are Bens 19Alice and Tony are brother and 20Cindy is Bens ,aunt,son,parents,brothers,grandparents,sister,mother,四、根据汉语意思完成句子。(55分25分),21托尼是他的弟弟。 Tony is 22那是你的父母吗?是,他们是。 Are your ? Yes,they are.,his brother,those,parents,23这两个女孩是我的姐妹。 These two are my 24那是你的堂妹吗?不,不是。 Is that your ? No, isnt. 25他不是我叔叔。 He my ,girls,sisters,cousin,she,isnt,uncle,See you next time!,


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