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word格式Chapter 10The Bond MarketnMultiple Choice Questions1.Compared to money market securities, capital market securities have(a)more liquidity.(b)longer maturities.(c)lower yields.(d)less risk.Answer:B2.(I) Securities that have an original maturity greater than one year are traded in capital markets.(II) The best known capital market securities are stocks and bonds.(a)(I) is true, (II) false.(b)(I) is false, (II) true.(c)Both are true.(d)Both are false.Answer:C3.(I) Securities that have an original maturity greater than one year are traded in money markets.(II) The best known money market securities are stocks and bonds.(a)(I) is true, (II) false.(b)(I) is false, (II) true.(c)Both are true.(d)Both are false.Answer:D4.(I) Firms and individuals use the capital markets for long-term investments. (II) The capital markets provide an alternative to investment in assets such as real estate and gold.(a)(I) is true, (II) false.(b)(I) is false, (II) true.(c)Both are true.(d)Both are false.Answer:C5.The primary reason that individuals and firms choose to borrow long-term is to reduce the risk that interest rates will _ before they pay off their debt.(a)rise(b)fall(c)become more volatile(d)become more stableAnswer:A6.A firm that chooses to finance a new plant by issuing money market securities(a)must incur the cost of issuing new securities to roll over its debt.(b)runs the risk of having to pay higher interest rates when it rolls over its debt.(c)incurs both the cost of reissuing securities and the risk of having to pay higher interest rates on the new debt.(d)is more likely to profit if interest rates rise while the plant is being constructed.Answer:C7.The primary reason that individuals and firms choose to borrow long-term is to(a)reduce the risk that interest rates will fall before they pay off their debt.(b)reduce the risk that interest rates will rise before they pay off their debt.(c)reduce monthly interest payments, as interest rates tend to be higher on short-term thanlong-term debt instruments.(d)reduce total interest payments over the life of the debt.Answer:B8.A firm will borrow long-term(a)if the extra interest cost of borrowing long-term is less than the expected cost of rising interest rates before it retires its debt.(b)if the extra interest cost of borrowing short-term due to rising interest rates does not exceed the expected premium that is paid for borrowing long term.(c)if short-term interest rates are expected to decline during the term of the debt.(d)if long-term interest rates are expected to decline during the term of the debt.Answer:A9.The primary issuers of capital market securities include(a)the federal and local governments.(b)the federal and local governments, and corporations.(c)the federal and local governments, corporations, and financial institutions.(d)local governments and corporations.Answer:B10.Governments never issue stock because(a)they cannot sell ownership claims.(b)the Constitution expressly forbids it.(c)both (a) and (b) of the above.(d)neither (a) nor (b) of the above.Answer:A11.(I) The primary issuers of capital market securities are federal and local governments, and corporations. (II) Governments never issue stock because they cannot sell ownership claims.(a)(I) is true, (II) false.(b)(I) is false, (II) true.(c)Both are true.(d)Both are false.Answer:C12.(I) The primary issuers of capital market securities are financial institutions.(II) The largest purchasers of capital market securities are corporations.(a)(I) is true, (II) false.(b)(I) is false, (II) true.(c)Both are true.(d)Both are false.Answer:D13.The distribution of a firms capital between debt and equity is its(a)leverage ratio.(b)liability structure(c)acid ratio.(d)capital structure.Answer:D14.The largest purchasers of capital market securities are(a)households.(b)corporations(c)governments.(d)central banks.Answer:A15.Individuals and households frequently purchase capital market securities through financial institutions such as(a)mutual funds.(b)pension funds.(c)money market mutual funds.(d)all of the above.(e)only (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:E16.(I) There are two types of exchanges in the secondary market for capital securities: organized exchanges and over-the-counter exchanges. (II) When firms sell securities for the very first time, the issue is an initial public offering.(a)(I) is true, (II) false.(b)(I) is false, (II) true.(c)Both are true.(d)Both are false.Answer:C17.(I) Capital market securities fall into two categories: bonds and stocks. (II) Long-term bonds include government bonds and long-term notes, municipal bonds, and corporate bonds.(a)(I) is true, (II) false.(b)(I) is fals


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