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Lesson One Warming-up nWhat do you know about Martin Luther King Jr. (19291968)? nWhat type of writing is this speech? nWhat is the purpose of the speech? Background nDuring the 1960s, many movements affected Americans as individuals and American society as a whole in various ways and to various degrees: n- The anti-war movement n- The Civil Rights movement n- The counter-culture movement n- The feminist movement What does Dr.King work for? nDr.king: nNobel nPeace nPrize nwinner I Accept this award on behalf of the civil rights movement which is moving with determination and a majestic scorn for risk and danger to establish a reign of freedom and a rule of justice. v Brief introduction Martin Luther King Jr.(1929-1968), a key leader of the movement, played a significant and irreplaceable role in the Civil Rights movement in 1960s. His name is associated with the March on Washington in 1963 and his famous speech “I Have a Dream”, delivered in front of the Lincoln Memorial. He was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. What type of writing is this speech? n- an argumentation. n Dr. King is trying to persuade the audience that violence and revolution in the United states is not possible. What is the purpose of the speech? nHe demands to restructure the whole of American society. n- nonviolence is his approach to the “restructuring”. Style of the speech nMore on the side of reasoning and persuasion nLess on emotional appeal nFull of rhetorical devices n- metaphors n- antitheses n- parallel structures Organization of the text Part I( Paras. 1-2) “where we are”: the present situation of the Negro Part II( Paras. 3-5) answers “where do we go from here?” Part III( Paras. 6-9) puts forward the second task Part IV( Paras. 10-15) economic security for the Negro Americans Organization of the text Part V( Paras. 16-20) reaffirms his commitment to nonviolence Part VI( Paras. 21-25) a fundamental question-the restructuring of the whole of American society Part VII( Paras. 26-28) Conclusion Detailed study: nPart I( Paras. 1-2) “where we are”: the present situation of the Negro. nHow does the speaker begin his speech? nRaises the question of “Where we are now” , links this up with the theme of the speech“where do we go from here” Part II( Paras. 3-4) answers “where do we go from here?” The African-American must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood. Run a survey on one of the following topics: 1.The anti-war movement 2.The civil Rights movement 3.The counter-culture movement 4.The feminist movement 5. 6.Presentations: next week Do some research: group work (3-4 persons) What role does Para 3 play? n- a transitional paragraph n- sentence 1 sums up the first 2 paragraphs, linking this paragraph with the previous ones. n- sentence 2 raises the question n- sentence 3, starting with “first”, begins to answer the question n- well-organized n- ideas developed logically Task 1 We must massively assert our dignity and worth : We must state clearly and in an impressive way that we should be treated with respect and our value should be recognized. Paraphrase: The job of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught for so many centuries that they are nobody is not easy: It is no easy job to educate a people who have been told over centuries that they are inferior and of no importance to see that they are humans, the same as any other people. Translate: nEven semantics have conspired to make that which is black seem ugly and degrading. n连语义学都合谋把一切有”黑”字的东西说 成是丑陋、卑劣的。 Synonyms of black: n(para4.) blot: a moral defect in an otherwise good character; a disgraceful act or quality污 点 nSoot: a black substance consisting chiefly of carbon particles formed by the incomplete combustion of burning matter烟灰,煤灰 nGrim: sinister冷酷、无情、讨厌的 (para4.) A white lie is better than a black lie. 善意的谎言总比恶意的谎言要好。 White lie: a set phrase, meaning a lie concerning a trivial matter, often one told to spare someones feelings.无恶意的谎言;小谎话 Black lie: (coined)a sinister lie. The speaker skillfully turns a set phrase (white lie) into a comparison of color to illustrate his argument that the English language is not color blind.不可饶恕的谎言;阴险的谎言;用心险恶的 谎言 5.(para4.) black sheep: a family member shunned because of disreputable behavior . 败家子;害群之马 The person in a family of whom everyone else is ashamed is called a “black sheep” 6. (para5.) to strip him of his personhood: to cultivate in him a sense of inferiority. To upset this cultural homicide, the Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood: nIn order to defeat the practice of conditioning the Negros mind to a sense of inferiority, the Negro must stand upright and declare to the world that he is a Man, in the full sense of the word. n为了挫败这种蓄意培植的低人一等的心态(自 卑感),黑人必须直起腰来宣布自己高贵的人 格。 Paraphrase: Psychological freedom, a firm sense of s


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