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X档案第二季The X-Files中英剧本

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X档案第二季The X-Files中英剧本

X档案第二季The XFiles中英剧本第一集我们想相信 We wanted to believe.我们想呼唤 We wanted to call out.1977年8月20日 和9月5日 On August 20 and September 5 1977,肯尼迪太空中心 two spacecraft were launched发射了两艘太空船 from the Kennedy Space Flight Center, Florida.名为航行者号 They were called Voyager.各自带了一个讯息 Each one carries a message.我代表地球人类 向大家问好 I send greetings on behalf of the people of our planet.我们离开太阳系到宇宙 We step out of our solar system into the universe,寻找. seeking only.一片存有地球影像 音乐和声音的碟片 A record depicting images, music and sounds of our planet,内容资料 会被截取讯息的. arranged to be understood if ever intercepted by先进外太空生物所明白 a technologically mature extraterrestrial civilization.来自地球的孩子问候你 Hello from the children of planet Earth.发射之后13年 13 years after its launch,航行者一号经过海王星的轨道 Voyager 1 passed the orbit of Neptune离开了我们的太阳系 and essentially left our solar system.在那段期间 没有送出其他的讯息 Within that time, there were no further messages sent,亦没有任何新计划 nor are any planned.我们想听到回应 We wanted to listen.1992年10月12日 On October 12 1992,太空总署 开始一项高解析微波探测 NASA initiated the High Resolution Microwave Survey,以无线电天文望远镜 扫描千万个频率 a search by radio telescopes scanning ten million frequencies阿雷西博电离层观察站 阿雷西博 波多黎各寻找外星生物的讯息 for any transmission by extraterrestrial intelligence.不到一年 参议员白理查 Less than a year later, Senator Richard Bryan成功通过修正案 successfully championed an amendment而致使计划终止 which terminated the project.我想相信 但工具已被拿走 I wanted to believe, but the tools had been taken away.X档案已被终止 The XFiles had been shut down.探测之眼被蒙蔽 They closed our eyes.召唤之音也被封闭 Our voices have been silenced.连耳朵也无法再听见 无限宇宙的声音 Our ears now deaf to the realms of extreme possibilities.我代表地球人类 向大家问好 I send greetings on behalf of the people of our planet.我们离开太阳系到宇宙 We step out of our solar system into the universe,只为找寻和平及友谊. seeking only peace and friendship, to teach.我和丝西 去看那脱衣舞秀 Cecil and me, we went to that strip joint.长街汽车旅馆 华盛顿特区 窃听5A21147号你们自己花钱呀? You treat yourself?伙计 听我说 Man, let me tell you!知道那个星期二吗? You know that one Tuesday?星期二去的? Wait, wait. You went on Tuesday?是那脱衣舞娘的名字 No. Thats the strippers name: Tuesday.我知道她 Oh, yeah. I know her.她随着歌曲 Shes on stage dancing to that Offspring song,"齐玩乐"在台上跳 "Come Out and Play".好棒 Nice touch.火辣辣 Very hot.继续说 Keep going.我用大钞打赏她 Im tipping her big.可不是一块五块面额的 No ones, five spots.大钞一张张放在桌边 Im laying em on the railboom, boom, boom.她不要吗? She didnt like it?歌曲放完 刚好放了40美元 By the end of the song, I had $40 laid out.那不过是首短歌 Its not a long song, is it?解剖时先将 It is advantageous to begin an autopsy联邦调查局学院 匡提科 弗吉尼亚亚头骨盖除去有好处 by removing the cranium.在眉骨一寸以上 The cranium is opened with a horizontal division an inch水平打开 above the eyebrow ridges.有不妥吗? Something wrong?这人曾想过的 What this man imagined,他的梦想 his dreams,他的爱人 所见所闻 who he loved, saw, heard,记忆中的事 remembered,恐惧的事 what he feared,全都藏在 这堆组织和液体中 somehow its all locked in this small mass of tissue and fluid.史卡利探员 你还好吧? Are you OK, Agent Scully?你有点古怪 You kind of sounded a little spooky.联邦调查局总部 华盛顿特区穆德探员 午安 Good afternoon, Agent Mulder.水门宾馆和宾馆办公室头个小时就要4美元 简直抢钱 $4 for the first hour of parking is criminal.你的事起码 要值45分钟 What you got better be worth at least 45 minutes.穆德 你知道吗. You know, Mulder, from.你站在那里 看起来好像他 from back there you looked like him. Him?深喉 Deep Throat.丹娜 他已经死了 Hes dead, Scully.我在一千码外 I attended his funeral at Arlington用望远镜参加了他在阿灵顿的葬礼 through binoculars from a thousand yards away.人死不能复生 Now the picture frame was turned down.想谈谈吗? 有什么发现? You wanted to talk. What have you found?我是想谈谈 但是没什么发现 I wanted to talk, but I havent found anything.就是闲聊几句也有危险 Its dangerous for us just to have a little chat.很可能有人监视我们 We must assume were being watched.看不出有什么迹象. I havent seen any indication.当然不会 No, of course not.他们很精明的 These people are the best.我已做好防范措施 Ive taken all of the necessary precautions.我循原路走回去查看 确保没被跟踪 I have doubled back to make sure I havent been followed.以前从没人跟踪过我 No one has ever followed me.X档案已被终止 穆德 The XFiles have been terminated, Mulder.我们另有任务 We have been reassigned.他们已不在乎我们了 What makes you think they care about us?为何要这样秘密见面? So why have you come here covertly?因为只有这样 Because I realized that it was the only way你才会见我 that you would see me.那你想怎样? So what do you want?我想知道你没事 To know that youre all right.穆德 今天你经过我身旁 Mulder, you passed me today within a foot,但却心不在焉 but you were miles away.我在做电子监听调查 Im on electronic surveillance.一堆无聊案子 银行诈欺 Whitebread cases, bank fraud,保险诈领什么的 insurance fraud, healthcare swindles.穆德 我知道你感到挫败 Mulder, I know that you feel.没有调查局资源 frustrated, that without the Bureaus resources你没法继续. you cant continue.不是的. No. It.那是怎么样呢? Well, what then?当初工作终止时 When we were shut down,你说要继续到查出真相为止 you said youd go on for as long as the truth was out there.但我觉得你失去斗志 But I no longer feel that from you.到过圣地牙哥没有? Have you ever been to San Diego?有 Yeah.有去


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