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初中英语常考近义词同义词辨析练习(1)Many much more a lot a lot of (lots of)1. How _ bananas do you want?2. How _ fruit would you like to buy?3. There arent _ eggs in the basket.4. There isnt _ milk in the glass.5. I was ill yesterday. But I feel _ better now.6. We can learn _ from the book.7._ of us like playing basketball.8. Kate is _ younger than Mary.9. There is _ rain in the spring than in the autumn here.答案:1.many; 2.much; 3.many/a lot of; 4.much/ a lot of; 5.much; 6.a lot; 7.many; 8.much; 9.more注释:many修饰可数名词复数;much修饰不可数名词;a lot of/ lots of 既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词;a lot 相当于名词,“许多”的意思;more更多的,用于比较级,通常和“than”连用。Some any no1.Are there _ eggs in the basket?2.There is _ milk in the glass, and you can drink it.3. “Would you like _ bananas?” “No, thanks.”4. “Do you have _ idea about it?” “No, I have _ idea.”5. Look at the children. _ are singing, _ are dancing.6. We study Chinese, English, math, and _ other subjects.7. Chinese is more popular than _ other subject.8. I am tired and I cant go _ further.9. I dont feel _ better now.答案:1.any; 2.some; 3.some; 4.any; 5.no; 6.some/ some; 7.some; 8.any; 9.any注释:some“一些”,一般用于肯定句中,有时也用在疑问句中表示希望得到对方的肯定回答;any“一些”,用于疑问和否定句中;no“没有”。What how1._ is the weather today?2._ is the weather like today?3. I dont know _ to do.4. I dont know _ to do it.5. “_ do you like the food?” - “Very much.”6. _ do you think of this movie?7._ do you like about china? The people and the food.8. He doesnt know _ to do with this broken bike.9. Can you tell me _ to deal with this problem?10. “_ is he like?” “He is serious and kind.”11. “_ does he look like?” “He is tall and has curly hair.”答案:1.how; 2.what; 3.what; 4.how; 5.how; 6.what; 7.what; 8.what; 9.how; 10.what; 11.what注释:询问天气有两个句型:how is the weather?/ What is the weather like? ; 3,4两个句子中从句部分,如果不定式”to do”后面不接任何名词或代词,从句引导词用”how”, 反之,则用”what”; 5句,询问程度用”how”; 6句,what do you think of + 某人/某事物你觉得-怎么样?;8,9句与3,4句做法相同;10,11句,固定句型:what is he like?他性格怎么样?/ what does he look like?他长什么样?Have has there is there are is there are there1. How many minutes _ in an hour?2. We _ many flowers in our garden.3._ you an iphone5? = do you _ an iphone5?4. _ a blackboard and a lot of desks in the classroom.5._ four seasons in a year.6. One of my friends _ a plane.7._ a lot of milk in the bottle.8._ three bottles of milk in the fridge.9. He _ a pen in his hand.10._ any cheese on the plate?11. _ any people in the classroom?12. There _ _ a football match tomorrow.13. There _ _ _ a church here. (过去有).14. There _ _ somebody in the office. (一定有)答案:1.are there; 2.have; 3.have/ have; 4.there is; 5.there are; 6.has; 7.there is; 8.there are; 9.has; 10.is there; 11.are there; 12.will be; 13.used to be; 14.must be注释:have, has“有”,主语只能是人,第一二人称及第三人称复数用have,第三人称单数用has;there be句型也表示“有”的意思,4,5句要注意there be 句型的“就近原则”,即:be动词用单数还是复数要看其后的名词或代词是单数还是复数,如果是单数be动词就用单数,反之用复数;7句,milk是不可数名词,be动词用单数;8句,虽然milk不可数,但紧跟there be 句型后的名词是bottles(复数),所以按就近原则,应该用” there are”; 10句,cheese不可数,所以be动词用单数,11句中,people是可数名词复数(people单复数同形),所以be动词用复数;12句,tomorrow 暗示事情应该发生在将来,所以用there will be(将来会有-);13句,there used to be过去有-;14句,there must be 一定有-Good well fine nice1.Tom is a _ boy .He plays football very _2.He is _ at math and she does _ in English3.Its a _ day. Lets go for a walk4.This kind of food is _ to eat5.Do you know tom? Yes , I know him very _6.She sings _ and dances _7.How are you? _ thank you, and you?8.He feels _ enough to go to school now.9.Sports are _ for our health10.The _ teacher is always _ to her students答案:1.good/ well; 2.good/ well; 3.fine; 4.good; 5.well; 6.well/ well; 7.fine; 8.well; 9.good; 10.nice/ good注释:四个词都有“好“的意思,good常用在名词前做定语,或用在”be”动词后面做表语,不能用在动词后修饰该动词;well 可用在动词后修饰该动词,也可表示状态好,身体好;fine 可形容天气好(晴朗),还可用来回答“how are you?你好吗?”表示自己很好;nice 有“漂亮”的意思,常指外形(貌)好。注意几个固定搭配 be good at = do well in 擅长做某事;be good for 对-有好处;be good to sb. 对某人好;be good to do sth. 做某事是有好处的In on at1._ the evening of October 5th , I saw a car run into the river2._ a summer evening when he was on his way home, a big dog was following him3.This story happened _ a cold evening of January 19994.We usually do our homework _ the evening5.she likes to go out for a walk _ night6._ a rainy night, I lost my way in a woods.答案:1.on; 2.on; 3.on; 4.in; 5.at; 6.on注释:在具体某天的上下午,晚上用”on”;当”morning, afternoon, evening, night”前有词语修饰时,也用”on”;in the evening(morning/ afternoon)是固定短语,此外注意”at night = in the night在晚上; on the cold night”(当night


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