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2019年12月20日大陆地区GRE考试真题(考生回忆版)数学部分数学 1k是正整数,问k平方-k的余数和1比较大小关系数学 2有一个委员会,6个professor3个manager4个coordinator,要求组成一个5人的小组。要求profeesor中的Dr.W和manager中的Ms.M都要在有多少种办法数学 3P和N都是质数,P-N=4,P除以N小于2大于2/3,问p的值是多少数学 42rs6,r和s都是整数,问(r+s)/rs的最大值是多少数学 5小区每天送104份报纸,其中要3份报纸的家庭数量是要1份报纸的家庭数量的2倍,要2份报纸的家庭数量是要1份报纸家庭数量的3倍,问要2份报纸的家庭数量是多少数学 6F club有20000人,M club 30000人,加一起的membership是45000,问从F club里选一个人,他同时有M club membership的概率是多少数学 72的32次方除以3的余数是多少数学 8一共80名学生,physical club 60 人,chemistry club 50 人,biography 35人,每个学生至少参加一个俱乐部,没有学生三个都参加,以下哪个可能是既参加biography 又参加chemistry的学生数目?A. 0B. 5C. 10D. 15E. 20F. 25G. 30H. 35数学 9一个三位数,每个数位上可以选择的有12345,不能重复,问这个三位数有多少种可能性数学 10玩游戏,可以拿2point或4point,小明的average是3.8,问拿2分的次数的9倍,和拿4分的次数的大小关系数学 114个不同的玩具分给3个不同的小孩,每个小孩都至少有一个礼物,每个玩具也必须分给小孩,求一共有多少种不同的分法数学 12每层N本书,一共S层,然后把最上面一层的数平均分配到其他层,问分完之后每层有多少本书填空部分【所有题目均出自于真经填空机经1250题】填空 100-1The professors tendency to commandeer faculty meetings to promote her personal agenda quickly inspired resentment among other faculty, who objected to such _.A. appropriationB. obfuscationC. cavilingD. vacillationE. cronyism填空 65-6Industry-sponsored scientific research on chemical safety often (i)_. Media reports regularly imply that industry support of scientific work is alone sufficient to (ii)_ that research. Even though the source of funding has been determined to be a less significant cause of bias than other factors, industry support suffices, in the minds of many people, to (iii)_ the credibility of scientific work.A. uncovers risksD. fundG. adoptB. elicits skepticismE. vindicateH. vitiateC. promotes innovationF. invalidateI. bolster填空 5-9Although one can adduce myriad of examples of ecosystem disruption by nonindigenousspecies, nevertheless most introduced species that survive in fact appear to have quite _ effects on the ecosystem they have invaded.A. minimalB. triflingC. markedD. conspicuousE. intriguingF. deleterious填空 20-3Historian Barbara Alpern Engels task in writing a book about women in Russia must have been a (i)_ one, because the (ii)_ the Russian empires peoples meant that Russian women could never be treated as a homogeneous group.A. motivatingD. unity amongB. boringE. disinterest inC. dauntingF. diversity of填空 81-6Filler claims that after the social welfare programs of the 1960s, belief that the government has an obligation to provide decent housing for citizens who cannot afford it was (i)_ in the United States by the notion that providing suitable shelter for everyone should be (ii)_. Thus today in the (iii)_ of taxpayer-sponsored initiatives we have volunteer home-construction programs, honorable in intent but pitifully limited in scope.A. supplantedD. a shared civic responsibilityG. absenceB. promulgatedE. an act of private charityH. nameC. corroboratedF. a profit-oriented enterpriseI. mold填空 11-7Changes made to ecosystem in order to achieve a goal, such as food production or flood control, often _ significant unforeseen trade-offs between other important products and service the ecosystems provide.A. predictB. delayC. foretellD. obscureE. yieldF. engender填空 38-3Convinced of the gravity of her poetry, Voigt must have found the reviews of her most recent collection (i)_ reading: one amused reviewer thought that it was unrecognizable as poetry but decidedly (ii)_.A. temptingD. inspiringB. depressingE. irritatingC. thrillingF. diverting填空 48-3The description of humans as having an internal clock is not a (i)_. Or rather, it isyou do not have a tiny watch in your cerebellumbut it also refers to (ii)_, a specialized bundle of cells that regulates cyclical processes.A. euphemismD. an elusive psychological phenomenonB. clichE. a standard literary tropeC. thrillingF. diverting填空 38-4The authors best-selling book on Virginia Woolf is not (i)_ treatment of her subject; on the contrary, it presents (ii)_ portrait of the novelist, faults and all.A. an idealizedD. an unflinchingB. a comprehensiveE. a slapdashC. a compellingF. an erudite填空88-9The life of a secret agent is dangerous enough, but the life of a double agent is infinitely more _: a single slip can send an agent crashing to destruction.A. arduousB. precariousC. clandestineD. perilousE. covertF. exhilarating填空 3-4Many of the towns that have voted to keep incinerators in the countys solid waste plan have done so not because they necessarily (i)_ incinerators, but because they are(ii)_ to narrow their waste-disposal options.A. questionD. willingB. favorE. eagerC. opposeF. loath阅读部分【所有题目均出自于真经阅读机经260篇】阅读-正文Passage 147Our study revealed that nest-guarding long-tailed skinks (a species of lizard) homed (returned to their nests) more successfully when


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