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商务英语口语商务英语口语 Editor: Editor: 陈云陈云 (Ada.Chen)(Ada.Chen) Crazy English 李阳疯狂英语精髓李阳疯狂英语精髓 两个中心,一个标准。两个中心,一个标准。 vv中心一:中心一:以句子为中心。在句子中掌握单词、语法。 中心二:中心二:以口语为中心。通过口语突破,掌握听力、 阅读、写作、翻译,称作听说读写译一体。 vv标准:以脱口而出为标准。标准:以脱口而出为标准。 实现脱口而出的方法: 1.掌握五大发音秘诀 2.掌握三最口腔训练法 3.掌握一口气训练法 五大发音秘诀 v长元音拉长,双元音饱满; v短元音短促有力,干净利落,收小腹; v连读; v略读; v咬舌头。 三最&一口气训练法 v三最”法就是“最大声、最清晰、最快速”地“ 反复”操练句子或短文以达成地道英语“脱口 而出”。 v一口气训练法:深呼吸,然后在一口气里尽 量多读。 v Im crazy about learning English. v I enjoy losing face. v Ill do my best. v Just do it! Lead- 迎接外宾 Picking up the guest Welcoming1 Introduction 2 Greetings 3 Offering 4 Hotel 5 Small talk topics 6 Welcoming vOn behalf of , Im very glad to welcome you here. vIts a pleasure to see you here. vWelcome to vThank you for coming all this way. Introduction v Self Introduction Self Introduction Please let me introduce myself. Im How do you do? My name is May I introduce myself? Im Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Introduction vvThird-party IntroductionThird-party Introduction Its my pleasure to introduce you to Id like to introduce you to A, let me introduce you to A, Id like you to meet This is Hes in charge of He looks after Hes our Director/Manager. Introduction vvResponsesResponses I have heard a great deal /so much about you. I have been looking forward to seeing you in person. Seeing is believing. Would you mind exchanging your business card with me? v初次见面 How do you do? Very nice to meet you. Its nice to have you here. Greetings v遇到熟人 Long time no see. Great to see you again. Havent seen you for ages/some time. How have you been(doing)? Hey, man. Hows it going? How are you getting on/making out? Whats up? Greetings v正面回答 Quite well/Pretty good/All right, thank you! Im doing great/good. How about you? Couldnt be better! What about you? v一般回答 Not too bad, thanks. Same as ever. Nothing in particular. Greetings v关注气色 You appear well this morning. Youre in very good looks. Youre looking really good. You dont look yourself. You have been off colour recently. Greetings Sample Dialogue A A: Hey, man. Long time no see. Hows it going? B: Pretty good/Not too bad. Thank you! How about you? A: Same as ever! Id like to introduce you to our manager, John Smith. B: Nice to meet you, John. I have been looking forward to seeing you in person. C: Nice to meet you too, Jack. Would you mind exchanging your business card with me? B: Of course. Here you are. C: Thank you. This is mine. vLet me help you with your luggage. vMay I help you with one of your bags? vOur car is out in the parking lot. vTheres a car waiting for you, so please come this way. vPls get in the back seat. Offering vWould you like to go to your hotel to rest and have a shower, or go to our company first? v We have reserved/booked a room for you at Rongqiao Hotel. v This is the hotel where youre going to stay. v Shall we go to the reception desk and check in? Hotel vYour room is on the top floor, facing the garden. vHow do you like this suite? vIf you encounter any inconvenience, pls do not hesitate to let me know. vYou must be tired after such a long flight. Have a good rest. Hotel vTravel Hows your flight? You must be exhausted/ I bet youre tired. How do you like our city? Is this your first visit to? Did you have a good trip? I hope you enjoy your stay here. Small talk topics vWeather Its a beautiful day, isnt it? Finally weve gotten a beautiful day. Im a spring/summer/autumn/winter person. Its lovely/sunny/warm/cold. How do you find our weather? It was dismal/cloudy/cold/damp/wet/ stormy/windy. Small talk topics vSchedule Here is a schedule weve prepared. I hope its suitable for you. Im wondering whether you like this plan. You can change it if you want. Small talk topics Sample dialogue B A: Mr. Hu, on behalf of TPV, Im very glad to welcome you here. Please let me introduce myself. Im Susan Wang. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you too, Susan. A: May I help you with one of your bags? B: Thank you! Youre so sweet. A: My pleasure. There is a car waiting for you. Pls come this way. Sample dialogue B A: How was your trip? B: A little tired. A: Sorry to hear that. Anyway, we have reserved a room for you at Rongqiao Hotel.You can have a good rest. B: Thanks! A: So how do you find our weather? B: Its hot. When I left home, it was only ten degrees. A: Yeah, a little, but I heard its going to rain this afternoon. Sample dialogue B B: Great! A: This is the hotel where youre going to stay. Shall we go to the reception desk and check in? B: OK! A: Now everything is OK. If you encounter any inconvenience, pls do not hesitate to let me know. And I will pick you up at 8:00 tomorrow morning in the hotel hall. Is it ok for you? B: Yes, thank you! See you! A: See


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