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一生够用英语口语核心句型05英语辅导网:www.dd-xx.com家庭消费状况1.I plunked down $350 for a silver necklace.我花费了350元买了条银项链。2.It will cost me 500 dollars to repair the car.整理这部汽车要花费500美元。3.A great deal of his money goes for rent.他的钱大部分用于租房。4.Our expenses averaged out to 35 dollars per day.我们的支出平均每天35美元。5.The cost of my lunch averaged two dollars a day.我的午饭平均每天花费两美元。6.My father has to defray my education.我父亲得支付我的教育费用。7.Hospital bills had made deep inroads into our savings.住院的花销已用去我们一大笔积蓄。8.She spent one-third of her income on clothing and cosmetics.她把自己三分之一的收入用于服装和化妆品。9.My expenditure this month amounts to $800.这个月我花了800元钱。10.I spent $50 on the bike.我花了50美元买下那辆自行车。11.Income and expenditure exactly balance.收入和支出正好相抵。12.All this spending is a drain on the money I have saved.这些开销正在耗光我的积蓄。13.An annual holiday is a big expense.一年一度的假日是一笔大开销。14.The monthly expenditure of our family is four hundred dollars altogether.我们一家的开销每月共计四百美元。15.My wife keeps a record of our daily expenses.我太太将日常开销都记录下来。16.Id rather economize on clothes and food than travel.我宁愿节衣缩食,也不愿节省旅游费用。17.Older people shouldnt skimp on food or heating.老年人不应过分吝惜食物或取暖方面的开销。节省开支1.We have to cut back on our shopping from now on.从现在开始我们就得缩减购物开支了。2.Mother always buys many things during the bargain sale to save money.为了节省钱,母亲总是在商品减价销售时购买许多东西。3.Jack economized by taking buses instead of taking taxis.杰克不坐出租车而改乘公共汽车以节省钱。4.We will save money wherever we possibly could.我们会在一切方面都尽可能地节省开支。5.I had to scrimp and save to pay for my holiday.我必须节省开支以支付度假的费用。6.With our income sharply reduced, it is common sense to draw rein on our expenditure.由于我们收入明显减少,所以紧缩开支是很明智的。7.Unless a tight hold is kept on the purse strings, a man can soon find that his family is spending more than he is earning.要严格控制开支,否则,一个人很快就会感到他家中入不敷出。8.We have to control our expenses.我们得控制消费。9.We must regulate our spending.我们必须控制我们的开销。10.Im getting short of money. I have to draw in my expenditure.我缺钱,得节省开支。11.A penny saved is a penny earned.省钱就是赚钱。12.Providence is better than rent.宁可节省,不可借贷。13.Jack is saving for a house.杰克正在省钱准备买房。14.He is trying to save money by walking to work.为了省钱,他步行去上班。15.To save money, we traveled second-class.为了省钱,我们乘坐二等舱旅行。16.She saves money in every way she can.她在各方面尽可能地省钱。17.We are going to take the bus to save money.为了省钱,我打算乘坐公共汽车去。18.He shopped at bargain-basement shops to save money.他在地下廉价商店购物来省钱。19.He is saving to buy the computer.为了买计算机,他在节省开支。谈论花销1.Ive spent all my eamings.我把赚的钱都花光了。2.My husbands weekly lunch bills exceed my monthly income.我丈夫每周午餐的花费超过了我的月收入。3.My mother never withdraws her savings to buy unnecessary things.母亲从不支出积蓄去买多余之物。4.Do you think the rest of your salary will be enough to cover our daily expenses?你觉得你剩下的工资足够支付我们的日常开支吗?5.How much money do you spend each week?你每星期花多少钱?6.Running a car is a great expense.开一辆汽车开支很大。7.House repairs, holidays and other expenses reduced my bank balance to almost nothing修房、度假和其他开销使我在银行的存款所剩无几。8.My expenditure is restricted by my income.我的支出受收入的制约。9.What is the expense of moving house?搬家的花销是多少?10.Im considering buying a second-hand refringerator because Im short of money now.因为现在钱不够,我正考虑买台旧冰箱。11.Our expenses are mounting.我们的花销在增加。12.Its very shortsighted not to spend money on repairing our house.你不肯花钱修理我们的房子,眼光是非常短浅的。13.After defraying all the expenses, they were able to lay aside five hundred yuan each month.在支付所有的开支以后,他们每月能积蓄500元。14.Have you figured out the expenses?你把花销都算出来了吗?15.He is always spending.他挥霍成性。16.He contracted huge debts by rash spending.他由于乱花钱而背上沉重的债务。17.She spends too much money on clothes.她在衣着上花费太大。18.If you want to waste your money, thats your own lookout.你要乱花钱,那是你自己的事。19.My brother flings his money about on expensive luxuries.弟弟乱花钱买一些昂贵的奢侈品。20.I disputed with my wife on household expenses.我跟太太争论有关家庭费用的问题。21.Its too much of an expense for me to own a car.对我来说,拥有一辆汽车的花费太大。22.You have wasted your money on things you dont need.你花了冤枉钱,买的是你自己并不需要的东西。23.John gives his children the best education that money can buy.约翰不惜花费金钱让孩子得到最好的教育。人寿保险1.He has a life assurance.他投保了人寿保险。2.She takes out a life insurance policy.她办理了人寿保险。3.What is the sum assured?人寿保险额是多少?4.Have you assured your life?你投人寿保险了吗?(也可以这样说:Do you have life insurance?)5.Would you be interested in buying one life insurance?你有兴趣买一份人寿保险吗?6.I am thinking of taking out a life insurance policy.我正在考虑买一份人寿保险。7.It is advisable to insure your life against accident.最好参加人寿保险,以防意外。8.Do you mean the life insurance is against accidents?你的意思是人寿险是预防事故的吗?9.A life-insurance policy may serve as security for a loan.人寿保险可作贷款的抵押。10.I insured my life for 5 0


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