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Try the education that is used to by prepare lessons before class of English of junior high school

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Try the education that is used to by prepare lessons before class of English of junior high school

精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Try the education that is used to by prepare lessons before class of English of junior high schoolTalk article summary: Prepare lessons before class is the pupil is learning an indispensable link in the process, very big to learning the effect to affect. Join teacher and student of classroom of middle school English, 4 respects undertake the examination assess of the education method of the main demand of the importance from prepare lessons before class, prepare lessons before class, prepare lessons before class and prepare lessons before class preliminary discuss, with period the good habit that develops a student. Paper keyword: Prepare lessons before class; English course education; Good conventionPrepare lessons before class, learn beforehand namely, specific and character, it is the learning process that shows the self-study before the student is attending class concerns new knowledge. Habit of prepare lessons before class is one of good study conventions, the key that is study success one pace. Foster the prepare lessons before 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询class with student active, active, self-conscious nurturance to be used to, teach oneself ability in what foster them namely. The teacher thinks prepare lessons before class is not important, actually otherwise. The fact proves, prepare lessons before class is the pupil is learning an indispensable link in the process, very big to learning the effect to affect. The nurturance of any good conventions should begin to grab as a child, alleged, “Agoodbeginningishalfdone “ . “New tax mark “ education student own study ability serves as a main goal to put forward, of the student “ the prepare lessons before class before the class “ it is a when fulfil this one goal important segment that cannot ignore, it learns to master new knowledge to the student, the study convention with good nurturance is having crucial effect. But for quite a long time although the prepare lessons before class before I discover the students class is undertaking everyday, but effects is very small, did not achieve the real goal of prepare lessons before class, it is self-evident to the influence of education effect, should not say education learns ability more. So, how can just develop prepare lessons before class 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询study medium effect in English, let student actively learn, where is independently study? Join teacher and student of classroom of middle school English, 4 respects undertake the examination assess of the education method of the main demand that he draft the importance from prepare lessons before class, prepare lessons before class, prepare lessons before class and prepare lessons before class preliminary discuss. One, the importance of English prepare lessons before class1. prepare lessons before class can make the preparation on good knowledge to attend class, improve efficiency of attend a lecture. The teacher that has experience knows, You Xie Xue Sheng Xue Xi Cha De Yuan Yin Shi Shang Ke Yin Ting Bu Dong Er Gan Bu Shang Lao Shi De Jiang Ke Jin Du , and understanding a main reason is not to go up the old knowledge that new period place needs to apply wont or forgot, of alignment of the knowledge in causing mind from this interrupt. Prepare lessons before class is OK lukewarm know so new, effectively continue this “ interrupt “ , improve efficiency of attend a lecture. If 7AUnit1 basically 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询learned general present tense voice, although elementary school is involved somewhat, but passed student of a summer vacation to already blurred to this knowledge impression, the teacher should decorate a student in time serious prepare lessons before class, those who be knowledge is patulous make good bedding. 2. prepare lessons before class can raise the purpose sex of attend a lecture and specific aim. Prepare lessons before class is the fundamental requirement that the student raises classroom benefit, the student adopts prepare lessons before class, OK and preliminary control the frame of new tax, find out the key of new tax, discover difficulty problem in time, OK still lukewarm know so new, rise join of new old knowledge, avoided the blindness of attend a lecture and optional sex, purpose sex and specific aim are strong, attention is centered more easily. Every unit has the Oxford English teaching material that using now regularity. Pass student of prepare lessons before class not only OK and preliminary understanding each unit structure, and can be aimed at each board piece medium difficulty goes attend a lecture, the rate that accepts knowledge will be accelerated. 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询3. prepare lessons before class can develop self-study ability of the student. Self-study ability is in only development of the ability in teaching oneself an activity rises. Prepare lessons before class is the student contacts new knowledge dot independently


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