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X档案第六季The XFiles中英剧本

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X档案第六季The XFiles中英剧本

X档案第六季The XFiles中英剧本第一集快点啊 Hurry up!拜托 下次下班前先去尿一下 Next time maybe take a leak before we leave work,行不行 白痴 okay, dipwads?你懂手语吗 老兄 You read sign language, guy?那是指你的智商 Is that your I.Q.还是指你妈生了几个白痴 Or the number of dipwads your mother had?亚历桑那州 凤凰城 下午五点四十六分不会吧 山迪你也要 Not you, too, Sandy?对不起 兄弟 你得憋回家去 Sorry, man. You got to hold it till you get home.明天见 山迪 See you tomorrow, Sandy.早上七点零四分嘿 山迪 快点 Hey, Sandy. Chop, chop.嘿 山迪 Hey, Sandman?嘿 热狗 快来 快点 Hey, hot dog. Come on. Carpe diem.文件在经过水汽处理 Using a process that restores moisture to the documents,并且重新接合碎片之后 and by a reassembling of fragments,我已经能够恢复 I should be able to recover在几个月前 a large percentage of the case办公室大火中烧毁的 material that was destroyed in my office fire大部分档案 several months ago.这项工作很沉闷但还会继续 And while this process will be tedious and ongoing,但是已经恢复的部分可以 what Ive already recovered使得史考利探员和我 will allow Agent Scully and I.立刻重新开展X档案的工作 to begin work on the XFiles immediately.穆德探员 Agent Mulder穆德探员 Agent Mulder,我看了你这份非常异想天开的报告 Im reading here a very pieinthesky report.有关地球被邪恶的 about global domination plans by vicious,长爪外星人统治的计划 longclawed spacelings?你有证据支持你这个广泛 Is there going to be data to back this vague,综合性的报告吗 omnibus account?是的 我认为 Yes. I see your你那出了名的自大一点都没有改变 renowned arrogance has been left quite intact你要求我们接受这样的报告 Youre asking us to accept this report.一艘太空船被埋在南极的冰层下 of a spaceship buried under polar ice.而你们却冒死逃离了那里 and your deathdefying escape from it?太空船就从我们身边起飞 The ice had become superheated by the ship.冰层吸收了太空船的热量 as it rose beneath us,导致了冰层的崩塌 causing the ice to collapse.整个故事让人不可理解 This story is unintelligible再加上更不可理解的分析 and encourages unintelligible analysis嗯 我希望你们仔细看一下 I was hoping youd look more closely at the reports.我和史考利探员的医疗报告 of my and Agent Scullys medical conditions.这些外星人 穆德探员 These spacelings, Agent Mulder不会像我们在黑衣人中看到的一样吧 they werent something I saw in Men in Black ?我没看过黑衣人 I didnt see Men in Black.哦 那可是部好电影 Well, its a damn good movie.不管这些听起来多像科幻小说 As much as this sounds like science fiction,我们能够 we can and will.证明我们报告的真实性 prove the validity of our report.那么 重点是 我只是想要搞清楚 And so the plot Im just trying to get this straight重点是 这些统治地球的外星人 the plot is for these spacelings to take over the planet.得到了一群地球人的帮助 aided by a group of men here on earth?一群藏在我们自己政府中的黑手 A shadow conspiracy within our own government.是他们 Who are growing corn in在沙漠的中央种植玉米 the middle of the desert which features而玉米的花粉经过基因改造 pollen which was genetically altered.能够携带病毒 并通过蜜蜂咬的方式 to hold a virus which will be taken away by bees.来传播病毒 whose sting transmits the virus,使得外星生物 causing the growth.可以在人类 of an extraterrestrial biological entity宿主体内成长 inside the human host?这正是X档案重新开始之后 Which we will prove now that我们要去证明的 the XFiles have been reopened.你认为背后会有比 Your presumption is greater你现在这个案子还重大的阴谋吗 than the case you make for that eventuality我不太了解您的意思 Im not sure I understand.你来这里是为了说明 Youre here to justify重新编你回X档案工作的理由 your reassignment on the XFiles.而不是让你来吹嘘 with little more than a rattletrap老掉牙的南极大冒险的 account of high adventure in the Antarctic更别提那些有问题的昂贵的旅行支出 Not to mention some very questionable travel expenses.让我们提醒你 Let us remind you that调查局不是科学学校 the F.B.I. Is not a school for science,也不是用来解决恼人的私事的 nor for the grinding of personal axes.希望你能够向 Hopefully, you will be able我们提出一些确凿的证据 to present us with some material evidence来支持你的下一步调查工作 to support a continued investigation.史考利探员 Agent Scully,之所以被派到X档案工作的原因就是 who was assigned to the XFiles.她是个科学家 as a scientist,她被那些蜜蜂叮到 was stung by one of these bees而感染病毒 and was infected with this virus.她今天在这里 She is here today with带来了非常有力且不容置疑的证据 hard and incontrovertible evidence,科学证明她所染的病毒 scientific proof that the virus she was infected with.事实上是来自外太空的 is, in fact, extraterrestrial.下一次 我会穿着小丑服玩汽球把戏 Next time Ill wear a clown suit and do balloon tricks.穆德 我一直希望这事不要被提出来 I was hoping it wouldnt come up.我在里面的唯一理由 The only reason I was in there是因为你向我保证 is because you assured me会有科学证据 证明我们所看到的 there was a scientific basis for what we saw穆德 让我再提醒你一次 Let me remind you once again,我所见到的非常少 what I saw was very little.得了 史考利 这个借口这次没用了 That excuse is not gonna work this time.你就在那里 You were there,被那些病毒感染 and you were infected with that virus.穆德 是的 是有科学证据 Yes, there is a scientific basis能证明我身上发生的事 for what happened to me.我是被病毒感染了 I was exposed to a virus.但是它会变成什么 穆德 But as it turns out, Mulder, that virus.这病毒不是你想的那样 is not what you thought.听着 我没办鉴定那是什么 I cant identify it.穆德 我试了三个独立的实验 I have run three separate tests.但是我可以非常肯定地告诉你 But I can tell you without构成病毒的DNA和蛋白质 a doubt that viruss D N A And proteins绝对是这个地球上的 are very much of this world.我看到这些病毒做了什么 I saw what that virus did.我看见它产生出一个新生物 I saw it generate a new being,一个活在人体内的外星生物 an alien being inside a human body.它攻击并且催毁人类的细


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