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基于 B2C 的沃尔玛超市商品销售与管理系统 本科生毕业设计本科生毕业设计 基于 B2C 的沃尔玛超市商品销售与管理系统 Commodities Sale and Management System Based on B2C for Wal-Mart Supermarket 学生姓名 所在专业计算机科学与技术 所在班级 申请学位工学学士 指导教师职称 副指导教师职称 答辩时间 基于 B2C 的沃尔玛超市商品销售与管理系统 目 录 目目 录录 设计总说明 I INTRODUCTION II 1绪论.1 1.1设计的背景1 1.1.1B2C 电子商务概述1 1.1.2国内外电子商务管理系统的研究现状.2 1.2设计的概况2 1.2.1设计的目的和意义.2 1.2.2设计的内容.3 1.2.3设计的指导思想.3 1.3论文组织结构3 2系统开发的相关理论与技术.4 2.1系统开发模式4 2.1.1B/S 结构设计模式4 2.1.2B/S 结构设计模式的优势与劣势4 2.2系统开发工具选择5 2.2.1操作系统和服务器选用.5 2.2.2开发平台.5 2.2.3数据库的选用.6 2.2.4其它辅助工具的选用.6 2.3相关理论与开发技术6电子商务技术6 2.3.2ASP.NET 技术7 2.3.3C#开发语言.8 2.3.4JavaScript 语言简介9 3系统分析.9 3.1可行性分析9 3.1.1技术可行性.9 3.1.2经济可行性.10 3.1.3操作可行性.10 3.2需求分析11 3.2.1角色识别.11 基于 B2C 的沃尔玛超市商品销售与管理系统 目 录 3.2.2客户功能.11 3.2.3管理功能.11 3.2.4角色模型图.12 3.2.5功能模块划分.12 3.3数据流程图13 3.4数据字典15 3.5实体关系模型(E-R 图).17 3.6系统的状态转换模型19 4系统总体设计.20 4.1系统功能总框架20 4.2数据库设计21 4.2.1逻辑结构设计.21 4.2.2物理结构设计.24 5系统详细设计及实现代码.25 5.1销售子系统25 5.1.1用户登入模块.25 5.1.2商品选购模块.28 5.2管理子系统32 5.2.1管理员登陆.32 5.2.2管理商品信息.32 5.2.3管理订单信息.34 5.2.4管理会员信息.36 6系统测试.37 7总结.38 鸣 谢39 参考文献40 设计总说明 I 设计总说明 电子商务是 Internet 爆炸式发展的直接产物,是网络技术应用的全新发展方向。 电子商务不仅会改变企业本身的生产、经营、管理活动,而且将影响到整个社会的经 济运行与结构。由于 B2C 平台提供的产品在质量、品牌、售后服务等系列核心环节上, 比 C2C 平台有较大竞争优势。B2C 电子商务市场呈现逆势“井喷” ,且渐呈现替代 C2C 成为网购电子商务的主流趋势。中国的电子商务发展空间和前景巨大,对于世界零售 业巨头沃尔玛而言,当然希望在这一蓬勃发展的新兴市场中分一杯羹。 B2C(Business-to-Consumer,商家对客户)中文简称为“商对客” 。 “商对客”是 电子商务的一种模式,也就是通常说的商业零售,直接面向消费者销售产品和服务。 这种形式的电子商务一般以网络零售业为主,主要借助于互联网开展在线销售活动。 沃尔玛进军中国 B2C 市场,建立基于 B2C 的商品销售与管理系统在企业发展中发 挥着越来越大的作用。在信息时代,建立一个功能强大、界面美观的商品销售与管理 系统以及电子商务系统平台,对沃尔玛在中国的发展显得越来越至关重要。 本系统利用 Internet 网络电子商务新技术,实现了基于 B2C 结构的电子商务管理。 系统开发工具采用 ASP.NET,后台数据库采用 SQL Server 2005。借助 web 服务器和客 户的浏览器,同时利用电子工具高效率、低成本的特点,为客户提供手机交易平台。 商家在 Internet 上发布商业信息,用户能够全天候快速地查阅和订购商品。本系统依 据目前电子商务系统的设计原则,以网上交易功能为主,辅以娱乐、广告、导购等功 能,是一个综合性电子商务网站系统。 本文以软件工程方法学为指导设计并实现沃尔玛超市商品销售与管理系统。首先 对系统的可行性及需求进行分析,接着进行数据库的设计、软件结构的设计,最后对 销售子系统、信息更新子系统等进行详细设计并在 ASP.NET 平台下采用 ADO.NET 等技 术编程实现。系统运行结果良好,达到预期目标。 关键词:沃尔玛;电子商务;商品销售与管理系统;B2C INTRODUCTION II INTRODUCTION E-commerce, the direct product of the booming development of Internet, leads the new direction for network technology and its application. E-commerce will not only change business itself in production, operation and management, but also have great impacts on economic operation and social structure across the broad. The B2C e-commercial market demonstrates a business reverse called “blowout”, and increasingly tends to take the place of C2C to be the most significant mainstream in online shopping, owing to its competitive advantage to C2C in the core link of the series including quality, brand and after-sales services supplied by B2C platform. Seeing the broad space for development and promising prospect in Chinese e-commerce, definitely, the worldwide retail leader Wal-Mart is longing to take a share of the spoils in the infant market which is flourishingly growing. B2C is an abbreviation of Business-to-Consumer, which is one kind of mode of e- commerce i.e. Commerce and Retail usually said to sale and serve for customers directly. E- commerce in this formula, generally speaking, gives first place to network retail to launch sales activities on line with the help of Internet. The merchandise sales and management system on the basis of B2C established by Wal- Mart after its entry in Chinese B2C market is playing a cumulatively important role in corporate growth. In this information- oriented era, to create a merchandise sales and management system with enhanced features and functionality as well as to build an e- commercial-system platform assume increasing significance for Wal-Mart to develop in China. This system enforces the e-commercial management based on B2C structure by utilizing the innovative technology of network e-commerce, makes use of ASP.NET and SQL Server to be the development tool for dynamic website and backend database respectively. In addition to these, it also takes the advantages of web server and customer browser with the high efficiency and low cost of electronic means to supply the exchange platform on mobile phone for clients to release commercial information and advertisements on the internet, in this way, the users can consult or subscribe commodities, being offered the round-the-clock, better, and faster room for commercial activities, which realizes the fundamental function of exchanging on line. The website, moreover, is an integrated e-commercial website which dominates in the on lined exchange function with combining the other functions like entertainment, advertisement, and shopping guide. This thesis shows the design and the achievement of the merchandise sales and management system for Wal-Mart supermarket with the guide of the theory of software INTRODUCTION III engineering and methodology. In the passage, the analysis and demand followed by the designs for database and software structure of this system are demonstrated. Ultimately, the specific program for sales and information renewing subsystems, as well as the realizing program using the tec


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